Fausta Leščiauskaitė asks to separate from the Church: “If you do not respect love, it is difficult to imagine what it respects”


FMLeščiauskaitė submitted the application to the parish of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Kelmė, where she was once baptized and received the sacraments of first communion and confirmation.

She bases her request on the fact that these sacraments were received in an immature age, and the position of the church on certain issues became unacceptable to her.

“I do not believe in the authority of the ecclesiastical institution, I oppose its politics and propaganda on human rights and equality, or public opposition to those who propagate it. I am determined and ask that I be officially removed from the church community list “, – FMLeščiauskaitė presents such arguments in the application.

Portal People.lt Fausta Maria tells why she decided to take that step.

Fausta Marija Leščiauskaitė's request to remove her from the church community list

Fausta Marija Leščiauskaitė’s request to remove her from the church community list

Fausta, tell me, what led you to make the decision to ask for the separation of the community from the church?

I have never been an active part of the church; it was more like that dead limb which, as it is, but does not fulfill its functions. I have never considered myself an atheist, nor do I sympathize with inspiring priests, church architecture, out of respect for loved ones, I attend church for funerals and weddings if they are or have been religious. However, my god is a long way from the church I see, especially now.

I do not believe in the authority of the ecclesiastical institution, I am opposed to its policies and propaganda on human rights and equality.

So, it consisted of: pedophilia scandals, talking about abortion issues and now also insulting my friends, friends and colleagues, calling me perverts. I’m sure not the entire church community really has that opinion, but I think silence is approval, disapproval is a famous saying.

The impression is now that the public opinion of the church is the most listened to, since none of the authorities has denied it. I realized that I didn’t want to be a part of it. Even more so because I almost never was.

What do you mean in this daring and unexpected step, what position to express?

I think that in a democratic society, this is what people do: they express their views in a civilized way. I do not want to humiliate, belittle the believers, those who discover important things for them in the church. I respect and must respect your choice. However, I am trying to say very clearly that I do not – I do not support the division of people, especially – in a place like the church, where I thought the ego had been released.

It seems that I was wrong. I have not heard church representatives express themselves as strongly and aggressively during pedophile scandals as they do about the personal decisions of two people that affect no one but themselves. If the church no longer respects love, it is hard to imagine what it respects.

Fausta Marija Leščiauskaitė / Photo by Tomas Kauneckas

Fausta Marija Leščiauskaitė / Photo by Tomas Kauneckas

Tell us more about the request to be removed from the church community list – what is the procedure?

In this case, I just wrote a request to remove myself from the church rolls, this is called apostasy. I wait an answer. I wrote in the email that if any information was missing please let me know because it is important to me to take this action.

True, a friend said that after taking such an action, he received a negative answer: that he would not engage in any coups, if he wanted to, go to the parish. If necessary, you will have to drive. However, it seems to me that the most important thing in this action is the expression of the position. If it weren’t for the recent scandals, I probably wouldn’t have made that decision, but now I feel bad swallowing what I hear.

It is a public secret that there are some priests who hide not only their lovers but also their lovers. Therefore, I do not believe that the world will live in hypocrisy for long.

Do you think that the war against hatred of the Church and LGBT values ​​is only being waged on social media? Maybe it’s just a storm in this bubble?

I don’t think it’s a social media storm. After all, social media is not something Marsiečiai. People have long dreamed of listening to the thoughts of others, behold. Those thoughts are real. Perhaps you hear it less on the street, because few people go and talk about what they think, or even ask.

But if people write it on social media, then those thoughts are on their minds, here, actually, in real life. After all, if I find my neighbor on Facebook as a pervert and a fool, and when I meet him on the stairs, I hope he smiles and says hello to me, I will at least be a little crazy.

Do you think the day will come when LGBT members will be able to feel that they are respected Lithuanian citizens? What steps do you think are necessary to achieve it?

I think. I believe because it would be difficult for me to believe that as the world progresses, people will refuse to trust science. I do not think that the principles of the church are mentioned in the acceptance of the LGBT community; yes, Scripture doesn’t write specifically about LGBT, but it doesn’t write much about what we’re talking about today, it’s just written for too long. to describe all of modern society and its problems.

Furthermore, it is a public secret that there really are some priests who hide not only their lovers but also their lovers. Live life behind closed doors. Therefore, I do not believe that the world will live in hypocrisy for long. Some end will pierce, and it will always come out of the bag and then the change must be made.
