In 2024, it will be possible to fly from Lithuania in 110 directions.


It is expected to return to the previous level of the crisis in mid-2022, according to the implementation plan of the Government program.

Tadas Vasiliauskas, representative of the company Lithuania Airports, told BNS that there are currently 15 destinations flying from Lithuania, but by the end of March their number should increase at least three times. The Government plans to approve the strategic flight business plan in the third quarter of this year.

Representatives of the foreign investment promotion agency “Invest in Lithuania” have previously identified the Charles de Gaulle airport in Paris, Munich, Stuttgart, Hamburg and Dusseldorf in Germany, Amsterdam, Istanbul, Dublin and Geneva as priority areas.

The government also plans to expand the airport infrastructure and increase the number of passengers to 4 million. up to 9 million per year. It is planned to rebuild the terminals at Vilnius and Kaunas airports and the Palanga airport runway

Last year, the number of passengers at the country’s three airports fell by 72 percent. 1.8 million and 52% of the flights. up to 30 thousand. Lithuanian airports forecast that this year they will be able to restore about half of the passenger traffic that existed in 2019.
