Signer Algimantas Sėjūnas: Attacking fundamental values ​​-


Having always spoken out against the gas terminal, the Visaginas nuclear power plant, the snatching of Snoras and other scandals, A. Sėjūnas, often called an agent of the Kremlin by his fellow party members, today looks with concern as conservatives the projects of Liberals of various tendencies who destroy the state and the family.

– On March 11, Lithuania welcomes itself like never before. How do we get there? – “Vakaro žinios” asked Algimantas SĖJŪNAS, signatory of the Act of Restoration of the Independence of Lithuania.

– The opposition was provoked by the new majority of the Seimas. His behavior was undemocratic from the start. The ruling majority raised only about 40 percent. the votes of the people who participated in the elections. So the current rulers do not realize or do not want to realize that they cannot say that they represent the majority of the nation. Therefore, any action without a majority must be carried out by conciliation, the opinions of the opposition must be taken into account and their rights must not be mentioned. But is not. Now everything is imposed from positions of force.

Remember how much they criticized the “peasant” system for managing the pandemic. The current prime minister said at the time that he had plans to manage the pandemic. When the Conservatives came to power with the Liberals, it turned out that not only were there no plans, but not so far!

In addition, the rulers completely underestimate the professionals. If we look at the Ministry of Health, we will see that its management has simply been transferred from the State Audit Office, therefore, there are no health care specialists in management: doctors. I do not get it. Of course, the manager does not necessarily have to be a specialist in the field, but his advisers, the team, must know the field.

There is no one in the entire management of the Ministry of Energy who really understands such a complex energy system: political scientists, historians, mechanics, mathematicians work here, headed by a historian-manager who has become a minister. The head of the Seimas Energy and Sustainable Development Commission is a forestry engineer, and perhaps only a few people in the entire commission are aware of energy issues. Consequently, the complex technical synchronization and of importance for the state of the electrical networks, the Astravo problems are solved by people who do not understand those things. Can they make the right decisions the state needs?

The situation is similar in all the ministries and commissions of the Seimas. Paraphrasing Lenin’s famous phrase, the chef can rule the state. And manages. It is important to belong to the right group.

– Have you ever imagined that defending a traditional family would be criminalized? I am thinking about the proposal of the rulers to ban “hate speech” through legislation, as they call any declaration against homogeneous families, the Istanbul Convention and other destruction of the natural order in Lithuania.

– Obviously, there is a political struggle. Most conservatives and liberals want to establish themselves, take absolute power. To do this, they are taking much more drastic steps than the desire to impose the Istanbul Convention, which has the support of the majority.

Conservatives have raised the question of who should go to the European Council (EVS). Everyone has been clear so far that this is a prerogative of the president. Therefore, the attempt to invade the current regime is incomprehensible to me. If this is to be changed, then the Constitution must be changed. But when it comes to saying that the EVS is debating internal issues and the Prime Minister has to go there, I wonder if we no longer have a state if we are already debating “internal issues” in Brussels.

So maybe let’s say that we no longer have a state. But for now, the European Union remains a union of states. Therefore, the current attack on the presidential institution offends me as a signatory, since the legitimate question arises, do we no longer value the fact that we are an independent state? What signature did I put and remember that March 11?

– The mood for the March 11 holiday, not to mention the quarantine and all the restrictions, is not very good, is it? How do you feel when you see what is happening?

– When I see how the decisions of the ruling majority overwhelm Lithuania, deepen the already difficult situation due to the pandemic, there is really no joy in the holidays. And I am terrified of seeing attacks on the Constitution, which we have enjoyed for 30 years! And we tested it! I am referring to the attacks on the presidential institution, the traditional family and the Electoral Law, which the new majority wants to change.

In practice, the amendments to the Elections Law are intended to deprive a citizen of the Republic of Lithuania, who has collected an adequate number of signatures, of the opportunity to participate in the elections. The objective is to destroy single-member electoral districts. To safely hide behind the party’s electoral list. What will happen then? Already now, most of the members of the Seimas are from Vilnius, and after the abolition of the sole members and the election according to the party list, practically only the representatives of Vilnius will be in the Seimas. After all, the members of the Seimas are concentrated in Vilnius, they make friends, so a friend list is made. In this way, the members of the Seimas become eternal and we have some kind of distorted democratic system.

As a member of the Supreme Council, I had to participate in the discussion of the electoral system at that time. Some said that it is only necessary to make single-member districts, because people have to see their deputy, know him, communicate, feel responsible for every corner of Lithuania. And the Social Democrats, the LCP representatives, who were still there at the time, suggested collecting according to lists. After lengthy discussions, we have come to a compromise option: half chosen by unique members, half by lists. And that compromise option has worked quite well for 30 years. But now the new majority has come up with the idea that it would be better for them to hide below the list, because it is clear that those who make such an offer have secured a high place on that party’s list.

We all clearly understand that in order to get a high place on the list, you must first agree with the party leader, become a friend. If you do not become friends, if any of your positions do not match, go to the end of the list. And you will not be chosen.

In this way, the current rulers want to take absolute power, both in the party and in the state.

So how can you be calm when you see that all the core values ​​of March 11 are under attack? And unfortunately, there is not much to defend them! This is the scariest.

– Last year, in March, he left the Lithuanian Christian Democratic Party Unión Patria, where he has been since its inception. Why?

– After the liberalization of the conservatives, the deep opinions on the independence of the state, on democracy, differed substantially. I had an unacceptable party dictatorship, intolerance of another opinion, lack of discussion. I realized that our paths parted.

Lithuania has gone through several difficult periods, even when there were no Lithuanian states on the world map! However, I believe that Lithuania will last forever!

So congratulations everyone on our Independence Day, March 11!

The patriotic walk of March 11

The February 16 ride took place only in Vilnius, the March 11 festive car parade is planned throughout Lithuania. Its organizers not only care, but also encourage others to make an effort to make it truly exceptional.

“Let’s decorate the cars with large Lithuanian tricolor, Vytis, Gediminai columns and other historical flags of our country and at the same time, on March 11 at 14:00. Let’s walk through the streets of our city”, – it was written in the account of the event. It worked – rides are planned in Samogitia, Kaunas and Klaipeda.

Vilnius residents and guests participating in the event are invited to choose at the Litexpo Exhibition Center – Parodų St. 5. It is recommended to arrive at least half an hour before, around 13:30.

Basic rules to run on a column and general quarantine:

– Participants must wash their vehicles.

– The vehicle must be decorated with one or two flags.

– There will be no direct contact and communication meetings.

– There may be two people in the car, or if there are more, only members of the same family.

– Participants remain in their cars.

– No meeting, no contact with other event participants.

– Protect yourself and others, anyway quarantine.

– Column management and communication in Vilnius will be carried out through the Telegram application.

Those who wish to greet the column, the organizers, in compliance with all quarantine requirements, invite them to choose avda Gedimino. or, without forgetting security, to meet the Western Bypass column.

Preliminary route through the streets of Vilnius
Due to the high level of interest of the people, the attractions are divided into three parts.

Those gathered in Vilnius in part 1 will move from the Litexpo site. After estimating the probable number of vehicles, four columns were planned, but there may be one column. The place and time of the meeting do not change.

In part 2, the most beautiful cars will meet in the Seimas parking lot, others will return to the Litexpo parking lot.

In Part 3, the final race is planned, which must take place on the route: Parodų st. – Miškinių st. – Oslo g. – Hazelnut Bridge – Volunteer Ring – Oslo str. – Western Bypass – Highway A2, turn into Transexpedicija – Western Bypass – Volunteer Ring – Litexpo site.
