His wife Rasa spoke about the millionaire Rimandon Stonius, who is suspected of a major fraud


“It just came to our attention then. But I always say: get up subines and get to work. We all have the same hands, the same heads, they are things made by destiny ”, says the woman, who has experimented with her fur what it means to be the target of those who want to get angry. Some fights have even moved to court, according to a press release.

Rasa received another dose of the poison when she gave birth to a daughter at the age of 40 last summer. “Perhaps more Lithuanians have the characteristic that 40 women have already been discharged, are retired and cannot give birth. And why can’t we, if health is good, if a man’s health is good, why can’t we accept God’s gift? “

Breed Stonienė

Breed Stonienė

Although she is married to one of the richest people in Lithuania, Rasa could really be just a lady and a housewife, the woman claims that she takes care of the 800-square-meter house completely alone, raises two more children, has her own business and says he doesn’t need helpers. And if there is a problem, you can always lean on your husband. Although Stonius will soon be 16, Rasa says: “I still admire my husband. This is a maintained man. I’m proud of him, I admire him. “

Even more details about the daily life of the rich woman and her chosen lifestyle – already tonight, at 7.30pm, during LNK, on ​​the program “KK2 Friday”.

Delphi recalls that the influential businessman Stonys, arrested by the FNTT due to a possible VAT fraud scheme, has more points in his biography: mentioned in party support schemes related to Russia, he previously developed his business on state lands and was a participant in many businesses. . You can read more about the arrest of one of the richest Lithuanian businessmen here.

Breed Stonienė

Breed Stonienė

It has already been announced that Rasa and Rimandas Stoniai are one of the richest families in Lithuania. Both manage assets worth almost € 70 million and live between Bali, Switzerland and Lithuania. Although R. Stonys is a representative of the energy business, Rasa is not after her husband either: she is the owner of the Žiežmariai flowers. The 42-year-old, who recently had her second child, also shows her daily life on Instagram – she has amassed an army of 17,000 followers here.

Online commenters have repeatedly brought Rasa to tears. People made fun of the fact that Rasa’s husband was 24 years her senior, as well as his appearance.

“A little bit of burdock, a little bit of a fine, as I deduced … Let them exercise, produce, read, raise children, do something, then they will not have time for the garbage they are doing now.” “, says R. Stonienė.

Commenters also unpleasantly commented when R. Stonienė, who had crossed the threshold of forty, became pregnant and was expecting a daughter.

Breed Stonienė

Breed Stonienė

“They ridiculed me more when I waited for Felicia. He also made fun of his son Matukas. What is disgusting is that women are behind everything. Women who also have children who are not perfect either … I don’t think a 42-year-old woman can give birth if both her physiology and my health allow it. Why don’t we have to do this if it was God’s will? Why don’t we accept it? The woman wondered.

You can read the interview with R. Stoniene here.

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