The Seimas has come up with the idea of ​​offering short-term vocational training courses to thousands of unemployed:


Representatives of the LVŽS faction in the Seimas stated that the unemployed do not participate actively enough in vocational training programs and propose to amend the law so that the unemployed can apply for shorter continuous courses, as currently only those who already have qualifications can choose such courses.

“Currently, 277 thousand unemployed are registered in Lithuania. Of these, 26 thousand. Long-term unskilled unemployed”, – calculates one of the initiators Lukas Savickas.

He explains that now the unemployed have no choice if they have not finished school: they have to study a full vocational training program, which is long. It is understandable for young people, but it is challenging for older people.

“If you’re over 25, it probably makes more sense to allow you to get a qualification quickly and get back into the job market,” says Savick.

He explained that the unqualified could be eligible for state support and a shorter education. After all, the Employment Service doesn’t have much to offer you right now. “Short” continuing education courses usually last a few weeks or several months.

“It is not attractive for the unemployed without qualifications to go to long-term programs,” says L. Savickas.

Lukas savickas

Lukas savickas

© DELFI / Andrius Ufartas

It is now regulated that continuing professional training is not intended to lead to a first qualification. According to L. Savickas, if continuing education were provided regardless of existing qualifications, it could allow you to obtain the required specialty faster than existing programs and return to the job market.

“According to this provision, VET providers cannot accept unemployed, long-term unemployed, not yet qualified but with diverse work experience and education in continuing vocational education programs,” argue the authors.

A small clarification in the law would allow the development of a wider circle of people in continuing professional training programs: people at least 25 years of age, regardless of whether they have acquired a qualification or not.

“People without education or professional qualifications, especially young people, are at risk of being unemployed and falling into groups of poverty and social exclusion. Furthermore, students from low-income families are twice as likely not to obtain a certificate of maturity or a professional qualification. Lithuania is among the EU countries where at-risk-of-poverty rates are among the highest “, the problem is described in the explanatory note.

The project was registered by L. Savickas, Linas Kukuraitis, Valius Ąžuolas and Tomas Tomilinas.

Seimas lawyers asked: what about quality?

The lawyers of the Seimas have already pointed out that, unlike higher education, which has clear levels, there are no defined higher levels in professional education that can be raised through studies.

“The acquired qualifications can be improved by studying according to a course that provides additional competencies (this is established by law). Taking the foregoing into account, we believe that the proposed regulation is incompatible with the foundations for the provision of professional training degrees established in the Education and Professional Training Law and applied in practice ”, concludes the Legal Department of Seimas.

It is also not clear to lawyers why there is only one age criterion that allows “shortened” professional training programs.

“An older person may or may not have the significant previously acquired competencies assumed by the authors of the project, which would allow them to apply an abbreviated learning course,” the conclusion reads.

The Seimas has had the idea of ​​offering short-term vocational training courses to thousands of unemployed:

It is emphasized that the quality of abbreviated continuing education courses will differ from initial professional training programs. Therefore, it is proposed to request a Government Finding.

Ministry: People with work experience could acquire qualifications more quickly

The Ministry of Social Security and Labor (SADM) ensures that the problem is known and the issue is being addressed together with the Ministry of Education, Science and Sports and possible reforms to the Professional Training Law are being coordinated.

Currently, continuing professional training programs are not intended for the acquisition of a first degree. Unskilled people, even with work experience, skills and practical knowledge in the labor market, would not be able to study in a continuing professional training program. Learning in initial vocational training programs takes much longer, as it also includes general subjects that are often necessary for young people who have just finished school and do not have the experience to work. General admission to initial training programs takes place several times a year. And employers need qualified employees, properly trained and motivated here and now, ”says the Ministry of Social Affairs.

Shorter programs should be more aimed at people with specific qualifications and work experience.

Employment Service

Employment Service

© Company archive

“Employers generally need workers urgently, so training a skilled worker in the shortest time possible and meeting the needs of employers in a rapidly changing job market will be a priority for the employment system,” the ministry said.

It is explained that although some of the unemployed do not have formal qualifications, they already have work experience and could successfully acquire skills and start working in a shorter period of time.

“Most of them have already formed a family, so continuing professional training would be more accessible and compatible with family responsibilities,” explains the Ministry of Social Affairs.

The employment service lacks short training

However, the Employment Service, which finances the training of the unemployed, assures that the solution proposed in the Seimas would open up opportunities to acquire professional qualifications for job seekers who do not have them. After all, continuing education programs are available only to those who already have a first qualification or higher education diploma.

“Unemployed people without qualifications do not have access to continuing education, making it difficult for people to return quickly to the job market,” the commentary said.

Currently, more than 38 percent. People of different ages registered in the Employment Service do not have professional qualifications. Only one in five registered offers in this service is for unskilled workers.

“People who lose their jobs also lose the basic income with which they can survive. Aimed at vocational training as unemployed, they can receive a monthly stipend that allows them a minimum life. In addition, continuing education programs are shorter, which that allows a person to more quickly acquire the qualifications and the number of employees that the labor market needs ”, assures the service.

The service confirms that the unemployed cannot study in continuing education programs.



“These people, regardless of their age, must be referred to initial training, which is much longer and lasts several years. The current law restricts the possibility that people who do not have an initial qualification can participate in professional training, the end result of which is a qualification ”, the service evaluates.

Developers are among the most popular trainings

The vocational training programs most in demand among the unemployed today are the following: driver, accountant, nursing assistant, web programmer, warehouse operator, cook, welder.

Last year, the Employment Service financed 5.4 thousand. training of people. Men with a secondary education with a professional qualification chose to acquire a qualification more often. Job seekers studied primarily in programs classified as transportation services, personal services, and business and management education.

“72.6 percent. Job seekers who participated in the training got a job and worked after 6 months. After the training,” the service shared good results.

This year, 450 people are participating in vocational training. Every 7 chose the title of web programmer, every 9 chose the profession of nursing assistant.

“Especially after COVID-19, the job market will require skilled workers, so changing careers and acquiring a new one will likely be the only option for those who have lost their jobs. Automation and technological advancement encourage increased skills. and the constant updating of knowledge and work skills ”, supports the proposal from the employment service.

The Employment Opportunity Barometer prepared by the Employment Service establishes that in 2021, doctors and nurse specialists, engineers, production foremen and foremen, construction workers and heavy transport drivers will have higher than average employment opportunities.

This year’s specialists will include sales experts, warehousing service employees (logistics companies, etc.) and social workers. Above-average employment opportunities are also envisaged for special education, preschool and primary teachers.

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