Poisoning turned into COVID-19: A man at risk told what he had experienced after he was diagnosed with a dangerous disease


Poisoning that became COVID-19

He opened up on his account that it all started on the night of November 9, when he woke up due to an inhuman cold, trembling hands, inability to move.

“It seems that I am lying on the train tracks and trains that never stop are constantly passing me. I rush to check for sugar because I think I will soon have a hypoglycemic coma. I measure sugar and the perfect number for a person with type 1 diabetes is 5.6. Then the second thought that he had probably poisoned me with my favorite bakery cake.

It was that night that I had to work late for the diabetes conference, which will take place in a few days, so along with several members of the “Different Colors” team, Jurgita and Monika presented us with a piece of cake. So this option was the most realistic for me, because the belly was carved as if it had Salmonella bacteria and the stomach was stably pierced like the longest knife. “

According to him, it was not so possible to endure this unpleasant state and wake up in the morning. In the true sense of the word, he stressed, in the score.

“The temperature is above 39 and nausea is nowhere to be found, so I hasten to call the doctors, who ordered me to take medication for possible poisoning, high temperature, and therefore unexpectedly hinted at a possible COVID-19 infection. If the temperature does not drop, you will have to come in for a corona test. And then I realize that this is a very real third option because the temperature dropped, but suddenly it went up again and he jumped like he was on a roller coaster, and the poisoning symptoms were already gone. “

There was a slight panic at home, he continued, which the sister was trying to allay because the brother seemed healthy, just a little fainted, but after a day there was an even greater panic at home.

“A call from a doctor with the news that there is something in me that is not fun for a person with diabetes. Suddenly my heart starts beating very fast, my hands are shaking and I had the same condition again when I heard the diagnosis of diabetes. I will not hide, it was really scary, because it seems like I have a disease that people at risk have a hard time getting out of. And then I remembered a lesson I learned after I was diagnosed with diabetes. Never let negative emotions take over you, as the disease will take over. Do it so that you go with the disease, and if you tame it, you will overcome it or get ahead of it. I isolated myself from my family and thanked God for not infecting anyone ”.

The main treatment is a large amount of fluids.

The guy said he was drinking a lot of herbal and lemon ginger tea while he was sick.

“During tea breaks, I drank both warm and cold water. To make it easier for you to imagine the words “lots of water”, I drank about 6 liters of fluids a day. I continued to monitor the temperature, which jumped from 35.8 to 37.6 for another five days. I also took vitamins C, D and magnesium, potassium. The most important thing is that I did not read any press and did not leave bad thoughts, “he explained.

According to D. Stankevičius, he wrote this recording in the hope of helping others and chose the photo with the microphone not unnecessarily.

“It is up to us what we use that microphone for: many people think it is because it intimidates us and often makes us think that there is only one way out of the COVID-19 infection … Which is very sad because a lot of People live with great anxiety and fear, often ending in self-harm, the frequent occurrence of domestic violence, and many other terrible things.

Or we can hold up a microphone to inform people that there are also brilliant stories that can end everything and happily. Of course, it also depends on the way you are, but I think that our emotional state also plays a very important role, which depends only on ourselves ”.

He also noted that 11 days later, he realized that the world was really tired of humanity – he needed a break.

“It just came to our notice then. Stop and think, have and appreciate, make mistakes and learn, and most importantly, give thanks. And today, I thank most of the doctors who fight the invisible enemy every day. Fight Also. Don’t give up. If I am successful, you can be successful. Stay healthy and aware, “he wished.

How to help yourself with the mild coronavirus?

We remind you that family doctor Jurga Dūdienė shared the following tips on how to treat a mild form of coronavirus:

Drink lots of fluids. Suitable for all teas: herbs and berries, water.

Allow yourself to have a fever if it doesn’t make you particularly uncomfortable, only at a temperature of more than 38 degrees, our body produces special soldiers to fight viruses – interferon, so when drinking a lot of fluids in the presence of hot (red) hands and feet, the temperature can not exceed. Of course, if there are no other conditions that worsen general well-being.

In particular, it is important to mention that for some people ibuprofen, an anti-fever medication, can raise blood pressure, so even non-hypertensive patients should have their blood pressure measured, and this is worth discussing with their physician. family. Ibuprofen and paracetamol are safe medications, it is important not to exceed their daily doses. And do not “refrigerate” these medications with cocktails, hot drinks, which also contain paracetamol. Read the composition, talk to your doctor or pharmacist.

With sore throat and dry cough lozenges to suck are the best, they hydrate the mucosa of the throat, relieve coughs (especially menthol, licorice, Icelandic lichen, sage); Also suitable for rinsing with sage, calendula tea, making warm steam inhalations.

I strongly recommend that you do not rush to start taking expectorants – ambroxol, acetylcysteine ​​type tablets. This is how a severe cough starts. To treat a dry cough, it is enough to drink a lot of tea and suck on lozenges to hydrate the lining of the throat.

Colds to treat – sprays administered for 3-5 days, valuable nasal wash with salt water (there are strict rules). Next, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

Good bacteria (It’s always good to help our virus-stricken bodies – a well-functioning gut microflora is a powerful pillar of our immune system.)

Another important point is not to start taking antibiotics on your own, “prophylactically” with COVID-19 in mild form. Only in case of complications from the virus, which can be both bronchitis and pneumonia, and only when the clinic and blood tests see that a bacterial infection has contributed, doctors prescribe. In no way do I recommend taking antibiotics “to complicate the virus” … And that’s it!

A mild form of the disease affects approximately 80 percent. Infected coronary infection, some infected do not even feel any symptoms, but can infect others, about 20 percent. they need an exam in the hospital and about 6 to 8 percent. They are left in the hospital for treatment, the duration of treatment varies from 2 to 4 to 6 weeks, which is why it is so important to stop the spread of the virus as much as possible.

Collaborate with your GP! And in the event of severe deterioration, especially in shortness of breath, call 112. We will overcome the pandemic immediately. Let’s protect each other. Let’s avoid unnecessary contacts. “

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