Nausėdienė: there is no Lithuania here or there, we are all one Lithuania


In January, a conference dedicated to the centenary of M. Gimbutienė “I seek strength in Lithuania” was held at the Presidency, initiated and sponsored by Ms. D. Nausėdienė.

In order to popularize the works and ideas of this famous scientist, an essay contest for students “Strengths of Lithuania” was announced, in which high school students from Lithuania and abroad participated.

“There is no Lithuania here or there, we are all one Lithuania,” said D. Nausėdienė, congratulating the young people at the remote meeting, and was glad that M. Gimbutienė’s ideas are not only remembered, but also understood and they nurture, they inspire the younger generation.

According to the Presidency report, during the conversation the students shared their thoughts on what freedom means to them, their mother tongue, Lithuanian. Some said they dreamed of a free, creative and leading state, others admitted that the Lithuanian language sounds like a song to them, even when you’re not singing.

The first lady thanked the teachers working in Lithuania and around the world for the benefit of Lithuanians.

“You are Masters of the capital letter, thank you”, said D. Nausėdienė.

By decision of the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania, 2021 was declared the year of M. Gimbutienė. This anniversary is celebrated not only in Lithuania, but also around the world: the year 2021 of this outstanding scientist was also announced by UNESCO, recalls the Presidency report.

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