after jokes about tanning: the strict answer of V. Čmilytė-Nielsen


While the members of the Seimas Budget and Finance Committee jokingly sent V.Ąžuolas several wishes to tan, some were angered by the overseas trips that took place only after the start of the spring session of the Seimas, due to the fact that Parliament’s job is being adjusted.

The president of the Seimas Viktorija Čmilytė-Nielsen also reacted to this, who approached the Ethics and Procedures Commission of the Seimas to find out if the peasant V.Ąžuolas, who went to Egypt during the session and did not inform the parliamentary board about it. , did not violate the statute.

He wished for a good tan, but raised the question of safety.

“It looks like we may have an exceptional – intercontinental – Budget and Finance Committee meeting,” Mykolas Majauskas, chairman of the Seimas Budget and Finance Committee, conservative, addressed parliamentarians who joined the remote committee meeting on Friday. .

This greeting was addressed to the peasant V.Ąžuolas, when he, a little late to join the remote meeting, did so from a hotel room in the Egyptian seaside resort of Sharm el-Sheikh. The portal was the first to announce that the deputy and his family went on vacation to Egypt only after the beginning of the spring session of the Seimas.

“Dear Valiau, have you joined us? It would be nice if you could show what’s behind the window ”- having seen V.Ąžuolas himself at a remote meeting, M. Majauskas addressed him.

“It’s hot, it’s beautiful, the sun,” replied V. respondióžuolas, greeting all the committee members.

It is true that although commission chair M. Majauskas immediately noted that he does not care whether colleagues join the “Maldives or the Moon” meetings, as long as they are honestly prepared for them, difficulties arose due to the closed EU affairs.

“Today there is a closed topic on the agenda: Lithuania’s position on EU affairs. And here the issue of cybersecurity is already arising. (…) Now I want to address my colleague V.Ąžuolas. You are connecting. from a third party. Can you make sure the connection is secure? ”asked M. Majauskas.

The peasant was not convinced of that, so he offered to leave the meeting during a closed question: “It may be better to disconnect, it will really be safer.”

Matas Maldeikis, who was elected a member of the Seimas from the conservative list, finally reacted to the situation, adding that EU-related issues should be postponed and leaving the question of whether a parliamentarian can join the session to the Ethics and Procedures Committee of the Seimas.

“I really wish you a good tan, with white jealousy because we would all like to go to the Maldives or somewhere now, but I don’t really understand what’s in the genre here. We have EU issues, maybe I’ll just come back as a committee member, then get acquainted and at this time let both the Seimas Board and the Ethics Commission be here, which has to examine these issues …

(…) Let other institutions decide, and we are simply not the ones who make those decisions and set a precedent. Let’s wish for a good sunbath, a good complex lunch and just disconnect, and let the committee member rest more, I think so, “said M. Maldeikis.

It was decided to postpone the topic.

After this speech, the Chairman of the Committee, M. Majauskas, also proposed to postpone the discussion of issues related to European affairs until next week, when all members of the Seimas Budget and Finance Committee will be in Lithuania.

“Colleagues, for the sake of consensus, I would suggest postponing the EU problems to Monday or next week, Wednesday, and we will solve them while we are here in Lithuania. Perhaps one day we will have an explanation from the cybersecurity center on whether it is safe. connect from third parties.

This time, I suggest not breaking the spears, only postponing the consideration of these issues until next week, we will do everything in accordance with the law, without setting new precedents ”, said M. Majauskas.

Committee member Vytautas Gapšys, “employee”, also wanted to comment on the situation. According to him, such an opportunity could be created for ministers during business trips.

“It just came to our attention then. The man is involved. There may be that security that our team should tell you how he has him there through a connected VPN or the like. And that is. And the fact that he is in another place, but it fulfills its functions, it’s great, “he said.

The Seimas Spokesperson addressed the Ethics and Procedures Commission

Seimas President V.Čmilytė-Nielsen also reacted to the situation on Friday and asked the Seimas Ethics and Procedures Commission to find out if the peasant V.Ąžuolas, who went to Egypt during the session and did not inform the parliamentary board , did not violate the statute.

“Today I contacted Aušrine Norkienė, the largest of the LVŽS faction, she confirmed that the Seimas member left without informing her. For my part, I appealed to the Ethics and Procedures Commission, asking them to examine this situation and say if not he has violated the Statute of the Seimas ”, said V. Čmilytė-Nielsen.

“He went on a personal trip, did not inform the board, did not ask for approval, it is necessary to do so during the session,” he emphasized.

According to the politician, the behavior of V.Ąžuolas, who belongs to the shadow peasant government, not only possibly violates the Statute of the Seimas, but at the same time sets an inappropriate example in the face of a pandemic.

“It just came to our knowledge then. If a member of the Seimas really went on a personal trip without consulting the Board of the Seimas, it is possible that he has violated the Statute. Another thing that is now a pandemic. This shows a certain attitude both towards the work of Seimas as towards safety both for oneself and for others ”, said the president of Seimas.

“I will remind you that it was one of the two members of the Seimas who most opposed the remote work of the Seimas, who tried the most to stop it. But today we see that he is almost ready to join the meetings from the pool,” he added.

“The ethics commission will examine all the precedents and will make a decision based on them,” the politician summarized.
