Upon seeing the syringe with the tip, skeptics explain that D. Grybauskaitė has not been vaccinated against COVID-19.


The cap attached to the needle.

“When I officially became a ‘senior’, I was invited to get vaccinated. I rushed because I trust vaccines in principle. I get vaccinated against the flu every year. And vaccinating against the coronavirus is also a moral obligation not to spread the disease and protect others. I invite you not to be afraid and put that virus on your skin “, on Thursday on my Facebook account wrote D.Grybauskaitė, who celebrated his 65th birthday this week.

Former president was vaccinated Santara Clinics Family Medicine Center.

The photo of the former head of state was shared by almost 800 people.

One of the people who posted it on Facebook on her account also added a magnified view of her hand with a syringe. The image makes it clearer that the syringe needle, which is a few centimeters from the shoulder, is not visible, it is covered.

“Vaccination has never been so easy! Lithuanian politicians get vaccinated without removing the needle cap. Modern technologies… ”- added the man to the photo.

Facebook Screenshot / Suspicion caused by a syringe with a covered needle attached to Dalia Grybauskaitė's hand

Facebook Screenshot / Suspicion caused by a syringe with a covered needle attached to Dalia Grybauskaitė’s hand

He added: “Pfizeris he will receive 15,000,000,000 profit for the vaccine, and the advertising manager saved several hundred … It would be customary to take photos when the needle touches the body.

This photo has already been shared by many more people: 1.2 thousand.

People who started commenting on it were angry at such a demo campaign, they insulted D. Grybauskaitė. However, some suggested not looking for a conspiracy because, for example, they may not have been able to take a photo.

“Maybe the hairstyle or the smile didn’t work … Maybe I had to repeat it so it wouldn’t get pierced, it was … Don’t you think if you were fake, you’d be a complete idiot?” ?” A thought.

“I think he did not remove it because it was agreed that he would pose now. The needle cannot be opened for a long time before the medication is administered, it is not sterile, so that option may exist, another commenter explained.” I am not going. to be with all those sheep who are screaming that they have not really been vaccinated for the hat. “

I also posted a video

In the video, which was also published a few hours later by D. Grybauskaitė (with the inscription “to dispel doubts that the vaccine had been injected”), it is clearly seen how it is pierced in the hand.

The stop / needle box is perfectly visible in the video.

The stop / needle box is perfectly visible in the video.

“I didn’t feel it at all, at all,” the outgoing president said immediately afterward. – Many thanks. I waited a lot and I was very happy when you invited me, it’s very good. “

Finally, raising his thumb, he yelled, “Everyone is vaccinated!”

Explain both missing needles and empty syringes in your own way

Similarly some time ago was questioned, Was London Mayor Sadiq Khan Really Vaccinated? On social media, Lithuanians also shared a photo of him sitting with an open shirt sleeve and a man leaning against him holding a syringe as if facing a stab wound. The photo was uploaded to Facebook with the caption: “The Mayor of London also got vaccinated without removing the tip and wearing a T-shirt.”

This photo was taken in late September, when COVID-19 hadn’t even been vaccinated to encourage people to get vaccinated against the seasonal flu. Spokesperson for Mr. Khan explainedthat the mayor actually got vaccinated at the local pharmacy. In the photo, he and the pharmacist holding the tipped syringe were captured before the procedure.

Photo from Twitter / London Mayor Sadiq Khan got his flu shot in September, now this photo is used to criticize COVID-19 vaccines

Photo from Twitter / London Mayor Sadiq Khan got his flu shot in September, now this photo is used to criticize COVID-19 vaccines

A video has also been shared showing how the person is supposedly vaccinated with an empty syringe and the needle is not inserted into the hand. It wasn’t a real vaccine, just your essay. She was filmed in Darmstadt near Frankfurt in early December. Unknowingly, the commenters explained that both the coronavirus and the vaccines against it are a huge scam. .

Another similar conspiracy theory floats on social media – that the images of vaccinated doctors and nurses in the media are just demos, people aren’t even pierced, because the needle is no longer visible in the records or the syringes are completely empty. In fact, the needles of modern syringes automatically bend backwards, thus protecting against careless punctures.

Proprietary safe syringes protects medical staff and patients from injuries and infections such as hepatitis. in this video Y in pictures see clearly how they work and how to insert the needle. When you push the tip of the syringe, the needle goes down as needed and back up when you have finished injecting the medicine. For safety reasons, it is not possible to lower the needle a second time. These syringes recommends The World Health Organization as a way to prevent the spread of blood-borne diseases.

The post was prepared in 15 minutes. in collaboration with Facebook, which aims to stop the spread of misleading news on the social network. More about the program and its rules – here.
