Singer Giulija, who is not in control of the passage of time, spoke about health problems.


This Sunday, the singer agreed to speak openly about the change in routine of the COVID-19 virus pandemic and the importance of the movement for our well-being on the TV8 television program “Tree of health”. According to Giulia in these times, when almost everyone has vehicles, we tend to move less and forget the joy of movement.

“The current situation in the world, where we spend most of our time at home involuntarily, is not really rewarding. I am sure that movement is the basis of well-being. Today, it is common to choose a vehicle even for women. shorter distances, while trying to find as many opportunities to move as possible: if there are stairs, I leave the elevator and, as the weather warms up, I walk with a pet. They become more frequent and longer, ”the woman opened. .

The performer, who has been actively performing for several decades and has toured across the country, says legs on stage are often one of the most vulnerable places for people on stage. Constant stress, uncomfortable footwear and, at the same time, the passage of time, contribute to the fatigue of joint pain, which complicates the quality of a full life.

“When I was younger, high heels were my usual shoes, I wore them both to concerts and when I went to town. After a while, I started to feel fatigue and pain in my legs. I spent two to three hours, and sometimes even longer, rehearsing and being on stage in high heels. That is why my legs, their bones and joints were under great stress. As a result, I now protect my feet, choose comfortable shoes, and when I feel uncomfortable I put my bare feet up more for a few minutes, ”shared Giulija.

As the weather warms, many people begin to move and walk more and more, but doctors recommend behaving responsibly after a less active winter. Before walking, it is recommended to prepare the body for exercise, performing stretching exercises for a few weeks, thus moving the joints.

“When you start exercising after a long time, the sports load should be distributed correctly. I recommend starting walking, but do not forget that it is very important to choose the right pavement, do not choose asphalt roads, it is better to choose dry forest tracks and the right footwear to walk, ”shared physiotherapist Vitalijus Baronas.

According to Giulia, although the pandemic has stopped work and concert activities, it is a good time to pay more attention to your health: take a walk through the parks and forests, as well as supplement your diet with food supplements that are good. for your joints.

“When the weather warms up, we can move with much more freedom in nature. However, it is important not to forget to take care of the joints and look for various food supplements for joint activities in pharmacies, so that you can move more freely, avoid injuries and enjoy healthy legs, arms and life, ”said Giulija.

The joint, responsible for bone mobility and range of motion, has no blood flow and feeds on the fluid that surrounds it, the production of which depends solely on the person’s lifestyle, which is also influenced by eating habits. Since only a small proportion of people in society eat a balanced diet and consume the right amount of food, scientists are reaching out to offer joint supplements that contain type I and II collagen and vitamin C specifically for the joints.

“Exercise, stretching, walking are physical aids for our joints. However, we must also take into account collagen, the main substance for joints. When choosing food supplements, it is important to pay attention to the fact that which contains both type I and type II collagen, because in this way we strengthen ligaments, joints and protect them from injury ”, said physiotherapist Vitalijus Baronas.

Swollen legs are a sign of concern about venous blood flow

Unpleasant sensations in the legs can be the body’s first sign of an annoying venous disease. If you experience fatigue, pain, or cramps while standing or sitting, it’s worth worrying, as chronic venous disease can occur in people of any age. As the summer season approaches, people begin to travel more, spend more time in cars, airplanes, and often this is what causes swelling of the feet, ankles, or calves.

“Chronic venous disease is a disorder of venous circulation caused by congenital or acquired causes. If a person stands a lot in one place or sits for a long time, the muscles of their legs do not work, causing disturbances in the flow Prophylactic socks are a way of survival for travelers, as they reduce blood flow, but if a person knows that he is planning a long trip, for example, it is possible to choose drugs: venotonics, which improve venous circulation “, said the city of Vilnius. Clinical Hospital 2.º de Angiocirugía. Head of Service, Physician, Vascular Surgeon Tomas Janušauskas.

Line dancing is a very healthy entertainment chosen by the elderly.

Line dancing is a form of dancing in which all the dancers stand in line and perform the same dance moves. Since there is no age limit to dance, anyone can do it. Every year more people join these dances and the most gratifying thing is that adults and the elderly have become especially more daring to choose this way of spending their free time. When dancing linear dances, it is important to remember the sequence of dance steps and therefore exercise not only the body but also the brain.

“To have a healthy mobile device, dancing is one of the most recommended activities. It is no secret that by dancing we can improve not only good psychological well-being, but also physical health. Of course, it is important to note that dancing can also cause problems for the body, but if dancing is not coercion but pleasure, then it is an excellent way to maintain both good humor and physical condition, “said the doctor. sciences, traumatologist med. meter. Dr. Jonas Regimantas Žitkauskas.
