15 interesting figures about the international Rail Baltica project | Deal


We invite you to get acquainted with 15 important and interesting things about the Rail Baltica project.

870 km. This is the total length of the Rail Baltica railway. Most of them (392 km) cross the territory of Lithuania, 265 km of Latvia and 213 km of Estonia.

5.8 mlrd. meyous. This is the estimated cost of the project. Rail Baltica is co-financed through the European Union (EU) Trans-European Infrastructure Network Mechanism. The EU finances 85%. of the total project costs, the rest by the countries themselves, ie Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia.

4 sections. The implementation of Rail Baltica in Lithuania is divided into 4 sections: Lithuanian-Polish border – Jiesia (Kaunas), Kaunas railway crossing, Kaunas railway lines – Vilnius and Kaunas – Lithuanian-Latvian border. In the first section, from the Polish-Lithuanian border to Jiesia, a 1,435 mm railway line has already been built and is in operation. it will be upgraded to a design speed of 249 km / h for passenger trains. Regular intermodal trains from the German town of Kaldenkirchen, on the Dutch border, reach this section at Šeštokai. During this section, a Kaunas-Bialystok (Poland) passenger train ran regularly before the pandemic. A special plan is currently being prepared for the modernization of this section.

2018 m. Reconstruction of the Jiesia-Rokai section at the reconstructed Kaunas railway crossing has been completed, works have been completed on the section from Kaunas to Palemonas, connecting the Kaunas intermodal terminal with Rail Baltica, as well as a development plan for Communications engineering infrastructure for Kaunas Railroad Crossing. Currently, a development plan for the communications engineering infrastructure of the Kaunas – Vilnius section is being prepared.

The project will remove the logistical barrier that currently exists in Northeast Europe.

5 countries. Rail Baltica is an exceptional railway infrastructure project that will connect the three Baltic countries, Finland and Poland. But not only them: the project will remove the logistical barrier that currently exists in Northeast Europe, and the lack of transport connections between European transit networks will ensure the full integration of the Baltic States with other European countries.

The project visualizations / Rail Baltica will connect the Baltic countries, Poland and Finland

The project visualizations / Rail Baltica will connect the Baltic countries, Poland and Finland

8 cities. 8 cities will be connected in convenient and fast routes: Helsinki – Tallinn – Parnu – Riga – Riga Airport – Panevezys – Kaunas – Vilnius – Warsaw.

249 km / val. This is the maximum passenger train design speed that high-speed passenger trains will be able to run on Rail Baltica tracks. The maximum speed allowed for freight trains will be 120 km / h.

2 trains. At night it will be possible to travel on two trains: Tallinn-Riga-Kaunas-Warsaw and Vilnius-Kaunas-Warsaw-Berlin.

12, 15 and 17. Overpasses and pedestrian tunnels, animal passages, embankments and excavations, noise barriers, protective fences, stations and stops – all these objects are already under construction or will be erected in the Baltic countries. Depending on the number of passengers, there will be three types of regional stations and stops: ordinary, large and platform. Rail Baltica’s business plan foresees the following number of stations and regional stops: in Estonia – 12, in Latvia – 15, in Lithuania – 17.

During the Rail Baltica project / project visualization, many new infrastructure objects will appear: viaducts, tunnels, etc.

During the Rail Baltica project / project visualization, many new infrastructure objects will appear: viaducts, tunnels, etc.

1510 meters A bridge of this length will cross the Neris near Jonava and will be the longest railway bridge in the Baltic countries. Until now, the longest bridge in Lithuania was the Lyduvėnai railway bridge, which was built through Dubysa, with a length of 599 m, and the longest bridge for cars was the bridge built over the Nemunas near Jurbarkas, with a length 494 m.

1510 A bridge of this length will rise across the Neris near Jonava.

100 times. A commuter by train damages the planet up to 100 times less than a commuter by car: after all, 1 to 4 passengers generally travel by car and up to 160 passengers by train. However, this is not the only good news about the environment. XXI a. Railways are significantly greener than other modes of transportation. In addition, Rail Baltica will be fully electrified, reducing CO2 emissions, pollution and noise. Rail is the only high-capacity mode of transport that is almost independent of fossil fuels, with an energy consumption of less than 2%. Energy consumption of European transport, although its market share exceeds 8.5%. In addition, Rail Baltica will significantly reduce the monetary impact of climate change due to economies of scale, as well as significantly reduce road maintenance costs and noise pollution, by implementing the modal shift from road to rail (both from passengers and cargo).

The RB Rail visualization / Rail Baltica project will allow to travel and transport goods by train in a sustainable, fast and safe way.

The RB Rail visualization / Rail Baltica project will allow to travel and transport goods by train in a sustainable, fast and safe way.

1 percent. Studies show that the probability of death per passenger per billion kilometers during high-speed train travel is less than 1 percent. Statistics show that, in terms of the number of fatal accidents, the railroad is almost 30 times safer than private cars and almost 3 times safer than public buses, despite relative differences in the number of injuries. Additionally, encouraging people to move more frequently from car to car and shifting cargo from tugboats to freight trains on public roads will significantly reduce heavy hauling. Therefore, there will naturally be a positive impact on road safety.

The railroad is almost 30 times safer than private cars.

36,000. The Rail Baltica project is expected to create new jobs in both directly and indirectly related or promoted industries. Businesses will be able to take advantage of Rail Baltica’s freight transport and multimodal logistics opportunities for freight delivery across Europe, and the service sector will be able to quickly and easily work across the region and take advantage of new growth opportunities.

Project visualizations / Graphic showing where it will be possible to travel from Lithuania on high-speed trains

Project visualizations / Graphic showing where it will be possible to travel from Lithuania on high-speed trains

2 val. Rail Baltica will connect the Baltic capitals (Vilnius, Riga and Tallinn) every two hours by high-speed train. The Rail Baltica high-speed trains from Tallinn to Warsaw and from Tallinn to Vilnius are also scheduled to run four times a day. And on the Vilnius-Kaunas-Warsaw route there will be up to ten trains a day. In fact, this will replace train travel in the Baltic States rather than closer to the rest of Europe, where this mode of travel is particularly popular with local and incoming tourists.

114 min. The journey from Vilnius to Riga by high-speed train will take 1 hour. 54 min.
