A new strict regime for travelers comes into force: what you need to know and the exceptions that apply


What is the new order?

All travelers and tourists will be required to submit a negative coronavirus test as of March 10, the government decided last week.

According to the latest requirements, all persons arriving in Lithuania on international routes, scheduled, special and charter flights on all types of transport must have a negative test result.

The test must be done not before 72 hours. period before arriving in Lithuania.

The National Center for Public Health notes that The serological result of the antibody tests on arrival in Lithuania is not recognized.. Travelers must provide documentary evidence that a SARS-CoV-2 PCR test or an antigen test has been performed that is negative.

For all passengers to pass the negative test, carriers and tour operators must Passengers should not be allowed to board an airplane, ferry or bus without proper documentation..

Health Minister Arūnas Dulkys explained that this was the decision both because of the spread of mutations and because not all people underwent the tests when they returned to Lithuania, although they were mandatory.

NVSC encourages travelers to responsibly assess the applicable requirements in Lithuania and to organize a pre-travel examination. This will not only speed up and facilitate the screening process at airports and seaports, but will also prevent the possible introduction and spread of dangerous virus mutations in Lithuania. That is the main purpose of these more stringent requirements, the press release said.

If during the inspection people do not present a document that proves the negative result of the COVID-19 test or it has been carried out before 72 hours. Before arriving in Lithuania, they will register for the test at the airport or seaport, and those who wish to do so on their own will be able to do so at the established sampling point. Currently, such a point is installed only at the Vilnius airport.

An investigation for administrative misconduct may be initiated against those who have not produced documents related to the investigation., advises NVSC. It is recalled that the responsibility for non-compliance with the legal requirements during quarantine is provided for in the Code of Administrative Offenses, whose article 45 (4) establishes that the violation of the requirements of the quarantine regime carries a fine for people of 500 to 1500 people. euros.

Who is covered by the exceptions?

  • traveling in your own vehicle – it will be possible to carry out the investigation upon arrival in Lithuania.
  • crew and crew members, that transport passengers on international routes in all modes of transport;
  • transit for people passing through Lithuania;
  • for people persirgusiems COVID-19, when the diagnosis was confirmed on the basis of a positive result of a PCR test or an antigen test and no more than 90 days passed from the positive test result before returning or arriving in Lithuania;
  • for people who are vaccinated a vaccine registered in the European Union Drug Registry under the vaccination scheme;
  • for people under 16 years old.

Lithuania has included every country in the world in the list of affected countries, so when you come from anywhere, you need both a test and isolation for 10 days. There is a stricter self-isolation procedure for those who come from countries where COVID-19 mutations are spreading rapidly. These people are not even allowed to go for a walk, they cannot be isolated in an apartment or house together with family members who have not traveled (unless they are isolated).

The validity of this week would be affected a list of countries can be found here.

All persons must register on the website of the National Public Health Center (NVSC) before arriving in Lithuania (https://keleiviams.nvsc.lt/lt/form), completing the electronic questionnaire and sending the correct data, and sending the confirmation received (QR code) to the carrier before getting on the vehicle or, if you are traveling in your own vehicle, you must register before the border crossing of the Republic of Lithuania and Send the completed electronic questionnaire (QR code) to NVSC specialists or other officials at a border checkpoint or passenger checkpoint.
