A. Kubilius on the “insignificant” president: don’t be surprised if he slides into the electorate of R. Karbauskis


“The president’s top advisers left their team again. It is possible to explain for a long time what personally determined each team member’s decision, but as such team instability is already becoming commonplace, it is worth looking at as an important phenomenon. , and it is time to understand its root causes. And by looking at the essence of the phenomenon with such an open critical vision, we can be more useful for the president himself than for the always flattering repetition that if a dancer does not dance, only the shoes the little ones are to blame. Sometimes it happens that the dancer does not know how to dance “,writes the curator.

A. Kubilius states that this time he seeks to look at the totality of the president’s problems as a phenomenon that has a distinctive feature, in his words, the “insignificant president” syndrome.

Erik Ovcharenko / 15min photo / Visit of Emmanuel Macron and Gitan Nausėda to Rukla

Erik Ovcharenko / 15min photo / Visit of Emmanuel Macron and Gitan Nausėda to Rukla

“Each President of Lithuania, in the performance of their functions, was different. It was a different way of behaving them, a different experience, a different time. Vytautas Landsbergis, Algirdas Mykolas Brazauskas, Valdas Adamkus, Dalia Grybauskaitė: each of them was different , but each one attracted attention. Paksas was prominent only because of the impeachment. Although Lithuania has not yet faced an imprecise president, that opportunity is always there, “he wrote before. The politician recalled that some time ago the question whether this is not the case, in Lithuania we are used to “brilliant” presidents and we do not even understand what it means to have a different head of country.

A. Kubilius raises the question of what makes the president brilliant and answers him. According to the politician, these are the most important works and results associated with his mandate.

“Unfortunately,” continues A. Kubilius, “my prophecy that Lithuania may have to face an issue that has not been proven before, until 2019, that is, with the” lazy president “, seems to come true. And it is regrettable that the President Nausėda’s name in the future is not associated with any of Lithuania’s achievements in the fight against the pandemic or Lithuania’s special role in the face of geopolitical changes in Belarus and Russia, but the name of “settler crisis” Los Presidents, going beyond the limits of their constitutional powers, try to express themselves artificially, without finding another way to remain significant in the life of the State. “

Photo of the European People's Group at the European Parliament / EU Eastern Neighborhood Forum in Brussels

Photo of the European People’s Group at the European Parliament / EU Eastern Neighborhood Forum in Brussels

According to the MEP, all we have seen in the activities of G. Nausėda in recent times is a personal and sometimes desperate struggle for the Presidency to be seen as an institution committed to meaningful activities.

“Unfortunately, when those activities do not find a way to focus on at least some significant long-term content of public policy, only an imitation of the significant activities remains, when the sole objective remains the public, not to be left behind by the new government. in making necessary and effective decisions “, A. Kubilius.

According to him, artificial competition with the government does not solve the problem.

“I wrote 2 years ago that to be clear and meaningful, the president must have a much clearer list of the most important state policy priorities, which he would sincerely commit to implementing. It is not enough to announce the direction of the “welfare state” alone, because there are no politicians who have not announced this direction in one way or another. When such a slogan is not followed by more concrete actions, then that slogan quickly falls into the category of the slogan “We deserve to live better!” Once operated by A. Paulauskas.

Therefore, the more the president tries to create his meaning simply by repeating the same ‘welfare state’ slogan, the more doubts the general public will have as to whether the president can really become meaningful, “he says.

According to A. Kubilius, it is obvious that as we approach the middle of the term, G. Nausėda has a question, how to secure a second term?

The conservative also advises not to be surprised if the head of state moves more and more consistently towards R. Karbauskis and the electorate that voted for him in 2016: “Having followed the path of” nostalgia for the Soviet era “in Brazauskas, he does not find your new way in any way. “

“The president is at a crossroads: becoming ‘significant’ in the constituency that voted for him in the first round of the 2019 presidential elections is not very successful, and becoming ‘significant’ in another area may not only be against Convention. ” There are still all kinds of fertilizer imports from Russia or Belarusian cargo transit through the Klaipeda port, which Lukashenko has stopped. There are a number of influential people in Lithuania who do not like obstacles in these business matters. It is not difficult to find one’s “meaning” in such an environment. The president’s efforts to form a new coalition for the upcoming elections are understandable, but the president need not try to qualify such an effort as a concern for the welfare of Lithuania in the interests of the future coalition. People are wise and recognize very quickly the real causes of many phenomena or actions ”, he continues.

The “insignificant president” syndrome is difficult for G. Nausėda and his team, writes the conservative, adding that if the president solved a personal dilemma, he would help everyone. In the words of A. Kubilius, there is nothing worse in politics than the demonstration.

“Of course, we can share this burden of sin and all of us, at least in part, with the president: because the president suffers not only from a syndrome of personal” importance “, but also because the Lithuanian society misunderstands” importance ” of the institution of the president. In 30 years, we are still mentally only partially distant from the near east, so many would unconsciously like to see the president of Lithuania in something similar to Lukashenko or Putin. Meanwhile, we have been living in the Union European for 16 years, where most presidents do not equal prime ministers in their constitutional importance and influence on the life of the state.

President Nausėda may simply have to sympathize with the fact that he will be the first Lithuanian president to come close to the European standard of presidents in terms of their role in the life of the state, when in their importance to the life of the state they are similar. . to the monarchs. These are not very significant. But popular.

The president’s problem is that he wants to be both a popular monarch and a “prime minister of vaccines.” Advisers of such a mix do not tolerate it, “writes A. Kubilius on Facebook.
