Photo of D. Grybauskaitė vaccinated against COVID-19 caused a stir: a tipped syringe was jammed


Outgoing President Dalia Grybauskaitė was vaccinated against the coronavirus this week. However, the most vigilant skeptics of vaccines did not see a circulated photo: a doctor holding a syringe with a tip.

“Pay attention to the photo! How to inject the vaccine without removing it from the tip of the needle. What a performance here, ”said Internet user Stasys.

“There is advertising against vaccines here because the cap has not been removed,” Red said.

Super, is not far behind the clowns of other countries. Who is vaccinated with empty syringes, who does not have needles and who, like this lady, is vaccinated with the tip of a needle that is not removed, ”said Darius.

The photo shared by D. Grybauskaitė on Facebook received 2.8 thousand. comments, more than 800 shares, 35,000 emoticons. True, not only the thoughts of vaccination skeptics, but also compatriots, who wished D. Grybauskaitė health and thanked the inspiring example, lay below the photo.

“He is a great example for anyone who has doubts. Health to you. Give up more often with a good word, energy and a positive attitude towards the man, ”Eglė wrote.

“And they gave me the vaccine today and I am very happy. I waited a long time for him to invite me. I don’t feel anything bad and I haven’t changed anything, everything is normal, ”Rasa wrote.

To clear up doubts, D. Grybauskaitė also made a video of the vaccination process that same night.

“To dispel doubts that the vaccine has been injected, I add a moment to inject,” the president wrote.

D. Grybauskaitė, who was vaccinated this week, said Friday that she felt fine and that the bath she felt at the puncture site passed quickly.

“I get a flu shot every year and that has helped me keep pace and stay healthy during my 10-year presidency. As you know, I have never had a so-called sick note, ”the outgoing president told LRT television. She says that communication about COVID-19 vaccination at the national level is practically non-existent and the vaccination process itself is chaotic.

D. Grybauskaitė herself announced the vaccination on the social network Facebook on Thursday.

“When I officially became ‘senior’, I was invited to get vaccinated. I rushed in because I trust vaccines in principle. I get vaccinated against the flu every year. And vaccinating against the coronavirus is also a moral obligation not to spread the disease and protect others. I invite you not to be afraid and spread that virus to your fur, “wrote the former head of state on Thursday. D. Grybauskaitė turned 65 on Monday.

The former president was vaccinated at the Santara Clinics Family Medicine Center.
