One of the Most Dangerous Types of Glaucoma in Virginia Was Found By Chance: The News Was Shocking Because The Vision Was Great | Lifetime


The woman says she didn’t feel any signs of developing glaucoma until the fatal eye exam. “My vision was great, so I was surprised by the news of glaucoma. He knew the sad consequences of not treating the disease. I could only be happy that I was diagnosed with glaucoma at the beginning of the disease and had not yet managed to do my dirty work, ”he opens.

In the early stages, glaucoma does not usually cause discomfort, but even without feeling any signs of the disease, the field of vision slowly narrows, making it difficult to orient in the environment, as vision becomes “through the tube “.

“Lesions develop in both eyes, but at a different rate, so when viewed with both eyes, vision doesn’t seem to change and patients don’t even suspect they may have glaucoma. This also happened to this patient, because she did not have any vision problems when she came for a preventive check-up, ”says Prof. Ophthalmologist, Head of the Ophthalmology Consultative Diagnosis Department at the Kaunas Eye Disease Clinic. Dr. Ingrida Janulevičienė.

According to the professor, one of the most dangerous types of glaucoma has been identified in Virginia: chronic angle-closure glaucoma. “Patients with this form often develop an attack of glaucoma. This means that fluid builds up in the back chamber of the eye and causes severe pain in the eye when it cannot drain. Untreated disease develops fairly quickly and vision is irreversibly lost, ”says the ophthalmologist.

To avoid the possibility of a glaucoma attack, Virginia underwent laser eye surgery at the Kaunas clinics. “The holes are formed in the iris with a laser beam, which allow the ocular fluid to drain”, explains prof. Dr. I. Janulevičienė. “Currently, the patient’s eyes are in good condition, the disease is not progressing, the eyelid is stable and the intraocular pressure is not high.”

The doctor notes that once a diagnosis of glaucoma is made, the patient’s eye condition is monitored throughout life. “The eye can get used to a long-term treatment regimen and the pressure in the eye can increase due to other diseases. There may be normal intraocular glaucoma when the intraocular pressure is relatively normal, but the condition of the optic nerve aggressively deteriorates and the visual defects progress. To avoid such negative consequences, it is necessary to visit an ophthalmologist regularly “, says the professor. nuotr./Regėjimas nuotr./Regėjimas

Virginia is happy to have preserved her vision after learning about the disease in time. “After the operation, I felt very well and drove home. I have long forgotten what eye pain is, even though I had medication at home,” smiles the woman. – And I could have lost my sight if I had not checked my eye condition at that time. I am glad that all those 17 years I was supervised by prof. Dr. Ingrida Janulevičienė. I am only grateful to him for being able to see the world and live a normal life “, they do not forgive the doctors of good words to the woman.
