The government presented the changes planned for the entire legislature


“The green course, digitization and education are the three main priorities of the Government. The first is related to the emergence of a climate neutral economy, changes in agriculture, transportation. In the Digital Agenda we seek to open as much data as possible and make as many decisions based on them, to stop improving the electronic systems developed by different institutions, and harmonize them in a way that benefits companies and the State.

Well, of course, the longest-term work is an agreement between political parties on the future of education. The Government will not be able to implement the educational reforms during its mandate, so the objective is to agree that the reform will continue and will not be restored when the new government arrives ”, quotes Prime Minister Ingrida Šimonytė in the Government. Press release.

Ingrida Šimonytė

Ingrida Šimonytė

© DELFI / Tomas Vinickas

The implementation plan of the provisions of the Government Program includes the implementation actions of the Program at the Government level and the most important works that require inter-institutional coordination.

For the implementation of each of the priorities of the Government program, work is planned to implement the strategic agenda of the ministers. Works not included in the Government’s work plan, but important for the Government’s programmatic commitments, will be executed through actions at the institutional (ministerial) level, which will be included by the ministers in the strategic action plans of the ministries.

The plan for the implementation of the provisions of the Government Program is scheduled to be discussed and approved at the Government meeting on March 10.

You can find the full plan and the specific dates the plans are promised to implement here.

Mission I – Equal starting positions for all Lithuanians

The plan establishes that the number of children living in families at social risk from 3 years to compulsory school age who participate in preschool education programs starting at 75 (2020-2021) will reach at least 1,500 by the end of the trimester. .

Total spending on research and experimental development (R&D) relative to gross domestic product (GDP) (percentage) will reach 1.5, now 0.99 (2019).

General government spending on R&D as a percentage of GDP will reach 0.75, now 0.3 (2018).

The proportion of students seeking secondary education (ISCED 3) in addition to the profession should reach 35% by the end of the period, compared to 26.8% in 2018.

The proportion of graduates of higher education institutions employed in the positions required for the relevant qualification within 12 months of graduation should reach 71.3 percent of all graduates in employment and non-continuing education by 2024, in 2019 it was 67.3 percent.

The proportion of employed persons aged 20 to 34 who received a vocational diploma together with secondary education or after obtaining secondary education 1 to 3 years ago should reach 80%; in 2019, this indicator was 67.3%.

The government presented the changes planned for the entire legislature

Mission II (Priority): A culture that changes the quality of life of the individual and society.

The objective will be to increase the proportion of the population that actively participates in cultural activities to 47.9%, now the figure is 45.4%.

The population is promised than in the past 12 months. consumed at least 4 cultural products / cultural services used live, the proportion will also increase to 53.6 percent, now – 52 percent.

Mission III (Priority): empower the most vulnerable groups in society

The proportion of the supplementary pension of single people of retirement age compared to the average old-age pension should increase by 11 per cent.

The at-risk-of-poverty rate is expected to drop to 17 percent in 2024, and now stands at 20.6 percent.

Employment of the population (ages 15-64) is also expected to rise to 73 percent in 2024, now the figure is 71.6 percent.

The proportion of people with disabilities who have benefited from social inclusion measures to reduce their social exclusion should increase to 37 percent of all people with disabilities, now to 33 percent.

Mission IV (Priority) – Long and full life of a healthy person

During this government term, the average life expectancy is expected to increase to 77 years, compared to 76.4 in 2019.

It is also promised to reduce the difference between the life expectancy of men and women to 8 years, in 2019 this indicator reached 9.5.

The life expectancy of healthy men should increase to 60.5 years, in 2018 this figure is 56.3.

Life expectancy for women should increase to 63.8, compared to 59.1 in 2018.

The proportion of adults who rate their health as good and very good is also expected to increase to 64 percent by 2024. In 2018, that number will reach 58 percent.

Mission V (Priority): High value-added economy

The government anticipates that Lithuania’s position according to the Global Innovation Index will rise to 35 positions by 2024, and by 2020 it will reach 40 positions.

According to the purchasing power standard, Lithuania’s labor productivity per hour worked should reach 76 percent of the EU average by the end of the period. In 2019, it was 67 percent.

The share of high-tech production in Lithuania’s total manufacturing output is expected to reach 7 percent. That number is now 4.6 percent.

Mission VI (Priority): Lithuanian Green Course

According to the Government, by 2024, Lithuania’s forest cover should grow to 35 percent, now it reaches 33.7 percent.

The proportion of Lithuanian protected areas area in the total area of ​​Lithuania should also grow to 20 percent. According to the latest calculations, this indicator reaches 17.69 percent.

The proportion of strictly protected areas in the total area of ​​protected areas should also increase to 40 percent, now the figure is 30.39.

Change in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in sectors not participating in the EU Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) compared to 2019 should be -8.8.

It is stated that Lithuania’s forest cover should not be lower than the EU average.

The government presented the changes planned for the entire legislature

© DELFI / Rita Gečiūnaitė

Mission VII (Priority) – Sustainable development of the Lithuanian regions

The average deviation of the GDP per capita in the regions with respect to the GDP per capita of the country (at current prices) should reach 25.4, now this indicator reaches 29.77.

In regions with an average gross salary greater than 85%. The average salary in the Vilnius region should reach 3, now it is 2.

Statistics Lithuania The part of EU funds allocated for the implementation of regional development plans for the purpose of economic, social and territorial cohesion should reach 30 percent, now this indicator is 16 percent.

Mission VIII (Priority) – Restore trust in the judicial system

The government expects the proportion of the population that trusts the courts to grow to 45 percent by the end of the period, now to 39 percent.

Number of people detained in Lithuanian places of imprisonment 100 thousand. the population should drop to 150, now the figure is 190.

The proportion of the population who believe that a bribe helps solve problems should drop significantly to 40 percent by 2024. That number now stands at 71 percent.

The corruption perception index should reach 70, compared to 60 today.

And the number of constitutional laws passed should be 10, not 1 as it is now.

Mission IX (Priority): A public sector that meets the needs of society

It is expected to modernize e. proportion of services compared to all e. Services are expected to grow at 80 percent, now at 39.5 percent.

Institutions that provide e. services, the participation of all institutions is also expected to grow to 75 percent, now the figure is 55.3 percent.

Lithuania’s position in the open data maturity ranking should also be improved. With the promise of reaching eighth position, Lithuania is now eleventh.

The leadership skills index is also expected to rise to 68, now 64.

Public confidence in the government is also expected to rise to 35 percent. According to the latest estimates, this figure is 28 percent.

X Mission (Priority): Responsible financial policy

The budget governance index is expected to reach 0.8 points in the medium term. In 2018, this index was 0.73.

The strategic capacity index is also expected to rise to 8 points, down from 7 in the latest figures.

The proportion of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), for whom access to finance is the most urgent problem, should fall to 8%, now 13%.

Mission XI (Priority) – A strong and safe Lithuania

The government plans to change Lithuania’s score on the Cyber ​​Security Index to 0.88 at the end of the period.

The proportion of society able to recognize ongoing information attacks and misleading information is promised to rise to 60 percent, from 48 percent now.

The number of people in the active reserve should also increase significantly. This number is expected to reach 34,000 in 2024. now this figure is 22.1 thousand.

The proportion of the population that thinks Lithuania is a safe country to live should grow to 80, now this number reaches 75.

And the proportion of state and municipal institutions and agencies prepared to respond to emergencies should also rise to 85 percent, now the figure is 70 percent.

Commemoration of the Lithuanian Armed Forces Day in Vilnius

Commemoration of the Lithuanian Armed Forces Day in Vilnius

© DELFI / Orestas Gurevičius

Mission XII (Priority) – Increasing Influence of Lithuania

The number of initiatives to strengthen democracy in the eastern neighborhood and promote the association and integration of eastern partners with the EU should increase from the current 10 to 14 at the end of the government’s term.

The number of Lithuanian and Lithuanian representatives elected to leadership or expert positions in international organizations should reach 9; In 2019, this number was 7.

Lithuania’s place in the coalition valence index (among EU countries): the effectiveness of Lithuania’s participation in coalitions of EU member states to make decisions in the interest of Lithuania should reach 18, now it’s 19.

Political initiatives and high-level meetings to strengthen transatlantic relations should be 5 instead of 4, as is the case today.

The proportion of foreign Lithuanians involved in Lithuanian life and the creation of prosperity in Lithuania should grow to 55 percent from 40 percent today.

And the proportion of the Lithuanian population that believes that the Lithuanian diplomatic service represents Lithuania’s security interests very well, makes use of bilateral and multilateral cooperation measures and the opportunities provided by NATO should also increase to 44 percent, from the 40 percent in 2019.

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