Milašius: on the goals of the new legislature, 12 teams in the league and the BBL tournament / News


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Remigijus Milašius, who was elected to the third term of president of the Lithuanian Basketball League, revealed the goals set and hoped that the derby would reappear in the championship in the near future.

Milašius has been at the helm of LKL since 2013, and today he was unanimously elected for a new 4-year term. He was the only candidate for the LKL presidency.

“Unsurprisingly, a month ago it was announced if anyone would want to run for president, but none came up, so I had to continue this work,” Milašius said in his introductory speech at the press conference. – This year is very important, several contracts have been finalized, which condition the image, visibility of LKL, etc. The main contracts are with TV and Internet TV, with the Copa Rey Mindaugas broadcaster. This year new contracts for four years must be signed. This is a very important moment. We see in the contracts how many commercial and air minutes we will have, then we can plan the sponsors for next year. The news is that we plan to broadcast about 120 television games.

It might be difficult for a new person to address these issues as this will lead to a budget and prize pool. Over the years, we have built our image, introduced innovation. I believe that the disease will end and the clubs will be able to buy better players. In fact, there may be a different intrigue, and then there will be an audience and emotions in the fans. “

– Remigija, what work did you do during the second legislature?
– We have created a production and advertising group, where we create it and do it ourselves. We didn’t plan it, but we have one of the most beautiful studios in Lithuania. What is the content? Ignas Grinevičius, Karolis Tiškevičius or a guest guest are sitting here. Content is always important. Both in the square and in this studio.

When it comes to sports issues, this pandemic has brought its own adjustments. What we had planned, we have to change and create from a different angle. But there was a time, about two years, during which we did everything we had planned.

– What does it mean that you were unanimously elected?
– That means we are on the right track. During this time, we did what we had to do. Both in terms of league and club image. There are more difficult problems in clubs due to a pandemic. I see a beautiful future not only with creative ideas. Maybe the content will change, maybe we will have a derby. Then everything would change in the square.

– What should be the number of teams in the league?
– I have clearly written in my program that I am for 12 teams. That does not mean that it will present it and it will Everyone has the right to vote if they want 10, 11 or 12 teams. I indicated that I am in favor of a 12-rig, 3-wheel system.

We have certain commitments with companies about how many minutes we have to show them on television. We need to tackle the problem of reducing the number of parties. With teams playing in Europe, everything is clear. We are optimistic about the Baltic Basketball League, there has been a lot of momentum on that issue, we will have another meeting tomorrow. We have finally agreed that there will be three Latvian teams, maybe two Estonian teams and our 5-6 clubs. Then there would be a revival of the tournament, taking place in the middle of the week.

It is important that the players go to another country and city, not just train. They should have two games a week, whatever they want. Such is the vision, but it does not mean that Milašius wrote and will be so. If the clubs do not agree, it will remain as is. So there is no need to blame me for Milašius not doing anything. All the clubs make the decisions. The leader depends on the majority of votes.

– Why do you think there were no more candidates in the elections?
– It is hard work, a great responsibility. What we are doing today may not be appreciated enough, especially by journalists who are hitting more than saying something good. I suggest you change me and you will understand what a sleepless summer means, what a match means, how to work with sponsors, how to raise amounts. Especially at this time, when the championship is closed due to illness and no income is received. It is certainly not easy to control the process. Uncertainty also arises in clubs. If in the near future, after signing the contracts, there will be someone who can come to work, who loves basketball, after all, it is not written that he has to hold this position for 4 years. You need to go to work almost every day. I would see how many there would be who wanted to take on those responsibilities and work for basketball.

– Did the clubs have any complaints?
– There were no claims. We approved the financial statement and there were no complaints. I want to finish that question about the prize pool that was not distributed last season and I will not answer it again. The season ended on March 13. Money transmission is done quite differently. The main money is received at the end of the season and a prize fund is paid out. Half the game has been played, and what matters most in our dealings is what happens during the playoffs and the final. There have been cases like. with LNK, who had overpaid 50 thousand. Therefore, we carried out negotiations and both were left with 25 thousand euros each. There were companies to which we had to return the money. We have agreed with other companies that this season we will be working on advertising. We did not get any other money, everything can be seen in the report. The bank does not credit us, we do not have to pay an award fund. I would be happy to do so and think about how to pay off the debts next season. We agreed with raised hands, we knew it wouldn’t happen. I answered everything, I will not answer this question again.

– The LKF presidential elections are approaching. Can you claim it?
– The LKF post is a bit different. It is very important in the Lithuanian basketball community. Probably nowhere else would we hear so much about it. A court failure would have put the team out for two years. So how should the federation gather sponsors for the national team to exist? Last year the National Team came to Palanga, trained, played games and everything. It’s a tragedy, they don’t get ticket income. I don’t want to travel around Lithuania and shake everyone up. What I hear from other candidates, yes, they have achieved in the square, but I have not heard that they have achieved anything in management. If there is a strong desire, it will be possible to discuss it. I can always find a person here (LKL – aut. Past.) If contracts are signed here. Everything related to organizational matters is done, it is still what is happening in the square.

– Yesterday Delfi announced that LKL had loaned 40,000 LTL to Alytus Dzūkija. and the clubs didn’t know it. What was the opinion of the teams on this?
– There was a problem with the club and they came back. I am not a bureaucrat and I can raise money and see what happens in the clubs. It is not the first club here. Someone needed to lose information before the election because there are no surprises about me. I do not participate in Lithuanian business, I participate in the world, I only give Lithuanians the opportunity to earn money. I made decisions and gave money. Tom Pasches told everyone today that the interest money will be returned in April.

– Paulius Motiejūnas, the director of Kaunas “Žalgiris”, hinted that the club is behind in paying salaries. Are there more such clubs in the league?
– After last year I thought it would be worse, but there are not many complaints of this type, maybe another club is a few months late, but I do not want to name them. Licensing will start in May this year and then we will see the real situation.
