Architects of the world are invited to Vilnius: a competition will be held, which will be announced once every hundred years


The competition of such complexity will be announced for the first time when Lithuania’s largest public transport hub is reorganized. The tendering task includes the train station complex, the station square and the transport terminal.

The tender was announced on March 4, its conditions and documents published in the Central Public Procurement Information System and on the Vilnius Connect project website.

Competition participants will have to create a world-renowned and iconic international train station project, offer a public transport infrastructure representing Lithuania and Vilnius and meeting the highest quality standards, form an attractive city square station and offer the idea of ​​a vibrant and connecting station of the inner city district.

“Our goal is for a person arriving in Vilnius by train or bus to immediately understand that it is a busy city of the future, and when they step out onto the station square or street, they feel that the city is welcoming, green and inspiring. I hope we receive bold ideas that allow us to realize this ambition, ”says Remigijus Šimašius, Mayor of Vilnius.

LTG CEO Mantas Bartuška believes that close cooperation with the city is the basis for the success of the future conversion. The head of the group that implements projects of international importance such as the construction of the European Rail Baltica track in Lithuania says that the partnership between the city and the company will allow to better coordinate the approaches and turn them into the best result.

Projects to redesign the world’s capitals take place once a century, so this call is a historic opportunity for the world’s best architects to set a vision for future generations. The partnership to redesign the station area reflects our determination to open up industrial spaces previously closed to the city and make them accessible to the people.

Here we want to create spaces that match the best examples of Western European train stations, and the station would not only be a point of travel, but also a new center of attraction with leisure spaces and services, convenient connections for pedestrians, cyclists and everyone who chooses convenient and eco-friendly train travel, “says M. Bartuška.

The participants of the international architecture competition are asked to present their solutions to the Vilnius railway station, the station square and the public transport terminal. One of the requirements to participate in the contest is experience in the preparation of similar projects or the design of public buildings.

The tender date for the architectural design of the Vilnius railway station complex, the station square and the public transport terminal, specified in the tender rules, is 2021. May 31. The proposals will be evaluated by an international commission of 11 members, composed of representatives of architects, urban planners, LTG, LTG Infra, LTG Link and the Municipality of Vilnius.

The winner or group of winners of the contest will be announced in June of this year. The prize fund of the contest reaches 120 thousand. EUR, of which the 1st place winner will receive 50 thousand. EUR, the second – 30 thousand. EUR, the third – 20 thousand. EUR bonuses. The participants of the contest who took places IV and V will receive 10,000. bonuses in euros.

The international tender was initiated by LTG, LTG Infra, the company that manages the railway network in Lithuania, and the Municipality of Vilnius. The bidding documents were prepared by the consulting firm Civitta and the Syndicate of Architects of Lithuania.
