Germany suspends vaccination with AstraZeneca due to blood clotting incidents


“Following new reports of cerebrovascular thrombosis associated with vaccination in Germany and Europe, PEI [Paulio Erhlicho institutas] believes that more research is needed, ”the Health Ministry said, citing the country’s authority responsible for surveillance of vaccination.

“The European Medicines Agency (EMA) will decide whether and how the new findings will affect the approval of this vaccine,” the ministry added.

Several European countries, including Ireland and the Netherlands, have also frozen the use of AstraZeneca, a drug developed in collaboration with the University of Oxford.

The UK and Sweden-based company and Oxford University said there was no link between the vaccine and increased blood clotting.

AstraZeneca reported that 15 cases of deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and 22 cases of pulmonary embolism were reported in vaccinated people. According to the company, this figure is “much lower than would be expected under natural conditions in the general population” in terms of total injections.

The vaccine is widely used for vaccination in Britain, but the European Union has experienced an interruption in the supply of AstraZeneca.
