Lithuanian “Father Alas”: an 8-year-old boy said he had heard the rapist pray in Latin


The lawsuit alleges that the 8-year-old Diocese of Kelley Catholic School sophomore experienced sexual violence while attending a “spiritual formation” lesson with Father Aloyz, Father Alas Volskis, according to .

The Archbishop of Vilnius, Gintaras Grušas, announced on Saturday that the archdiocese had received information that A. Volskis had arrived in 2010. He possibly raped an 8-year-old girl with drug suppression.

“Prayed in rape in Latin”

While he was in the staff room, the priest noticed that the boy was cold and offered him two blue pills, saying it was medicine; after swallowing them, he “entered a semi-conscious state.”

It is written that the child could not move but realized what was happening in the environment. According to the teenager, the priest raped and harassed him in the staff room. He claims to have heard A. Volski “moan and whisper prayers or hymns in Latin during the rape.” There were blood marks on the boy’s underwear after the rape, according to lawyers.

The boy told his mother that “he no longer wants lessons with the priest,” he soon closed down, stopped doing his homework and refused to go to school.

According to lawyers, A. Volskis continued to work at the school until 2011, until he was charged with assaulting another parishioner.

“The defendants then housed (the priest) in the church rectory … concealed his true whereabouts from the community and facilitated his escape from the country,” the attorneys wrote in the lawsuit.

The lawsuit claims that the student eventually suffered “trauma, anxiety, psychosis and depression.” Attending a Catholic school only compounded his health problems, and he then had to deal with psychological trauma for several years. The boy began to worry about whether the violence against him “made him a gay man.”

The boy did not reveal the priest’s abuse to his relatives until 2017-2018, because, according to him, A. Volskis threatened to deal with his family if he told someone about it. Relatives about the incident in the Diocese of Kelley and representatives of the Church of the Immaculate Conception three years ago.

The United States could not present itself as a cleric on suspicion of harassment.

The lawsuit alleges that the archdiocese and church officials for negligence, “willful disregard” toward the priest’s alleged conduct, and violation of the Elliott-Larsen Civil Rights Act for lack of “equal access to goods, services, amenities, privileges , benefits or accommodation Offered. “

In addition, the lawsuit alleges that the parish priest was transferred to the Immaculate Conception Church from another parish after being accused there of sexual crimes with another parishioner.

Archdiocese spokesman Ned McGrath told The Detroit News that the archdiocese had not received or investigated any allegations of priest abuse until 2011. The woman later complained that A. Volski was sexually harassed. “The woman’s complaint was sent to the Lapeer district authorities, who investigated and decided not to continue with the case. We carried out our investigation and assigned her a limited service after a few days,” he said, taking into account that the priest did not he could present himself as a clergyman.

In 2013, priest A. Volskis returned to Lithuania.
