Homosexual from Klaipeda talks about violence in Lithuania: told about what women suffer


For the news portal tv3.lt, J. Valaitis boldly expressed his position on the Istanbul Convention, which, according to him, is necessary for Lithuania.

(8 photos)

PHOTO GALLERY. Klaipėda resident who does not hide his orientation – about the violence experienced and the desire to start a family: there were black days

According to the boy, it is not yet established in Lithuania, because a lot of negative information has been spread about it: Some non-human rights organizations have even deliberately distorted certain facts. And due to the enormous amount of negative information about the convention, certain sectors of society are strongly opposed to it, which has led politicians, at least so far, to ratify the convention, despite the fact that it was signed in 2013. “.

J. Valaitis is convinced that Lithuania needs the Istanbul Convention, which would stop the road against violence.

“Men’s violence against women in Lithuania is a very important problem. According to the Office of the Ombudsman for Equal Opportunities, in 2019, up to 77 percent of victims of domestic violence crimes were women. Only 10 percent of women in the same year were suspected of domestic violence, while 90 percent of the suspects were men. Thus, although both men and women suffer violence, it is women who are much more likely to suffer violence, which shows that they are much more vulnerable.

While our country’s laws already prohibit violence against individuals, and critics of the convention emphasize this, they forget that there is no clear plan for how the country addresses the issue of men’s violence against women. And that is what we are seeing: the statistics that I have already mentioned are discouraging, women, despite the prohibition of violence, still face violence very frequently. I think that if Lithuania really should take measures to solve the problem of men’s violence against women foreseen in the convention ”, said the interlocutor.

Recently, the public has split into 2 parts, some support the convention and others oppose it.

“I hope that the conflicts in society are not really due to the fact that certain people want women to continue to suffer violence, but that impression is really created. To prevent this convention from being ratified, some organizations have even recently provided funds, for For example, I see only on my Facebook account an ad that was bought and showed me asking for disapproval of the convention and a petition against it. This advertisement has been reaching a large number of people lately. It costs a lot of money.

Values ​​issues, family politics, the issue of LGBTQ + rights are surrounded by great social tensions in society, and informing the public that the convention invades the traditional family only provokes even more public hostility: people are deceiving themselves. This determines the conflict, “shared J. Valaitis.

Mindaugas Puidokas, a member of Seimas, also publicly declared about this convention, who stated that “a country that has assumed such commitments must guarantee non-discrimination based on gender identity and treat trans people as their imaginary sex. In other words, it is a de facto legalization of gender reassignment. “

The interlocutor of this appointment also spoke about the appointment out loud. “Space. From such a statement, one gets the impression that a member of the Seimas is not very aware of the legal and medical nuances of the gender reassignment procedure. Ratification of the convention alone does not really lead to legalization of the Gender reassignment. It only means that women, in this case transgender people, will also be more protected from violence when the government takes the measures provided for in the convention. And if Mr. Mindaugas Puidokas believes that violence against transgender women it is possible, which is forbidden by the convention, so I do not fully agree with that position.

Also, although the convention is not fundamentally relevant to the LGBTQ + community (it only ensures that LGBTQ + people do not experience violence) or gender reassignment issues, by the way, Mindaugas Puidokas wish that transgender people cannot change their gender. it is incomprehensible to me. The mere fact that something changes gender certainly would not violate the rights of Mr. Mindaugas Puidokas. I don’t think this person can basically interfere in other people’s lives and explain what gender should be and what can’t be, “said the man.

Concluding the conversation about the Istanbul and Lithuania Convention, just see + in this document and think that the country needs it.

“Unfortunately, historically, there has been such an order in the world that gender inequality has developed. Patriarchal attitudes have led to the expression of unequal relationships between men and women and, therefore, to the use of gender-based violence. against women.

I am convinced that people should not be subjected to violence because of their gender or other identities. If something looks different, our values ​​are radically different.

The Convention provides for greater protection for victims of violence, that is, the establishment of help centers, the protection of children who have witnessed violence and the creation of more crisis centers throughout the country. As a journalist, when I interact with women who are experiencing male violence, I often hear that they don’t know where to go, what to do, they threaten to kidnap them, men pressure them to come back. So while the law still formally protects women, it’s not really enough. Greater protection for victims would avoid the stories I hear from my interlocutors.

Also, as a journalist I read cases where men are accused of violence against women, but they reconcile, they say they have no claims, for which the defendants pay with probation or other insignificant punishments. Crime victims cannot be blamed for being psychologically broken, traumatized, and therefore forgiven by criminals. But it is certainly possible to punish the perpetrators more effectively. The convention basically stipulates that the perpetrators would not have the opportunity to influence their victim after a crime, and the perpetrators who persecute their victims must face a trial, since the persecution would be criminalized, ”said J. Valaitis at the end of the conversation.
