The millionaire Rimandas Stonys was seen in public for the first time by his wife Rasa


While there are more questions than answers, for the first time spoke the wife of businessman Rasa Stonien habló, who is rarely seen in public, who claimed that great fortunes not only guarantee a good life, but also attract envy.

“It just came to our knowledge then. But I always say: raise your butts and go to work. We all have the same hands, the same heads, they are things made by fate,” said the woman, who experimented with her fur what it means being the target of those who want to get angry.Some fights even went to court.

Rasa received another dose of the poison when she gave birth to a daughter at the age of 40 last summer. “Perhaps more Lithuanians have the characteristic that 40 women have already been discharged, are retired and cannot give birth. And why can’t we, if health is good, if a man’s health is good, why can’t we accept God’s gift? “

Although married to one of the richest people in Lithuania, Rasa could really be just a lady and a housewife, the woman claimed that she takes care of the 800-square-meter house completely alone, raises two more children, has her own business and says he doesn’t need helpers.

And if there is a problem, she can always appear before her husband.

Although Stonius will soon be 16, Rasa says: “I still admire my husband. This is a maintained man. I’m proud of him, I admire him. “

Even more details about the daily life of the rich woman and her chosen lifestyle – already tonight, at 7.30pm, during LNK, on ​​the program “KK2 Friday”.
