Bilotaitė: when viewing current numbers and mutations, they are not considered launches in Lithuania


On Monday, the Government Emergency Commission (WESC) discussed the latest epidemiological situation in the country, as well as other actions to manage the pandemic. As Agnė Bilotaitė, the Minister of the Interior and the president of the WEU, reported to journalists at the press conference after the meeting, the epidemiological situation in the country is not good and the extent of the evidence is worrying.

“At our meeting today, we discussed how we are doing and working to combat this pandemic. Anyway, the situation, as a whole, is not improving, for some time there are no signs that the numbers are good. But looking at the In the context of the European Union (EU), the number of cases in Lithuania is lower than in the EU. The good news is that the number of deaths is decreasing. But the other thing that worries is the size of the tests, it is not satisfactory ”Said the minister.

Therefore, the meeting suggested the development of an expert format to develop a plan to expand the scope of testing. It should be ready by Friday.

According to a press release from the Ministry of the Interior, according to the Ministry of Health (SAM), it is necessary to test people who return to work.

February 25 The decision of the Chief of Operations expanded the list of people eligible for COVID-19 prophylaxis to include all social workers, educators and teachers, civil servants, cultural figures, as well as coronavirus prophylaxis for healthcare workers staff and students and volunteers. provision of social services.

Officers: Border guards, police, fire and rescue workers, officials from the Department of Public Safety, Financial Crime Investigation Services and Special Investigations, Customs and State Security who have direct contact with people will also be able to investigate more quickly. He also works in prisons and their hospitals, employees of strategically important companies.

The meeting also discussed the renewal of driving tests in the “Regitra”.

“Today we discuss the situation related to the organization of the Regitra exams. We have analyzed how we are prepared if the exams can be organized, we see that all security matters can be guaranteed. But the decision to allow or not allow will be made by the Government, “said A. Bilotaitė.

Quarantine mitigation is not currently being considered

Interior Minister A. Bilotaitė stated at the press conference that releases from quarantine are currently not being considered.

“At the moment, there are really no proposals for exemptions under consideration, because the situation is not such that we can think of exemptions. We see numbers, we see mutations coming, that the test volumes are not enough. Until we have better indicators, there will be no deliberations on the table, ”said the minister.

Fluctuations are negligible

The country’s chief epidemiologist, Loreta Ašoklien afirmó, stated that the incidence in Lithuania is lower than the general EU average.

“Currently, the morbidity rate in Lithuania is lower than the average rate in EU countries. Currently, Lithuania ranks 15th in terms of morbidity. However, it should be noted that even in the EU, up to 12 countries have increasing morbidity trends, ”said L. Ašoklienė, who participated in the press conference.

“The British mutation has been detected in all EU countries, but its prevalence differs. Only 3 EU countries carry out a sufficient number of sequencing studies, that is, they carry out more than 10 percent of the sequencing studies of all studies, ”said L. Ašoklienė.

“Our epidemiological curve seems to have stopped increasing. We have a slightly increasing morbidity rate,” assessed the country’s chief epidemiologist on the current situation in the country.

There has been a slight increase in the proportion of positive investigations, he said.

“These fluctuations are insignificant, but what should be noted the most is that we are seeing an increase in the number of municipalities with an increasing morbidity rate in the last week. Today their number is around 30. (…) The situation in the municipalities is different, ”said the epidemiologist.

“The death rate is decreasing, but we can clearly see that this indicator is decreasing,” L. Ašoklienė presented the good news.

He said that 31 imported cases of coronavirus were recorded last week.

“6 cases from Germany, 6 from Sweden, three from the UK. There are also such exotic destinations as the United Arab Emirates, the Maldives. These are such open tourist destinations. You have to pay attention to this, ”said the epidemiologist.

The country’s chief epidemiologist said it was too early to talk about the clear reasons for the increase in cases at this time. Population mobility is increasing, but coronavirus strains are also of concern.

“The most worrying thing is whether the morbidity and our epidemiological situation, insofar as it may be related to mutations that seem to be already prevalent in Lithuania. It is true that only the British mutation has been identified, but its spread is much faster, ”said L. Ašoklienė.

Ask for a discussion on mandatory tests for companies

Speaking about the reduced volume of tests, the Minister noted that he intends to discuss the mandatory tests for employees of resumption activities.

“It is worth considering the possibility of conducting the necessary tests, because we will have to live in this epidemic situation for some time. One of the drugs that can help us survive the situation faster and achieve better results is to increase the scope of the tests. tests, which is possible to achieve when people not only voluntarily, but perhaps they should have the need to perform the test, “said A. Bilotaitė.

According to her, this issue should be considered by the Board of Experts and the lawyers.

“It would be associated mainly with people who would like to participate in some kind of intensive contact activity and it would be associated with some necessary tests. The idea is to have the greatest possible security and ensure that the virus does not spread, ”said the Interior Minister.

The criminogenic situation is improving, but there is also worrying knowledge

At a press conference, Police Commissioner General Renatas Požėla said officials had inspected more than 25,000 people in February. people in self-isolation.

“A number of violations have been identified and 208 protocols have been drawn up for the violations detected,” noted R. Požėla.

It also provided information on crime statistics comparing the months of this year and those of the beginning of last year.

“The good news is that overall recorded crime is down significantly, a 20 percent change. There were also some changes last year compared to 2019. Despite the challenges in the country, this shows that crime is decreasing, ”said the Commissioner General.

2020 12 18 Checkpoint on the A2 road during the second quarantine

According to R. Požėla, 27 percent. the statistics of serious and very serious crimes also decreased, the number of property crimes, theft and fraud is also decreasing.

“It just came to our attention then. Unfortunately, we have more murders in two months: 14, compared to 12 last year,” said R. Požėla.

He also noted a reduction in crime in public places during the quarantine.

At the same time, the official assured that the Police continue to control the quarantine requirements in supermarkets and companies.

“The police situation regarding sick officers is in line with the current situation across the country. Unfortunately, in recent weeks, we have seen that the number of people in the police force is no longer decreasing as before. Currently, there are 37 officials who fight against the disease, “also noted R. Požėla.

Cyber ​​patrol to combat cybercrime

The Commissioner General of Police also shared news about how the police continue to fight inaccurate and hateful news.

“We see those processes, those messages, the exchange of information, invitations to choose to protest. At the WESC meeting, I once again announced our new idea, which will be operational in the near future, the Cyber ​​Patrol. It is a kind of police icon that will appear next to a comment or message that we believe is inappropriate, ”said R. Požėla.

According to him, such an interactive tool will appear together with police information, and this function, according to the commissioner, will not cost an additional authority.

“This function is not going to cost us extra, because currently a certain number of officials are being selected, who will monitor cyberspace 24 hours a day and react if they capture inappropriate messages and comments. The police icon will be seen alongside the author and the general public, and a message will be issued stating that these are illegal actions that must be stopped, ”explained R. Požla.

Extended quarantine

Delphi remember that last Wednesday the government extended the quarantine until March 31.

The restriction of circulation between the country’s municipalities was extended until March 15.

And since February 25, the movement between the municipalities of the ring has been liberalized. The cabinet also approved on Wednesday a proposal to abandon the mandatory use of masks in open spaces when there are no people other than family members within a distance of 2 meters. The use of masks in closed public spaces does not change.
