Recommend eating this vegetable: strengthens the immune system, helps the eyes


“Carrots are in fact one of the most popular vegetables and to meet consumer demand we started offering fresh carrots harvested in early spring. They are especially useful for strengthening the body after winter and recharging energy. Carrots contain vitamins C, D, E, B, calcium, iron, magnesium and a lot of carotene, which is converted into vitamin A. In Lithuanian cuisine, this vegetable is used almost daily: it is added to various soups, stews, salads “.

According to J. Sabaitienė, Lithuanians love carrots, no wonder. After all, it is usual for the body to absorb local vegetables, which are typical for a certain region. Consumers have also become especially fond of fresh carrot juice recently – if you want a more varied flavor, the juice is often mixed with apple and orange. However, children are happy to drink them and cigars.

J. Sabaitienė also reveals some interesting facts about carrots, which you may not have heard before.

Crop started in Afghanistan. Although at the moment we can find carrots all over the world. The first carrots in history are believed to have been grown in the Afghanistan area. Soon, this delicious vegetable spread throughout the surroundings and for about 1000 years it was consumed in both the Middle East and North Africa. A little later, carrots traveled to Spain and into the 14th century. They have been observed in both Northern European gardens and Chinese cuisine.

Carrots come in a variety of colors. Although for many carrots they are associated with the color orange, carrots come in a variety of colors: naturally white, yellow or purple. The first carrots were actually purple or white. And orange carrots, as we are used to now, were bred after a genetic mutation when purple carrots with a yellow-orange core lost their color and turned into a solid orange.

Cooked carrots are more beneficial to the body than green ones. Interestingly, processed carrots are more beneficial to the body than green ones. Heated carrots emit up to 40 percent more carotene than green ones. Therefore, they are perfect for use in soups, they can be stewed in butter, baked in the oven, or added to a variety of stews and other dishes.

88 percent of carrots are water. Although carrots are often eaten as a snack, most are water, making it a great product not only for snacking, but also for quenching your thirst.

Healthy eyes Carrots: They have been used since ancient times as a medicine to improve vision. Carrots are rich in lutein and lycopene and vitamin A, which helps maintain good vision.

Strengthens the immune system. Carrots are rich in a variety of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants such as vitamins B6 and K, potassium, phosphorus, and many other beneficial substances that help strengthen bones and the nervous system and improve brain function. And the antioxidants in carrots not only help the body protect itself from free radical damage, but also from harmful bacteria, viruses, and inflammation.

J. Sabaitienė advises to include as many carrots as possible in your daily diet, and for a more varied taste and pampering, he offers to try the recipe for carrot cake with anthrax cream. By the way, the cream is not mandatory. The carrot cake alone is also very tasty.

Carrot cake

Will need: 2 eggs; 4 v.š. liquid coconut oil; 6 v.š. Maple syrup; 200 ml of applesauce; 200 ml of almond milk 2 medium carrots; 1/2 a.š. you go out; 2 a.š. Baking powder; 1 a.š. cinnamon; 1 glass of almond flour; 1 glass of flour; a handful of walnuts.

The cashew cream will need: 1 glass of cashews; 100 ml of fatty coconut milk; 3 v.š. Maple syrup; 3 v.š. liquid coconut oil; 2 v.š. lemon juice.


Cashew cream:

We pour the cashews into cold water and soak overnight. We put the soaked walnuts in a food grinder along with all the other ingredients. We crush everything until obtaining a uniform mass. We transfer the cream obtained to a container, cover it with an adhesive film and store it in the refrigerator for a few hours; in the refrigerator, the cream will freeze and become firmer.


First you have to beat the eggs. Then add the coconut oil, maple syrup, and applesauce. We mix everything well. Pour in the milk and stir the darkart. We grate the carrots and add them to liquid products, mix well. We add salt, baking powder, cinnamon, both flours to the mass of liquid products and mix everything well. We pour chopped walnuts into the dough and mix. The dough should be quite thick.

Line the baking dish with parchment paper, pour the dough and bake in a preheated 180 degree oven for 50 minutes. Wait for the cake to cool completely and apply the cream. You can also sprinkle nuts and berries on top. Delicious!
