Other laws in Pravieniškės: Crippled prisoner and prosecutors say there was no crime


But at the same time, prosecutors admit that for a long time they were unreasonable in claiming that the prisoner was injured by drug use, even when doctors who monitored the convict affected by the coma for several months said they were unaware of it. .

Vytautas Zlatkauskas, a 37-year-old from Vilnius, who has become a “vegetable” in a prison, about the hell he experienced in a correctional facility. Delphi The pre-trial investigation into his stay was halted again because, according to the prosecutor’s office, “no act has been committed with signs of a crime or misdemeanor.”

The man was mutilated for life, but there was no crime: the pre-trial investigation was interrupted by Kaišiadorys prosecutor Aldona Vitkauskienė, then this decision was endorsed by Kaunas prosecutor Raimonda Jančiauskienė.

Liubovė Kuprusevičienė, a former Vilnius prosecutor who has now started to represent V. Zlatkauskas’s interests for free, is shocked by the prosecutors’ decision: During the pre-trial investigation, not even the necessary measures were taken to reveal the act. criminal committed in prison. Not only that, according to the lawyer, the prosecutor’s office transferred the burden of gathering evidence to the victim: if he was harmed, prove it yourself and then we’ll see what to do.

The pre-trial investigation into the injuries inflicted on the convict is completed a second time; For the first time, neither Pravieniškė officials nor the Kaišiadorys prosecutor have tried to find out in detail what actually happened when the convict was injured. Until now, no one cared that the crippled prisoner had been moved to a place where he was in danger. Only when he became interested in this story Delphi and a shocking interview with V. Zlatkauskas was announced, the prosecutor’s office decided to resume the pre-trial investigation, which ended a year and a half ago and had already been shelved. The victim was questioned the same day, with three suspects identified immediately, but only two suspects, a third who had already served his sentence and left for the UK. Officials did not even question it.

Aldona Vitkauskiene

Aldona Vitkauskiene

© DELFI / Domantas Pipas

L. Kuprusevičienė, who began to represent the interests of the mutilated prisoner, has no doubt that a detailed and objective investigation of the events at the Pravieniškės Correctional Facility could only be carried out by officials unrelated to this institution, investigators from the Board of Kaunas County Criminal Police LSC Violent Crime Investigation. Furthermore, the lawyer requests that the Immunity Service be ordered to initiate an investigation into the actions of the Pravieniškės Correctional Center officers.

V. Zlatkauskas was convinced and recognized as a victim that the investigation should be carried out by officials not related to the prison.

“I ask you to objectively investigate my injury case, not to hide everything that was and how the administration was ordered to hide, but to make everything public, because I and the cobra are two specific enemies,” said V. Zlatkauskas with difficulty. “When I write that I have ‘fallen’ from a ‘cobra’ to a coma, it is nonsense, so I ask you once again to objectively examine all the material and make the right decisions.”

V. Zlatkauskas stated that he had been beaten, other prisoners wanted to kill him, but the police not only did not try, but did not intend to explain it, therefore, they would like the investigation not to be carried out by the Institution officials. Pravieniškės Correctional Facility But By Another Law Institution: After All, The Pravieniškės Himself For many years, officials did not notice or did not want to notice the operation of the Pravieniškės mafia in the area, and Kaišiadorys prosecutors did not even object to the release of the criminals who headed the prison unofficially, “The Pravieniškės mafia was released.” Officials of the Prosecutor General’s Office and the Lithuanian Criminal Police Office were interested in the ills that occur at the correctional center.

L. Kuprusevičienė, the attorney for V. Zlatkauskas, who was recognized as a victim by the decision of the Kaišiadorys prosecutor A. Vitkauskienė, appealed to the Kaunas Regional Court; It will only depend on the decision of the judges of this court if the police will be forced to delve into the It will also depend on this decision if everyone in Lithuania is equal before the law and crimes in prisons will not be tolerated.

The future of the officers working in Pravieniškės will also depend on this decision, albeit indirectly, whether they will have to take responsibility for the terrible events in the prison.

I didn’t think I would survive

About Pravieniškės in 2017 December 13 V. Zlatkauskas Delphi he said in October last year, then the convict himself contacted the editorial office and asked him to go to prison. If you look at Vitautas and listen to his difficult words, you will not suspect that he is only 37 years old. After the injuries sustained, doctors prescribed 50 percent. Workability, despite the fact that the man has difficulty walking, speaks incomprehensibly, cannot hold a pen in his hand. The tragic story that took place in the correctional facility more than two years ago completely changed a man’s life: today he is learning to live again.

Vytautas Zlatkauskas

Vytautas Zlatkauskas

© DELFI / Orestas Gurevičius

“I am like a little boy,” he said.

After telling his shocking story, the prisoner wanted only one thing: that the police finally discover what really happened on the night of December 13 in Pravieniškės, when he soon found himself immersed in a deep coma from the platoon to which Vytautas had just been transferred. . He was taken to the Kaunas clinics by ambulance. No one believed that man would survive.

Immediately after this event, a pre-trial investigation into a serious health disorder was started in Pravieniškės. March 27 was terminated: Kaišiadorys A. Vitkauskienė prosecutor, who evaluated the material of the Criminal Intelligence Officers of the Pravieniškės Correctional Center during the investigation, decided that no crime had been committed, – Vytautas was injured when he used the substance psychotropic “cobras” (poisons, gasoline, glue and other chemicals are unknown in composition).

But after Delphi R. Jačiauskienė, the Chief Prosecutor of the 6th Division of the Kaunas Prosecutor’s Office, decided to resume the pre-trial investigation and ordered to find out if blood tests were performed at Kaunas clinics where Vytautas went into a coma and was found to have used narcotic or psychotropic substances. , as well as to find out where the convict obtained these substances: responsibility must be assumed not only by drug traffickers, but also by the staff of the correctional center who cannot guarantee that the prisoners will not be surprised.

Vitautas later said that the officers had conducted the only interrogation when he was recovering from a coma, but were still having difficulty navigating the environment, which the officer who arrived at the hospital ward told him he was guilty of using ” You get paid “and ordered to sign as if A previously written survey protocol. I don’t remember, I don’t remember.

Vitautas claimed that he had been beaten, other prisoners wanted to kill him, but the police did not even try to explain these circumstances.

“I don’t understand how the pre-trial investigation ended: I was beaten, I don’t remember anything about myself, I only know from the tongues that had jumped into my head, my legs and arms were broken, which left me disabled”, said the man. – For me, that day is like a black dot. I remember coming to the camera, putting the bag on, and I don’t remember anything else. Officials write that I smoked “cobra”, but “cobra” and I are two specific enemies. I have never used, I do not use and I will not start taking.

They prayed they wouldn’t survive

And when it appears Delphi V. Zlatkauskas, who was interviewed the same day for the article, told officials that as soon as he entered the new living space, he placed his personal belongings and a mattress on which he had to sleep.

“It was dark in the room,” he said. – As soon as I put things on, I immediately felt a blow behind my back and on the nape of my neck. What happened next, I don’t remember, I woke up alone in the incarceration place hospital. “

Vytautas Zlatkauskas

Vytautas Zlatkauskas

© DELFI / Orestas Gurevičius

The prisoner said that a year after the incident, when he was returned from the hospital to continue his sentence, he learned from a convict that while he was unconscious, other convicts had “hit a sock with a piece of lead on the back and jumped on his head”. When one prisoner ordered his friends incarcerated in the same cell to stop, another prisoner V. Zlatkauskas parakanu (metal stick – Delphi) hit her legs.

“Then someone poured water on me because I wanted to wash myself, because I was all bloody,” Vytautas recounted the story of the “friend” of the camera.

And then the officers were summoned, and they took the wounded convict to the doctors.

“They told me that the convicts were praying that he would not survive and that no one would know the circumstances of the incident,” he said.

The convict claimed that he had not used drugs in prison, and prior to this incident he had warned the director of the correctional institution, Dainius Sušinskas, that he could not live in that unit because he would be treated.

Even a year after he was returned to the prison after the hospital, he did not want to leave him alone, – V. Zlatkauskas was instructed to continue serving his sentence in the same platoon where the man who beat him was still serving his sentence. When the prisoner refused to go there, he received a disciplinary sanction: 12 days in solitary confinement, but was taken to the hospital on the instructions of Dr. Mindaugas Bekešius because he was unable to be there due to his state of health.

According to V. Zlatkauskas, the director of the correctional facility D. Sušinskas has repeatedly persuaded him not to make the event public, saying that “they will close their eyes, they will not see me and I will not make those people public.”

“RE. Sušinskas, when he found out that he would give an interview, had personally come to ask me not to speak, because, according to the director, he and I are victims of the circumstances, but due to this decision of the commission I did not disable, nor I can’t even hold a pen, Zlatkauskas.

A witness who does not believe

The fact that V. Zlatkauskas had been wounded by convicts imprisoned in the same cell was officially confirmed to the officers by a convict, to whom the same participant had reported the injury of the injured person. However, the officials who carried out the pre-trial investigation do not believe in him: that V. Zlatkauskas was injured when he fell and fell.

Pravieniškės officials, who saw V. Zlatkauskas after the injuries, stated that the convict was intoxicated with drugs, but could not justify these statements with any documents. When Kaunas doctors finally indicated that the wounded condemned man was not intoxicated, the prosecutor in charge of the investigation stated that the circumstances of the use of narcotic or psychotropic substances by the indisputable victim had not been confirmed immediately after the incident.

Liubovė Kuprusevičienė

Liubovė Kuprusevičienė

In the past, this was the main reason V. Zlatkauskas was injured: When no data was found to corroborate this proposed version, officials discovered that the prisoner was still injured, although he was not intoxicated. He fell and was injured. And so, the convicts who were brought in by the suspects spoke word for word, and the correctional institution officers who were responsible for their supervision that night but did not see the incident directly. Not surprising, according to V. Zlatkauskas’ lawyer, because officials are interested in completing the investigation.

At that time, the testimony of the witness who recounted how the violence against V. Zlatkauskas had been violated was recognized as unreliable and partial.

“In order not to take responsibility for the delay in the investigation, the pre-trial investigative officers and prosecutors who controlled the investigation simply thwarted the investigation by gathering data that could only refute the victim’s testimony, ignoring the testimony of an important impartial witness and rescuing officers and convicts. ” L. Zupkauskas’ lawyer, L. Kuprusevičienė, is convinced.

The officers knew everything

The defender believes that to carry out a thorough investigation, it is necessary to obtain data on the actual degree of V. Zlatkauskas’ health disorder, therefore, it is necessary to designate a complex forensic examination and examine the victim directly, since the Pravieniškės Correctional Center nurse wrote a certificate with nothing to do with reality. .

“It is necessary to assign a complex forensic examination to the victim based not only on medical documents, but also directly examining the victim V. Zlatkauskas,” believes my lawyer. – It should be noted that the victim has a documented disability of 50%. he is completely unfounded by his ability to work, does not correspond to reality and goes beyond simple logic: he cannot even hold a pen in his hands, he cannot write, he speaks hard, he cannot do any work “.

The following words of the lawyer are confirmed by the conversation with V. Zlatkauskas:

According to L. Kuprusevičienė, the material collected during the pre-trial investigation contains sufficient data that V. Zlatkauskas was attacked and beaten and the health of the convicts, who served the sentence together, was seriously disturbed.

“Obviously, the crime they have committed must be classified as a serious and extremely cruel disruption to a person’s helpless health,” he said.

In asking the Kaunas Regional Court to resume the pre-trial investigation, the lawyer also noted that there were still delays in expressing suspicion against the guilty persons, although Pravieniškė Criminal Intelligence officers had been aware of the fact that they had been injured. V. Zlatkauskas from the beginning of the pre-trial investigation.

“The prosecutor’s hasty decision to end the pre-trial investigation without finding that a criminal offense has been committed is at least incomprehensible and shocking, as the case file shows that the last pre-trial investigation in the case concerned the service of suspects. “

Delphi He contacted the Prison Department and requested information on whether an investigation into this incident had been carried out at the Pravieniškės Correctional Center, so we hope to supplement the information.

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