Saulius Skambinas spoke about health problems


Fortunately, according to Ruslan, many ailments can be solved with the help of nature, it is only important to notice the signals sent by the body in time.

Renowned chef R. Bolgov agreed to speak openly about male problems that arise with age and natural ways to solve those problems effectively. The man admits that first of all, the well-being of a person depends on the internal psychological balance that, according to the boss, is the food that he can provide.

“The good emotions that arise during food production or communication at the table give a lot of strength. My inner well-being is very important to me and if you want to have it well, you have to change your food over the years. The older a person is, the easier it is to digest food, ”Ruslan opened.

Talking about masculinity issues is not easy for anyone, especially if the man had felt healthy before. However, research shows that an exhausted male body, constant fatigue, stress, and anxiety can negatively impact not only emotional health, but sexual health as well.

“If I feel like my energy and work capacity are starting to wane, I have to get through the day at least once a week without getting out of bed. Well, when it comes to the problems that men face, if life is full of good emotions, there is a good aura in the family, then even a simple cooked sausage can give a man a boner, ”joked the chef.

Impotence is often seen by men as an irreversible process, but according to experts, the failure of sexual ability can also be temporary, caused by psychological or physical reasons. Unfortunately, medical practice shows that men tend to ignore signals sent by the body, avoid seeking help, and seek medical advice.

“Sex and sexual activity as a couple is very important. Without a regular sex life, you undoubtedly suffer from relationships, stress increases, anger increases. The exhausted body of a man can be helped by a clear agenda, physical activity reduces the expression of anxiety and tension, depression by up to 60% and, most importantly, let’s talk among ourselves that a loved woman does not consider the cynicism of the changed man’s behavior. , but and meaning, ”said psychiatrist Dr. Vytautas Alekna.

Chef Ruslan Bolgov ensures that everyone’s health is directly related to eating habits. However, due to the stressful pace of life, many men forget to take care of their body, do not follow the principles of a balanced diet and do not ensure that the body receives an adequate daily intake of vitamins and minerals.

“I am in favor of natural products. You may need to use them for a longer time to feel the result, but nature has already given us everything, only sometimes that nature is contained in a capsule of food supplements. Men often think that their illness will not affect them, but I visit the doctor at least twice a year and get a health check.

Over the years, it needs to be more and more protected and cared for, which is normal due to the fact that the body is aging. And if you don’t want to think about yourself, think about your other half, so that you can do your best to see it and enjoy it for as long as possible, “says Ruslan Bolgov.

J. Sakalauskas, who has contracted the coronavirus, strengthens the body in a sanatorium

In the summer, Jonas Sakalauskas, director of the Lithuanian National Opera and Ballet Theater, who had been suffering from a severe form of the COVID-19 virus for a whole month, needed extra oxygen in hospital.

He was also treated for blood transfusions. And although John overcame this serious illness, the virus inevitably left its mark on man’s health. To strengthen immunity and regain strength, the director of the opera and ballet theater came to Druskininkai, where doctors with many years of experience in rehabilitation and treatment prepared a special sanatorium treatment rehabilitation program specifically for people with the COVID-19 virus. .

“I am glad that the fight against this virus is intensifying in Lithuania, but I am even more glad that a rehabilitation program for people who have contracted the COVID-19 virus has appeared. It is effective and allows everyone to return to a normal and healthy life. I felt that the virus had left its residual phenomena to health, therefore, the procedures alleviate that condition, and the environment of Druskininkai is extremely relaxing. I feel calm, both in body and spirit, “he said J. Sakalauskas.

How does the dancer S. Callin protect the heart?

Dancer Saulius Skambinas was faced with the need to take care of his health in life as a teenager, when due to his rapid growth he began to have pain in his joints and pelvic bones, sometimes causing his heart to shrink. However, all the attention to well-being ended there, because the most important thing at that time was dance.

“It was possible to go to competitions and dance even with a fever or a broken toe. I did not survive at all. Of course, as athletes, we focused on health, but sometimes goals and results were the most important things in life.

Well, and then when I was already working as a coach, I once felt that my strength and energy were starting to decrease, that even the joy of everything I was doing was gone. Then I had to take medicine to strengthen my heart, ”Saulius Skambinas said of his heart health.

In the “Thank You Doctor” section, thank you for your health preserved after cancer disease and joint replacement surgery.

Seventeen years ago, economist, active public figure Gediminas Žižys heard the diagnosis of oncological disease.

The active man not only began to fight against the disease, but also founded the Lithuanian Prostate Cancer Society, became one of the founders of POLA and was the vice president of the organization. And the doctors who helped overcome the serious cancer disease are still grateful today.

“Lithuanian medicine is at a very high level and the doctors are amazing. From my experience with cancer disease, I can say that sincere care from doctors treats more than medicine,” Gediminas spared no kind words to doctors .

Medical exhibition “Sveikatos medis”, combining the long experience of Dr. Irena Pivoriūnienė and the youthful vigor of producer and producer Vaida Skaisgirė – NEW TIME – on Sundays at 12 noon. on TV8!
