Professor Laiškonis sends a warning: the epidemic will not end this year and we have big problems in Lithuania


The professor said he was closely following what was currently happening in other countries, so he was really seeing signs of anxiety.

“I follow everything that is happening, the situation in Europe is tense, in some countries tragically, like the Czech Republic, Slovakia. It is very challenging there. “Americans are already fully quarantined in some states, but I think it’s too early,” he said.

Although the quarantine lasts for the fifth month in Lithuania, learning of more and more cases of the rapidly spreading British strain of the virus, A. Laiškonis believes there is no other way than isolation.

“People complain that they are tired, is it possible to think that Lithuania alone is tired and the world is not? We are all tired. After all, there is also talk about the rest of the phenomena of infection, so I read that after 3-4 months after contracting the coronavirus, the hair begins to fall out. We do not know much about this disease, its consequences, so we need those measures, “he said.

New Covid-19 Testing Laboratory at Vilnius Airport

Anxiety about Easter

The doctor said that she was extremely worried about the upcoming Easter.

“I am very afraid of Easter, because people will attack the supermarkets again, like before Christmas. They will really try to get somewhere in the woods and fields in different ways. It’s Christmas, the New Year has shown it, ”he said.

At the same time, the interlocutor was surprised that people avoided testing:

“Here’s my neighbor who contracted the flu in December. Now that the vaccine was needed, antibodies developed and it turns out that the coronavirus has gotten sick. So every fever, any symptom, requires a person to go for an exam. I mean those who have a hard time, who don’t have a clinic. “

Doctors themselves lack education

The infectologist also regretted the general lack of communication. He considered that it may not be necessary to change it almost every day, when it seems that one day some people speak one way and another another.

“I do not understand that there are three expert commissions: the Government, the Emergency Situations Commission and the President. I do not know their composition, who is advising what, but perhaps there should be information in one hand? We do not curse the former Minister of Health, but he was still the keynote speaker and now he’s quiet, “said the doctor.

According to him, the doctors themselves lack more basic information, because there are those who do not even grasp what the antigen, what the antibody or the rapid test is. The professor is convinced that there is a lack of general education for health professionals in all fields:

“The saddest thing is that the doctors are not completely dominated either. Here a patient calls, went to the eye doctor and asked if he would be vaccinated. This said that he would not be vaccinated because he would not get infected and did not advise the patient. So there is still a lot of medical skepticism. “

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The stress of vaccinating causes problems

According to A. Laiškonis, communication also strikes due to vaccines. In his opinion, to dispel the unfounded rhetoric, it was necessary to carry out an autopsy on the man who died immediately after vaccination.

“It just came to our attention then. Apparently, the relatives did not allow it. Because it seems to me that it was a sudden death. Not because of the vaccine, but it was a coincidence, because if they had done the autopsy, they would have seen if the aorta ruptured .

All older people are vaccinated with a terrible fear, experiencing stress. It is not surprising that a heart attack could have occurred in this condition. Because if anaphylactic shock occurs, a person never dies within two minutes, so either the aorta suddenly disappears or there is a heart attack, “said the doctor.

He also added that the mutation of the virus will not change so much that the vaccine will not work at all.

“It just came to our attention then. Furthermore, I think, pharmaceutical companies are already working, collecting mutated viruses and trying to make vaccine additives from them,” said the doctor.

He also said that a big mistake was made about vaccination in 2004, during the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) epidemic: “Because it did not spread to a pandemic, no one participated in the production of vaccines. And the world has been marked twice by the coronavirus after the 2007 SARS outbreak, followed by MERS (Middle East respiratory syndrome). “

Alarm due to lack of specialists

The professor recalled that he was facing the fourth pandemic of his life. But most of the survivors said we don’t have the professionals to handle them.

“I participated in the eradication of the smallpox outbreak in Moscow in the 1960s. Later in 1967, there was a cholera outbreak in Odessa. I was young, he sent me from Lithuania to study. It continued in 2004. I was involved in eradicating the SARS outbreak. This is the fourth pandemic.

The fact that viruses have mutated and will mutate, but if we don’t have specialists, there will be problems. Now there are no courses, there is no learning, epidemiology is excluded from the cycle of infectious diseases. How can you have a specialist infectious disease specialist if you don’t know the epidemiology? ”- emphasized A. Laiškonis.

VUL Santara Clinic

We are not going to end the epidemic this year

According to the professor, after regaining independence, the idea that there were no more infectious diseases in Lithuania stagnated, so there was no training for epidemiologists or infectious disease specialists.

“The epidemiology of communicable diseases is not a public health problem. This is something completely different to be professionals. If we continue to be so blind and creative, we will not create a course and specialists in epidemiology, there will be problems, because the pandemic will last several years .

We are the only country in Europe without specialists. What can the head of the health promotion department of the Ministry of Health say next time as chief epidemiologist? When asked, it is obvious that we really must do many actions and restore the system so that we have specialists in the municipalities, “the doctor explained.

Although the epidemiological analysis of COVID-19 cases is now carried out by the National Center for Public Health, the interviewee emphasized that the main field of activity of this institution is the investigation of water and food quality, public health in general, but not the epidemiology of contagious diseases.

“We are not going to end the epidemic this year, so we have to think. Now we will definitely live a restless life,” added the infectologist.
