From the Seimas rostrum: I. Šimonytė’s message on the course of the pandemic


The program presents the projects proposed by the President of the Republic, the Government, the committees and factions of the Seimas, distinguishing the priorities indicated.

For the first time, a separate chapter “Reports of the Seimas committees on important matters of the State and public life” was highlighted in the work program, which was determined by the amendments to the Statute of the Seimas approved at the beginning of this period.

As usual, the work program focuses on the projects presented by the Government, many of them related to the pandemic situation and the management of the COVID-19 virus.

The program establishes that “the current highest priority is to continue to ensure the adequate management of the pandemic and the mitigation of its adverse effects in all areas of the public sector, and to prepare for the adequate implementation of the key priorities for the progress of our country. “

In this spring session, the Government proposes to present amendments to the Law of National Minorities, establishing the rights and obligations of national minorities and the obligations of the State to promote their culture.

It is proposed to remove the names of the institutions from the Health Institutions Law, allowing its list to be approved by the Government or another institution, to adjust the Civil Code so that the names of the companies can be written in a foreign language on the basis of the Latin alphabet.

The Penal Code provides for increased penalties for espionage, but provides for the possibility of acquitting those who have confessed and decriminalizing some less dangerous acts.

Financial issues also remain relevant: the government will present revised and revised draft public finance budgets that reflect the costs of managing the COVID-19 pandemic according to the most urgent needs. The work program includes reviewed investment projects funded by the Economic Recovery and Resilience Service.

Less legislation

Seimas spokesperson Viktorija Čmilytė-Neilsen said there are fewer legal acts on the agenda for this session, so more time will be devoted to the hearing and examination. The program provides for your consideration

473 legal acts, six of which have been presented by President Gitanas Nausėda, 113 – by the Government.

“In the area of ​​budgetary finances and taxes, the draft reform of the State Budget Law, which should review the State budget, is very important. The amendments to the laws will aim to make the public procurement system more transparent and open, ”he named important bills, adding that the focus will be on legislation related to health, social security and the integration of people with disabilities. .

From the prime minister positive knowledge

Speaking from the Seimas rostrum, Prime Minister Ingrida Šimonytė stated that the Government’s proposals correspond to the two principles foreseen in the Government’s program, one of them: less is more.

“I heard with one ear that someone is missing projects on the show, but not projects, but the pace of considering them. Of the 113 bills presented by the government to the spring session in the Seimas, 51 have already been registered in the Seimas, and some of them have been registered by the previous government, ”he added, adding that the government had proposed 62 additional. bills, which were evaluated as particularly relevant.

Another important principle, he said, is that, for serious renovations, serious work. “The reforms will be presented to the Seimas once they have been duly prepared and discussed. In the coming months, national progress plans will also be approved in various areas.

As for the content and those bills that I would consider essential, they are projects related to the situation of the pandemic. The situation is clearly better than when the government took office. “Already in the week of death, the hospital situation has also stabilized, although not all beds have been released for scheduled assistance,” he said, hailing the improvement in the pandemic situation but also expressing concern about the spread. of mutated strains.

I. Šimonytė pointed out that a large part of the legal acts were inevitably related to the pandemic and its consequences.

Substantial changes to the pandemic board, according to the prime minister, will be achieved “when we learn to test and vaccinate as many people as possible.”

At the conclusion of her speech, the Prime Minister wanted the Seimas to consider the problems, not the people.
