



2021 March 16

2021 March 15 “The Vilnius Regional Prosecutor’s Office has launched a pre-trial investigation into possible incitement to hatred against homosexuals in a document published by Vito Tomkus on portal.lt. Prosecutor Gintarė Vitkauskaitė-Šatkauskienė reported that the group was launched last Friday, and also confirmed that the investigation had been launched in an article published in March by the editor-in-chief of the portal, V. Tomkus, entitled “The welfare state is the smallest power plus the digitization of the world!” So far, no complaints have been made in this investigation.

Jonas Valaitis, editor of the portal jarmo.net, reported that he had requested this publication from the Prosecutor’s Office.

The online portal Republikas.lt is owned by UAB “RESPUBLIKOS” LEIDINIAI.

Article 170 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Lithuania “Incitement against any nation, race, ethnicity, religion or other group of persons” regulates the acts for which a legal person is also responsible.

Paragraphs 1 to 3 of article 170 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Lithuania do not foresee any act whose characteristics can be seen in the portalublika.lt 2021 m. March 9 published in the article “Vitas Tomkus: the welfare state is the power of pedophiles plus the digitization of the whole world!” (hereinafter, the “Article”; a copy is attached).

The genre of the article is columnar. It is a form of prose known, recognized, and actively practiced throughout the developed world for more than two hundred years. The article, through the characteristic humorous prism of the column, comically presents an opinion on the government and the processes that take place in it, thus implementing constitutional and internationally recognized and respected freedoms and rights.

The title and content of the article is an opinion on power and the processes that take place in it, not on a group of people named based on their sexual orientation.

Therefore, it is quite obvious that the article was not and could not have been objectively incited, possibly even, against a group of people of any sexual orientation.

Article 236 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Lithuania establishes criminal responsibility for a false report or notification of a non-existent crime.

In the opinion of the UAB “RESPUBLIKOS” LEIDINIAI, in the case of appealing to the Public Prosecutor in relation to the article, an act could have been committed that had the characteristics of an act provided for in article 236 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Lithuania.

Taking into account the above and in accordance with articles 2, 164, 166, 169 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Republic of Lithuania and other relevant regulations,

Vilnius Regional Prosecutor’s Office, please:

(1) Initiate a pretrial investigation based on the circumstances set forth in this statement;

2) in accordance with the procedure established by the Criminal Procedure Code of the Republic of Lithuania, to investigate whether there are no indications of criminal acts provided for in the Criminal Code of the Republic of Lithuania and adopt a legitimate and reasonable procedural decision. .

Attachment: Copy of the article.

Diana Veleckienė, Director of PUBLICATIONS RESPUBLIKOS UAB

Soros Press Review: Prosecutor’s Office Launches Pre-Trial Investigation for Incitement to Hate in Tomusk Trial

Lithuanian Renaissance, March 11 patriotic marches.

The Vilnius Regional Prosecutor’s Office has launched a pre-trial investigation into possible incitement to hatred against homosexual people in an article published by Vito Tomkus on the bankas.lt website.

The representative of the Public Prosecutor’s Office Gintarė Vitkauskaitė-Šatkauskienė informed BNS that the investigation into a possible incitement against a group of people named on the grounds of sexual orientation began last Friday. He also confirmed that the investigation had been initiated due to the article published in March by the editor of the main portal V. Tomkus “The welfare state is the government of pedestals plus the digitization of the whole world!”, Jonas Valaitis, editor of the portal jarmo .net, reported in a press release.

(LRT, DELFI, 15min, Lrytas, TV3, the Alpha portals were the first to rush to share this information)



Anonymous Correspondent (Fear of signing so as not to plant too).

– How did you react to the news that Tamsta had launched a pre-trial investigation for hate speech?

– Normal. I do not believe in a single word what the Soros press writes. Probably another “duck”.

– But it is announced not only by Soros, but also by the Lithuanian media. For example, “Lietuvos rytas”. Isn’t that why Tamsta is scary?

– I already said: everything is normal. Even, I would say natural. As far as I know, Vainauskas is trying to get planted for a bribe. Clearly, he feels awkward and scary alone in prison. He probably chose me as a partner. Definitely not bad. I can play cards, play squares, I remember some jokes. He will definitely not be sad with me. Good choice! And why are you trying to condemn me?

– For the incitement to hatred in the column “The welfare state is the power of pedophiles plus the digitization of the entire country.”

– A, then normal. The proofreading error probably occurred … I wanted to punish the proofreader myself, but couldn’t. The prosecutors caught up with me. Maybe it’s a good thing: if the concealer is planted, I won’t have to pay you the compensation. It would only be nice to hurry because you can go on maternity leave.

– What holiday ?!

– Normal. I always fuck my employees for their mistakes. Otherwise, there will be no order at the publisher.

– And what is that mistake?

– Normal. The title of the article has been distorted. He wrote: “The welfare state is the power of pedophiles plus the digitization of the entire country.” Because “pidralism” is more in line with the old motto: “Communism is the Soviet power plus the electrification of the whole country!” Now, through that proofreader, Gita’s welfare state has been hit. I suspect VSD installed it for me. Nothing! Prosecutors will find out. When they want, they pay. Of course, if they are not disturbed by the security forces. Because he has all the material on the former Kaggis.

– And won’t there be more in the column of law enforcement officers?

– It can be attached to anything normally … Do you think I remember what I wrote there? I’ve been writing so much lately that I can’t read everything anymore. What was interesting there?

– Anyway. Nothing new. He writes that the president appointed Landsberg instead of himself. Praise him that he is “tall and beautiful” …

– Silly stuff! Kupriukas Landsbergis – “tall and beautiful”? So I really wrote …

– It seems to me that Tamsta addressed the president.

– To who? There are two now! What is the backup? If Nausėda is offended, I can make amends: she is neither tall nor beautiful. And small and ugly. Also, a promise. He promised to welcome us into the Welfare State, vaccinate us in Mindauginiai, unite us, reconcile us, and he turns out to be a liar liar, he does not keep his words, the conservatives do not listen …

– Maybe we will finish the interview, because maybe another case will be filed …

– But I haven’t talked about the second president yet. Not only is he not a president, but a used president …

– Ghana, pretty. Thanks for the conversation. Just the last question, don’t you feel sorry for the name “pedophile”? Just specifically, no deductions …

– Of course, I could have called those disgusting pedophiles who harm our state more beautiful. But the Nation would not have understood me. I think I sympathize with criminals. After that, they would have been chosen for the Seimas. And there all kinds of gay professionals land on ordinary bullets. Unpleasant …

– In the end, what would you like to wish your readers?

– You think it’s over? Oh, I will fight again. And I encourage readers to speak frankly. No defaults or suggestions. Leave room for interpretation for the malicious. If any aggressive Tamsta poodle turns out to be dangerous to the public, it is necessary to inform everyone out loud that it is necessary to shoot them immediately, at least once a day …

– Thank you, thank you very much for the interview. I no longer hear anything, I no longer say anything, you no longer tell me anything …

– And if I write to you, will you dare to print without me? Hello! You listen
