The Seimas does not want to sit at a distance, he wants to be vaccinated


“Quarantine in Lithuania. There are no cultural institutions, schools operate remotely and restrictions are already on the roof for many people ”, evaluated V. Mitalas on Facebook.

He wrote that the remote meetings did not impress the representatives of the Board of the Seimas, he proposed to vaccinate the parliamentarians.

“At that time, after the Seimas Board proposed as many new sessions as possible, at least initially, I still had not received support to work remotely. The opposite thought came from the representative of the LVŽS that after many members of the Seimas had become ill here, perhaps it would be possible to vaccinate the remaining members of the Seimas and plow everyone in the Seimas hall, ”wrote the MP.

He ironized that “such is the understanding of being a representative of the nation.”

V. Mitalas, the representative of the Freedom Party, assured that the proposal to hold the Seimas sessions remotely would still be resumed.

The Seimas will meet live for the spring session, and remote sessions will be decided separately.

The Seimas will meet live for the first session of the spring session next Wednesday, and later the possibility of remote sessions will be decided separately.

The Seimas Council approved the calendar of sessions for the next spring session on Wednesday. According to him, 50 Seimas sessions are scheduled to take place from March 10 to June 30, the Seimas Public Relations Division announced.

According to the president of the Seimas, Viktorija Čmilytė-Nielsen, the opening of the spring session on March 10 is scheduled to be convened live, and later the Board of the Seimas should decide on the organization of each session by assessing the situation in a manner. remote.

At the beginning of the session, the Seimas plans to approve its work plan, V. Čmilytė – Nielsen highlighted the creation of a new tradition – to allow each faction of the Seimas to include a project on the agenda of the first session of the Seimas.

As provided in the Statute of the Seimas, the Seimas sessions will be held on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and the one-week sessions will be held every 3 weeks.

The order of business for the third evening session on Thursday will be made up of the opposition factions: April 1 – Lithuania Farmers and Greens Union fraction, April 29 – Lithuanian Social Democratic Party and Farmers Union factions and Greens of Lithuania, May 27 – Labor Party and the trade union factions of the Greens and Peasants of Lithuania.

The Seimas meets annually for two regular spring and fall sessions. The spring session begins on March 10th and ends on June 30th. The fall session begins on September 10 and ends on December 23.

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