isolated changes await those from nine countries


Following the spread of the so-called British strain of coronavirus in many countries of the European Union, including Lithuania, it has been decided to apply improved measures to control communicable diseases only in countries with other coronavirus strains of concern or their spread, as well as countries with high rate of coronavirus infection.

However, in response to the changing epidemiological situation in Europe and the world, the Government this week forced all travelers arriving in Lithuania on international carrier routes not to have more than 72 hours in advance. negative result of a COVID-19 study conducted. Passengers should not be admitted to the vehicle without accrediting it.

Except for the exceptions provided above, this requirement will not apply to members of official delegations as of Monday.

Following the renewal of the identification procedure for affected countries, stricter restrictions will now apply to arrivals from countries where the Brazilian (P.1) or South African (B.1.351 or 501Y.V2) strains of coronavirus spread. .

Enhanced communicable disease control measures will also apply to those from countries and regions with a 14-day morbidity out of 100,000. the population is equal to or greater than 500. This indicator is based on data from the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control.
