Local quarantine among plans to control the spread of the British strain of COVID-19


“If the indicators start to deteriorate, there should be more restraint on new versions and revision of scenarios of what we can and cannot open,” the adviser told BNS on Friday.

“Local closures would probably be considered in those municipalities where the situation really got worse,” he added.

The National Public Health Laboratory reported another 108 new cases of the British strain of COVID-19 on Thursday.

Mainly in Vilnius and Marijampolė counties (68 and 11).

“You can see that the British variety is really spreading in Lithuania. If 13% was found in the February samples, it is now 21.6%. This strain is common in all samples (…) The situation needs to be All this shows that the variety is spreading, but the speed is not that high, “said Ž.Gudlevičienė.

According to him, the rate and mass of quarantine releases also depend on the spread of this variety.

“However, as the percentage increases, it is necessary to monitor it and therefore those releases really cannot be urgent, massive,” said the prime minister’s health adviser.

To date, 188 cases of the British COVID-19 strain have been identified in Lithuania. Experts say this strain is spreading faster and leading to higher mortality.
