Another European country throws AstraZeneca vaccine in the trash –


Ireland stopped vaccinating the population with COVID-19 AstraZeneca on Sunday following reports of blood clots after the vaccine.


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AstraZeneca vaccine. Photo by EPA-Elta

“Vaccination with the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine has been temporarily suspended as of this morning, Sunday, March 14,” a Health Department spokesman told AFP.

This decision follows a recommendation from the National Advisory Committee on Immunization (CANI) to stop vaccination. According to the committee, the recommendation is made “as a precaution, following the notification by the Norwegian Medicines Agency of four new cases of heavy blood clots after vaccination.”

“There are no links” between the AstraZeneca vaccine and blood clots, and it was stopped “pending further information,” said Ronan Glynn, Ireland’s deputy chief medical officer, in a statement.

According to the latest data updated on Wednesday, 570,000 have been used in Ireland so far. all doses of vaccines, of which 109 thousand. – AstraZeneca vaccine dose.

A spokesman for AstraZeneca, meanwhile, said that “our analysis of safety data, which includes 17 million doses of vaccine do not indicate an increased risk of blood clots.”

“The number of such cases among recipients of the AstraZeneca vaccine is even lower than that which would have occurred naturally in the unvaccinated population,” the AstraZeneca report said.

5 million In Ireland, a population of 4,534 people died from COVID-19.

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