The new travel procedure is already confusing: even a Lithuanian family that has met the requirements cannot get on the plane.


As of Wednesday, the requirement came into force for all those arriving in Lithuania on international routes, scheduled, special and charter flights in all modes of transport. not before 72 hours. A COVID-19 test was performed and a negative response was obtained..

“Let’s face it, those restrictions are meant to reduce mobility and mobility. If people still decide to go somewhere and then want to return, they have to accept all the consequences, risks, additional tests and possibly a relapse,” said the minister. of Health Arūnas Dulkys at a press conference on Wednesday.

Why is it an exception for those who arrive with their own transportation?

The seekers of logic note several strange aspects in such a decision of the Government. For example, why is there an exception for those who arrive in the country by their own means of transport? These people can take the COVID-19 test already in Lithuania.

It is surprising that the new requirement has not yet been agreed with all stakeholders at the consideration stage. For example, just a week ago, the first mobile passenger test buildings were delivered at Vilnius airport. Dainius Čiuplys, Head of the Lithuanian Airport Operations and Infrastructure Department, was pleased that those returning to Lithuania will also be able to use this test. However, a few days later it became clear that the government’s decision would take away that opportunity.

Health Minister A. Dulkys explains that this decision was made because those who travel by ferries, buses or planes are forced to go en masse. “The biggest focus and all the controls are in larger groups in airports and seaports, where people have been together for a long time. And relatives or a small number of people who return in their own transport,” said the minister at the wheel press release this Wednesday.

Misunderstandings have already arisen at airports

The tourism industry also criticizes the rush to legalize the new requirement: authorities were immediately warned that information about Lithuania’s new requirements simply could not “walk”, there could be misunderstandings at airports, which would end up traveling people, they simply will not be allowed to get on the plane.

According to Žydrė Gavelienė, president of the National Association of Tourism Companies and head of the tour operator Estravel, this already happened on Wednesday. At least one Lithuanian family with children was not allowed on the plane, although they had met all the requirements. The reason for this is that the information provided to companies that provide ground handling services at airports does not mention the exception that the test is not mandatory for those under 16 years of age.

15 minutes the report seen in the system used by ground handling services at airports mentions only two exceptions: no negative tests are required for relapsed and vaccinated people.

Meanwhile, Prime Minister Ingrida Šimonytė assured at a press conference on Wednesday that the current requirement to take the test abroad is proportionate and reasonable.

Photo by LRV / Ingrida Šimonytė

Photo by LRV / Ingrida Šimonytė

On Wednesday, lawyers told journalist Liepa Želnienė on the LRT radio show that such an obligation violates the Constitution. I. Šimonytė doubted it; argued that the obligation to have a negative test was established by Lithuania as one of the last in Europe, and in other countries the relationship of the Constitution with its citizens is quite similar in this respect.

“This does not mean that we will not allow a person with a Lithuanian passport to come to Lithuania without proof. One must test on the spot and isolate oneself,” he explained.

This does not mean that we do not allow a person with a Lithuanian passport to come to Lithuania without proof. One must test in place and isolate, said the prime minister.

“However, this requirement is in view of the fact that the greatest problem, stress and risk to the epidemiological situation and possible releases now is caused by mutations found in other countries,” he said.

According to A. Dulkis, in such cases it is necessary to talk about another aspect: if a person falls ill abroad, how would he return to Lithuania? “It would be a problem for a patient to get on a plane,” he said. What would be the solution? “To change,” the minister said openly.

However, he assured that if even a Lithuanian citizen with COVID-19 somehow arrived in the country, he would be admitted, receive help and treatment.

“The logic is that we analyze possible mutations in the virus. At least at the moment (of course we may not have a very detailed investigation that other countries have), but it seems that there may not be a widespread British, Brazilian or PAR mutation in Lithuania, – said A. Dulkys.

“It is travelers from other countries who are most concerned, so additional responsibilities must be assumed and tests are requested as additional security measures.”

Businesses see the only way to make travel as safe as possible

For business and social alike, there are questions about why easing quarantine restrictions in Lithuania makes them more difficult for travelers. If there is a risk of import cases, why is there not a consistent collection of information on test results on returnees / arrivals?

“So let’s test everyone who arrives at the airport, at the border; let’s do quick tests,” suggests Ž.Gavelienė. – If we test everyone, we will definitely know the statistics. When it comes to import cases, then we can react very clearly and quickly. “

Photo by Julius Kalinskas / 15min / Žydrė Gavelienė

Photo by Julius Kalinskas / 15min / Žydrė Gavelienė

“In addition, it is no secret to anyone that there is information everywhere that the evidence, which is supposedly brought from abroad, is also false,” the president of the National Association of Tourism Companies sees another danger.

15 minutes The Minister of Health also asked: is it not logical to do the test already in Lithuania, after getting off a plane full of people, and not before boarding it?

“We had a test when I returned, but the practice of life showed … You cannot be handed over to all human policemen when they cross the street. A similar situation has arisen here – said A. Dulkys.” The first thing is that a lot of people gives wrong addresses, phone numbers. “He also noted that people often did not go to mobile points to do the test, even though they were registered).

That is why the travel rules have been tightened, “so that the test is done sitting down, so that we are all safe.”

These days, most of the talk is about returning vacationers to Lithuania and how the new order will affect them. But business travelers and investors are also coming to the country, and tourists are also expected to come to our country in spring and summer.

“Not allowing them to test at the airport today is the same as not having a clean toilet. This is a matter of hygiene,” said a representative of the tourism business.

Ž.Gavelienė also mentions more issues that were not considered during the approval of the new procedure; For example, on the Lithuanian e-health portal “E-Sveikata” it is not yet possible to obtain a certificate in English on COVID-19. disease or vaccine received.

Not being able to take the test at the airport is the same as not having a clean bathroom. It is a question of hygiene, – Ž.Gavelienė is convinced.

It also requests the current requirement to remain isolated when arriving in Lithuania, even if the COVID-19 test is negative. “Health professionals may say that the test may not show an infection right away. But then why do we need a test if we say that it may not show disease right away? Who protects against what? Rhetorically, as the director of Estravel asks.

“I think it was possible to make everything more logical,” he concludes. “To allow more time for preparation, to ensure proper dissemination of information to all services, to provide an opportunity for E-Health to receive certificates in English, and to provide an exception for testing at Vilnius airport.”

What is the new order?

  • All persons arriving in Lithuania on international routes, scheduled, special and charter flights in all types of transport must have a negative result of the investigation.
  • The test must be done not before 72 hours. period before arriving in Lithuania.
  • The National Center for Public Health notes that The serological result of the antibody tests on arrival in Lithuania is not recognized.. Travelers must provide documentary evidence that a SARS-CoV-2 PCR test or an antigen test has been performed that is negative.
  • For all passengers to pass the negative test, carriers and tour operators must Passengers should not be allowed to board an airplane, ferry or bus without proper documentation..

Health Minister Arūnas Dulkys explained that this was the decision both because of the spread of mutations and because not all people underwent the tests when they returned to Lithuania, although they were mandatory.

Who is covered by the exceptions?

  • traveling in your own vehicle – it will be possible to carry out the investigation upon arrival in Lithuania.
  • crew and crew members, that transport passengers on international routes in all modes of transport;
  • transit for people passing through Lithuania;
  • for people persirgusiems COVID-19, when the diagnosis was confirmed on the basis of a positive result of a PCR test or an antigen test and no more than 90 days passed from the positive test result before returning or arriving in Lithuania;
  • for people who are vaccinated a vaccine registered in the European Union Drug Registry under the vaccination scheme;
  • for people under 16 years old.
