Šimonytė: further business releases are a matter of the next few weeks


When asked when the sports clubs, cafes, Prime Minister I. Šimonytė could start operating, explained that the latest data is being evaluated.

“It is a matter of the next few weeks, but those deliberations will undoubtedly take place with close monitoring of the epidemiological situation, as well as with the sequencing data that we will receive at the end of the week. And if we think it is safe, then we will try to group the activities according to their similarity to a certain one, according to certain principles that unite them, “I. Šimonytė told reporters.

The prime minister said she sees logical terms offered by sports clubs, but this has yet to be discussed with experts.

“But if we allow people on the move without masks to carry out some kind of activity in a closed space, then it is illogical not to show performances or screen films in cinemas. It is necessary to group those activities according to a certain similar nature and make decisions about their launch, change of requirements, more or less at the same time. If the situation doesn’t get worse, I think we can talk about it in the next few weeks, “said I. Šimonytė.

Speaking of stores in supermarkets, he also noted that this is a matter for the next few weeks.

“Experts discussed the operating conditions of individual stores on Monday and harmonized those conditions quite smoothly and successfully, and the government made decisions today. Regarding shopping malls, it was agreed that the discussion would continue this week and early in the month. next, ”said I. Šimonytė.

He explained that decisions will depend on whether it is also possible to find common ground with supermarket managers on what the conditions might be for additional security in common areas rather than in stores. The requirements in stores, according to I. Šimonytė, could be more or less the same.

“For traders, I really wouldn’t want to think about what would happen if there were. I would very much like to see that in the future we could only consider those issues related to the reduction of restrictions, ”said I. Šmonytė.

The quarantine in Lithuania is valid from November 7. From December 16. more stringent restrictions apply. Delfi recalls that the quarantine has been extended until March 31 throughout Lithuania.
