Parliamentarians spoke about the idea of ​​universal vaccination of Seimas members: opinions do not coincide


The idea of ​​vaccinating all Seimas members came up during the first session of the Seimas spring session.

“We probably understand that the spirit of the Seimas is in this room: lively sessions, lively discussions, discussions, disputes, finally, which is inevitable. I would like to suggest or ask if you do not think it appropriate to take the initiative as president of the Seimas, leader, at least to know the opinion of the members of the Seimas so that we can work normally in the Seimas in a way of life. That is what I am talking about vaccination “, commented S. Skvernelis during the Seimas session.

However, Seimas President Viktorija Čmilytė-Nielsen and Prime Minister Ingrida Šimonytė evaluated the proposal more cautiously; According to them, many people who belong to risk groups are not yet vaccinated, so it would be worthwhile to vaccinate them first.

“I really believe that it has not been long before we can offer vaccination to the general public on a larger scale. Now, as the president of Seimas mentioned, the priority is age groups, that is, people 65 years or older. more and also people suffering from chronic diseases ”, said I. Šimonytė at the Seimas session.

Vaccines for MPs would boost public confidence

Gintautas Paluckas, a member of the Seimas social democratic faction, positively values ​​the proposal and assures that the vaccination of parliamentarians would significantly contribute to clearing up the doubts formed in society.

“Today, we have a very fast growing problem with reliance on vaccines. People fear individual types of vaccines, manufacturers or question their suitability or health effects. I myself face such observations when people say “Vaccinate those 141 first, and then we’ll see who will survive.”

Laughter laughs, but that kind of thinking is there, that’s why some countries have started vaccination programs to vaccinate the leaders of their country. Not because they get out of line, but to inspire people to trust vaccines, ”says the news portal. G. Paluckas spoke.

“Anyway, if I was in the queue, I would come in and actually get vaccinated with whatever vaccine is recognized as safe by the European Medicines Agency,” he added.

According to G. Paluckas, remote sessions do not significantly affect the work efficiency of the Seimas.

“The work of the Seimas will be carried out in one way or another, if necessary, we will continue to work remotely. Let me remind you that for 4,000 cases a day we work in the Seimas and everyone asked what are we doing here? We will work now, either in the hallway or remotely.

But if it helps people believe that vaccines really save money, then I’m ready to do it and join the first, second or third rank, “said G. Paluckas.

E. Gentvilas: all employees must be vaccinated

The elder of the liberal faction Eugenijus Gentvilas said that he did not support only the vaccination of the members of the Seimas, as this could provoke discussions about the privileges of the members of the Seimas. He also considered that in such a case all employees of the Seimas, including the Chancellery, should be vaccinated.

“It just came to our attention then. But let’s look parking lot, where office workers park cars, many. Both they and the media need to get vaccinated to keep the Seimas completely clean. So there are not about 100 members of the Seimas, because some have already been vaccinated or have become ill, but about a thousand people.

The question is, why such an exception for one of the authorities? Why not vaccinate all governments, all ministries? That is why I am against it ”, said the portal. said E. Gentvilas.

It is true that he would like the sessions to continue to be carried out live, since coronavirus outbreaks have not yet been identified in the Seimas.

“After all, now there are no outbreaks in the Seimas, we could work normally, but it was decided to do remote work. Then I am afraid of something else: I will record that a member of the Seimas is sitting on the sofa at home, stroking the dog’s belly and passing laws. I understand that when there is an outbreak, you have to stop, but at the moment there is not a single patient, “said E. Gentvilas.

Social Democrat Vilija Targamadze said that vaccines cannot be mandatory because it is everyone’s personal choice.

“Especially since some members of the Seimas are already sick and have antibodies. The members of the Seimas, if they want to work to their full potential, they may not perform all the procedures remotely, so I think they should get vaccinated if they want to,” he said.

“Another question, if there were such vaccines without a tail, perhaps it would be possible to pay part of the Seimas members who want to get vaccinated? This proposal cannot be valued unequivocally, but through coercion, no, because it is also a violation of the Constitution, ”added V. Targamadzė.

Remote meetings are inefficient

Remigijus Žemaitaitis, a member of the mixed faction of Seimas members, said he supported the idea of ​​vaccination, because remote meetings significantly reduce the quality of government work.

“I think it is enough to play these games because telecommuting and the inability to meet normally for meetings are quite expensive. In my opinion, what I see today in the Government and its strike is that the members of the Seimas should be vaccinated as soon as possible and that the plenary sessions should take place normally.

Although the Government is not even ready for the teleconference today, the projects have not even been presented, the Government uses the inactivity of the Seimas, under the pretext of having to work remotely ”, taught R. Žemaitaitis.

According to him, the Seimas as an institution could set an example and be vaccinated, which would significantly improve the work of parliament.

“If we are already talking about the need to open Lithuania as soon as possible, it is normal that the Seimas is the institution that shows that everything is fine.

Sure, we could work without vaccines as long as there are no diseases, but I would not see any problems, especially now that two months later the Government has shown that it is completely inactive. It would be sensible to hand over most of the crisis management even to the Seimas, “said R. Žemaitaitis.

The former president of the Seimas, the liberal Viktoras Pranckietis, for his part, also agreed that the vaccine should be administered, but would suggest that colleagues be screened beforehand.

“My position would be that all those who have immunity should be checked first. Then it would not be necessary to vaccinate, but for a fluid work the work of the Seimas would be very safe and successful. However, teleworking is out of trouble and out of trouble. I think a lot of people should get vaccinated right away, and it would be a small group, ”he said.

Before the meeting: test

Justė Radzevičiūtė-Laugalienė, Head of the Press Office of the Information and Communication Department of the Seimas Chancellery announced that COVID-19 testing for Seimas members was conducted on March 9. (Tuesday).

“Tests were carried out on 70 members of the Seimas and employees of the Seimas Chancellery who work remotely. The test was carried out by the National Public Health Laboratory and did not cost the Seimas Chancellery. The plenary hall of the Seimas was also disinfected by the Security Management Service, also free of charge ”.
