S. Skvernelis appreciated the work of the Government of I. Šimonytė: simply a tragedy


Former Prime Minister Saulius Skvernelis says that the work of the government led by Ingrida Šimonytė, who replaced him in the first almost 100 days, has turned into a tragedy.

According to the politician belonging to the “Campesina” faction, doubts arise both about the competence of the members of the Cabinet of Ministers and about the current environment in the Government in general. Furthermore, S. Skvernelis is considering, the work of the right-wing government may not be more difficult not only because of the fragile majority in the Seimas, but also because of the Presidency. According to him, the way in which the Conservatives and President Gitan Nausė currently approach the issue of representation in the European Council (EVS) is more reminiscent of war than negotiations. So, with S. Skvernel sharing his recent relationship experience with the president, the presidency can find tools to make life more difficult for unbelieving rulers.

However, the former prime minister said, the future work of the rulers will be affected mainly by the crisis caused by the pandemic.

“Managing a pandemic has already become difficult to understand and understand, decisions are chaotic, contradictory and often illogical. There are no new strategies that have been promised not only to manage the pandemic, but also to get out of it. We see different information spread every day, “said S. Skvernelis.

“The government has been working for almost a hundred days and if we look at how the legislation has gone, what it presented in the spring session is a tragedy,” said the politician.

Photo by P. Peleckis / Fotobankas

According to the former prime minister, the current government hosts the spring session without any preparation, because he emphasizes that very few bills have been presented to the Seimas.

Meanwhile, Prime Minister Ingrida Šimonytė reacted to criticism from the opposition about the government’s poor preparation for the spring session of the Seimas in a parliamentary session on Wednesday.

Managing a pandemic has already become difficult to understand and understand, decisions are chaotic, contradictory, and often illogical.

According to her, the criticism of the small number of registered projects is unfounded, because, according to her, it is much more important to prepare qualitatively for the reforms than to register a large number of bills.

However, according to S. Skvernelis, the small number of bills presented shows the level of competence of the members of the Government rather than the voluntary decision to focus on quality. This, he stressed, is one of the main challenges facing this Government in almost 100 business days.

“The biggest challenge I see in the first hundred days of the government is that the ministries are either not working at all or some ministers are not even aware of the positions they have taken. There is a complete disorder, “said S. Skvernelis.

He believes that the rulers were not prepared to take power.

S. Skvernelis also characterized the decision not to raise the question of ratification of the Istanbul Convention in the spring session of the Seimas as a deficiency in the work of the ruling majority. The politician sees this as an attempt to avoid awkward discussions for those in power.

“The value laws declared by individual parties in the run-up to the elections are no longer in the Seimas or are postponed in an effort to avoid a debate that is very heated, so there is fear of decisions,” said the former Prime Minister. saying.

“It is also a challenge that the ruling majority is small. They will have to seek support elsewhere,” he said, noting that, in his opinion, the strength of the foundations of the ruling majority will become clear soon, when the laws in the Seimas they will have to be voted on.

The challenge is also that the ruling majority is small. They will need to seek support elsewhere.

In assessing the work of the rulers, the former prime minister also hinted that judging by the messages sent to the public about quarantine or other issues by the partners of the current ruling coalition, he has ambiguous thoughts about the current environment in the Cabinet of Ministers. . headed by I. Šimonytė.

“If there is a coalition government and the people delegated by the Freedom Party are in the government, it is somehow strange to see that the Seimas faction would make demands that do not comply with the government’s position,” Skvernelis said, referring to the Freedom releases.

“There are many challenges and you can see that the voters were not prepared for this decision that such a coalition should rule Lithuania. That can be seen very clearly,” said S. Skvernelis.

“It just came to our attention then.” The expectations that generated all the euphoria, unfortunately, until now we see that not only does it not come true, but it is the opposite result, “summarized S. Skvernelis.

Photo by P. Peleckis / Fotobankas

The president has the tools to respond to pressure on EVS

S. Skvernelis agreed that the good work of the Government and the ruling majority in general will be affected by relations with President Gitanas Nausėda.

The former prime minister said that he could say from experience that the issue of representation in the EVS caused by the friction between the rulers and the Presidency will be another serious test for the rulers. According to S. Skvernel, so far it seems that the interpretation of the theme of the Government and the Presidency is more reminiscent of the struggle for power than of a rational dialogue. Therefore, the former prime minister, President G. Nausėda, considered that having the right tools could make life difficult for those in power.

If we are talking about the institution of the president, then he has enough tools and powers not only not to help, but also to harm the rulers.

“If we talk about the institution of the president, then he has enough tools and powers not only not to help, but also to harm the rulers. Let us remember the same story of Narkevičius. Then no solution was found with the Presidency and then the President he simply did not appoint Lukas Savickas as Minister of Economy and Innovation, for a long time the Ministry had no head at all. So there are certain sanctions, “said S. Skvernelis.

On the other hand, said the politician belonging to the “peasant” faction, the conflict with the ruler can also bring damage to the president.

“After all, the president wants to implement his program too, especially when it comes to the welfare state and economic decisions. There will be nothing without the Seimas. In that case, the program and the invoices can remain in the drawer, ”he said.

“There will be no winner in such a proxy war,” he added.

According to S. Skvernelis, it is very important that the problem of representation in the EVS is solved by strictly withdrawing from the issue of personnel.

“The issue of the representation of the EVS should be depersonalized. It does not matter at all who is the prime minister or prime minister and who is the president. We need to come up with a solution that is better for the state. And in this case, we have to agree Agreement. Two really smart politicians, both the president and the prime minister, should decide and make decisions. The representation of the Prime Minister in this format is necessary and inevitable, “he said.

“But because of the institutional duel, the state will suffer, and the state will be inhabited by people who will not receive solutions, and decisions will be postponed and will focus only on the interpretation of mutual relations. Today, we really can’t afford that luxury, ”the former prime minister said.
