More and more teens find an extremely dangerous way to calm down: They become unconsciously addicted, their parents struggle


In addition, experts point out that these drugs are rarely prescribed to adolescents, only when necessary, so there is a high probability that the drugs are administered to minors by the parents themselves.

Alcohol is on the decline, but medications are a serious concern

The Survey on the Use of Alcohol and Other Psychoactive Substances in European Schools (ESPAD) in Lithuania has been conducted every four years since 1999. It showed that even one in five Lithuanian adolescents have taken sedatives or hypnotics without a prescription.

It is true that, according to Regina Saveljeva, Doctor of Social Sciences at Klaipeda University, the topic of the use of sedatives and hypnotics was only included in 2015.

„2019 The study showed that the consumption of alcohol and cigarettes continues to decrease, but there is concern about the use of illegal drugs and over-the-counter medicines,” said the interviewee.


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R. Saveljeva notes that the study shows that about 29 percent have used sedatives and hypnotics without a prescription. 15-16 m. girls and about 11 percent. boys of the same age.

The Doctor of Social Sciences affirms that according to the consumption of alcohol and cigarettes among adolescents, Lithuania corresponds to the average of European countries.

“When it comes to taking over-the-counter medications, it is cause for concern and we are way above average,” he said.

Parents or loved ones contribute

The psychiatrist Ramunė Mazaliauskienė affirms that these data are very eloquent. According to the specialist, this means that relatives, relatives and relatives give medicines to minors, which they should not give without consulting a doctor.

According to the doctor, this trend also shows that people obviously have too many of these drugs in their pharmacies.

According to the interlocutor, benzodiazepines, which inhibit the central nervous system, are administered more frequently to adults, so the young man who drank them probably did not get them from his peers, but from his family.

“The mental health of young people is probably not very good, because if those drugs are given, and most likely they are given to adults, it means that some signs have been noticed: insomnia or excessive anxiety. All of this needs to be treated and managed. otherwise ”, says R. Mazaliauskienė.

Ramunė Mazaliauskienė

© DELFI / Audrius Gavėnas

Ramunė Mazaliauskienė

The fact that these drugs can be found in the markets is concerning and, according to the doctor, is the application of the law.

“Still, as I understand it, young people are not very good experts in our Lithuanian markets, where the drugs are marketed. I suppose they are still likely to receive these medications from their peers, but again, peers are also more likely to receive these medications from adults, ”the psychiatrist shared.

The specialist says that these drugs are prescribed to children in rare cases and that these prescriptions for such drugs are certainly not written with an easy hand.

Some are so dizzy, others mask the problems

R. Mazaliauskienė considers that it is quite real that a small part of young people use these drugs for intoxication purposes. However, the doctor has no doubt that the medication is often used in cases of insomnia, anxiety or other conditions.

The arbitrary use of sedatives for young people, says the doctor, is mainly dangerous because young people do not realize what is happening to them: “If there is anxiety, it is necessary to look for its causes and learn to deal with it in a healthy way. path. All of this is in disguise. Secondly, these drugs affect cognitive functions: attention, memory, impair the ability to concentrate ”. Taking these drugs, according to the interlocutor, makes it dangerous to drive a car or even ride a bicycle.

While the benzodiazepines used in the indications can save lives, the arbitrary use of such drugs has extremely serious consequences: this not only masks the main problem that led to the introduction of drugs, but in the long run it can become particularly addictive:

More and more teens find an extremely dangerous way to calm down: They become unconsciously addicted, their parents struggle

© DELFI / Andrius Ufartas

“These drugs carry dangers, they are very attractive drugs. Some people start taking them regularly and they do, as I say,” from life “- a more complicated meeting, an unpleasant conversation with a manager, or an exam – taking these drugs. This does not solve problems, it does not deal with life events, but it does suppress anxiety, ”warns the doctor.

Addiction can be cured, but a pandemic promises even greater challenges

A 2020 study also revealed that Lithuanians use sedatives, which are intended only for the short-term treatment of acute anxiety and insomnia, for an average of seven years.

“It just came to our attention then. If there are persistent problems, many other things must be done in parallel after prescribing these drugs: there may be cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy, other causes can be looked for, and other drugs may be prescribed,” says the psychotherapist .

Dependence on benzodiazepines, says R. Mazaliauskienė, is difficult to treat, but when choosing the right measures, it is a real problem.

“Once a person decides to quit addiction, there is a patient with two diagnoses: the one that caused him to start taking medication and the addiction itself,” says the interviewee.


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Then the treatment becomes complex. If you start taking the medicine because of anxiety or insomnia, these symptoms will get worse when you stop taking it. According to the doctor, this can have very serious consequences, therefore, when stopping the use of sedatives, other supportive measures should be taken: psychotherapy, medical treatment, psychological help.

What can we expect from 2020, the year of the pandemic? According to the doctor, an even higher level of anxiety will probably be registered. Although the availability of benzodiazepines is limited, young people, says the doctor, are likely to continue to seek sedatives, although the problem can be tackled with great success without medication.

Help for addicts
Contact your GP or the nearest Addiction Center for help:
Help lines:
Calls to all lines are paid by the Ministry of Social Affairs from the state budget.
Emotional support online
The Crisis Management Center (Antakalnio St. 97, Vilnius, has mental health specialists on call, with whom you can consult upon arrival or via Skype without prior registration and free of charge. On-call psychologists will be available Monday through Friday from 4 pm to 8 pm, Saturday from 12 pm to 4 pm. Working hours: I, III, V 16.00–20.00 All additional information – on the page Assistance to relatives of suicides: self-help group, frequently asked questions, literature and other useful information on the page Division of Child and Adolescent Crisis Intervention. Open 24 hours a day. (8-5) 275 75 64.
