Armonaitė: financial aid for companies may increase


As the portfolio of grants for the second stage is 70 million. EUR, this is the installed ceiling of 100 thousand. due to limited resources. However, (…) we are monitoring the situation and I do not rule out the possibility that we increase that ceiling, because we see that the quarantine continues to work, ”the minister told the press on Tuesday.

She said this after representatives from hotels, restaurants, tourism and sports and health companies, which were particularly affected by the quarantine restrictions, gathered for a protest on Tuesday. Evalda Šiškauskienė, president of the Lithuanian Hotel and Restaurant Association, who participated in it, stated that the government is being asked, among other things, to change the supporting rules – to abolish 100 thousand euro subsidy ceiling.

According to the minister, the second aid package is being coordinated with the European Commission. She said she was confident her measures would go into effect in April.

A. Armonaitė urged entrepreneurs to use the first aid package with a portfolio of 150 million. So far 50 million euros have been received. euros.

“Companies should not be afraid and apply through the CTI system. The big news is that if you meet the criteria and now 30 percent. lower billing and meet 60%. billing, you will be able to request both stages of the subsidies ”, said the Minister.

He also emphasized that Invega runs a facility specifically for catering, lodging and tour operators, which is eligible.

According to A. Armonaitė, it is expected that the business support will be distributed while the quarantine continues, but it is not ruled out that it will be necessary for some time for the business that has resumed its activities.

E. Šiškauskienė, who participated in the protest in Vilnius, stated that the Government is being asked to change the supporting rules – to abolish 100 thousand. A maximum grant limit of € 1 billion is also requested to help people who return to work, to reimburse rent for restaurants and for hotels for utilities and fixed costs.

Representatives from the tourism and sports and health sectors also participated in Tuesday’s protest. They asked the government for support and release.
