It revealed which names the children were given the most during the 31 years of restored independent Lithuania.


This transformation into a modern and contemporary state is also reflected in the main national registries maintained by the Registry Center, where the most important information about Lithuanian residents and businesses is collected and stored, the Registry Center report notes.

According to the Population Register data, during the 31 years of restored independent Lithuania, more than 1.2 million people were registered. child births.

The most popular names of the girls born – Gabrielle, Victoria, Gabija, Ieva and Greta, give more than 10 thousand. girls born during this period.

Meanwhile, most of the children were baptized in Luke’s name, a total of 18,000. times, indicates the Records Center. No less popular names for modern Lithuanian boys are Mantas, Tomas, Matas and Dovydas.

Well, in 1990. On March 11, when the Supreme Council, the Restorative Seimas, signed the Act of Restoration of the Independence of Lithuania, more than 100 births were registered in the country. Girls born on that day were usually given the names Kristina, Eglė and Rūta, the boys were named Tomas, Arthur and Rokas.

According to data from the Registry Center, there are up to 7,675 people born on this historic day in the state: about 4 thousand. women and almost 3.7 thousand. mens.

The 1990s marked not only the beginning of a restored independent Lithuania, but for some it became the basis for starting a business in a free country. Examining the data of the Registry of Legal Persons opened by the Registry Center, it can be seen that on this day there are 1.7 thousand legal persons registered. Companies, firms, or organizations that were established in 1990. Most of them are limited liability companies, and there are also a number of sole proprietorships popular at that time.

Unfortunately, not all companies established more than 30 years ago have survived to this day; According to the open data of the Registry of Legal Persons, it can be seen that there are almost 10,000 registered companies and organizations. like those established in the 1990s. Thus, it can be said that almost 12 thousand. Only 15% of legal entities constituted in the year of restoration of independence have survived to this day, according to a report from the Registry Center.

1990 March 11 was a Sunday, so no legal entity was registered at that time. However, until 1997, when March 11 was a public holiday for the first time, new companies were established on this special date for all Lithuanians. For example, in the period 1991-1996, we have almost 400 companies “born” on March 11, but only 75 of them still exist today.

The Lithuanian Independence Restoration Day has also left its mark on another record of state importance maintained by the Center for Records. With the help of data from the Open Address Register, it can be seen that there are streets from March 17 to 11 across the country. And almost 40 more objects were given the name of Independence: 22 streets, 15 squares, named after two alleys, a square and a cross street.
