Deputy Valius Ąžuolas did not appear at the Seimas session: is he ill or has he flown to Egypt?


On the fact that V.Ąžuolas was able to go on vacation to Egypt, or more precisely, to the resort town of Sharm el-Sheikh, 15 minutes the reader reported on Tuesday.

He saw the MP on the plane.

Photo by Luke April / 15min / Valius Oak

Photo by Luke April / 15min / Valius Oak

“I flew on the same plane. A member of the Seimas went to the bathroom twice during the flight; The first time I saw it I thought I might be wrong, but the second time when a member of the Seimas used a mask the wrong way (did not hold his nose), I was convinced that a member of the Seimas was actually there.

Later I lined up for him at passport control. She was wearing a burgundy sweater and blue jeans. ” 15 minutes he wrote.

According to the “unconfirmed knowledge” of the citizen, V.Ąžuolas should return to Lithuania on Sunday: “In Lithuania, the plane lands around 6.30 pm”.

Colleagues don’t know anything

Judging from the minutes of the sessions, the Seimas Board did not give V.Ąžuolas permission to go abroad.

Where he disappeared and why he did not appear in Wednesday’s session of the Seimas, his colleagues said they did not know.

Sigismund Gedvila / 15min photo / Dawn Norkiene

Sigismund Gedvila / 15min photo / Dawn Norkiene

Aušrinė Norkienė, the eldest of the “peasant” parliamentary faction, confirmed that the politician did not attend the faction meeting in the morning, and A. Norkienė said he did not know where he was.

“I really don’t know. When we communicated remotely, it really was, and I didn’t really see it live today,” said the politician.

Jonas Jarutis, a “peasant” member of the Seimas Board, was asked if V.Ąžuolas sometimes did not go to Egypt and did not know either.

“I don’t know.” Until now, here, “he said.

We will be back to work next week

We were unable to reach V.Ąžuolas by phone.

His assistant Ernesta Grubinskienė said he had spoken with a member of the Seimas on Wednesday morning.

“Although we communicated this morning, we took care of things,” he said.

When asked if V.Ąžuolas in Lithuania, the assistant claimed he did not know, but promised to explain the situation.

Later, E. Grubinskienė reported that the politician is ill and has not gone on a trip.

“Health problems. <...> “Everything should be fine next week,” he said.

The attendee indicated that V.Ąžuolas will participate in the meetings of the parliamentary committees to be held next Wednesday, although the meetings of the committees to which the member of the Seimas – Budget and Finance and Future belongs are not yet scheduled.

They will take place this Friday.

Contact V.Ąžuolas and ask if he is really ill or on vacation abroad. 15 minutes failed.

If we succeed, we will add a comment to the text.
