Business support in the form of grants is barely moving – a change is needed.


“The pace of subsidy support is not satisfactory and today we are talking about how we can accelerate those processes. We asked the LVPA and STI three main questions.

First, you need to be proactive: identify problems, technical or otherwise, and seek solutions.

The second is to communicate with companies if these processes take time. Some companies do not know what stage of their application has reached, ”said A.Armonaitė.

He also highlighted the importance of not making it difficult for the country’s smallest companies to receive support.

“There are some small businesses that have not yet received support. We have asked that, when small amounts of aid are granted, not too much attention be paid to small businesses in their inspections. We just need to intensify our support,” emphasized the Minister.

According to her, it was agreed with the heads of the institutions that the data exchange and verification procedures would be faster.

“Even the official 30-day deadline is too slow. These are technical matters, the exchange of data between institutions, the verification procedure, we have proactively agreed to change this together,” he said.

According to A. Armonaitė, the distribution of aid is more complicated because the current package of aid measures is larger: more and more companies are supported. According to her, therefore, the distribution of funds should be more automated.

Earlier this week, the STI expressed doubts about whether all companies were receiving legal support during the pandemic, saying they had noticed some companies using state aid but paying dividends and making loans.

At that time, A. Armonaitė says that the most important thing at this time is to help the victims, and cases of abuse should be thought about later.

“Laws, regulations and, in general, state initiatives are directed primarily at those who obey the law. All recoveries and non-compliance with these procedures will have to be reflected later, now we must help those who are closed, ”said the Minister.

Of the 180 million that have been operating since January 20, the first business support package worth 24.8 million euros has so far been disbursed. grants of just over 15 million euros. Soft loans in EUR.

The Minister of Economy promised at the end of last month that the second support package for the companies most affected by the quarantine restrictions, in which the subsidies will be 70 million. the fight will begin.
