A.Bilotaitė affirms that it will be possible to talk about business facilitation by vaccinating the most vulnerable people


The minister did not hide that the situation with morbidity from coronavirus is not improving.

“There are no signs that the numbers are good. But looking at the EU context, our average illness is lower than in the EU, and the number of deaths is decreasing,” he said.

According to A.Bilotaitė, the big problem is still scale; based on this, we are ranked 20th in the EU.

According to the minister, only about 7 thousand. tests, to stretch, according to A.Bilotaitė, is where.

The Minister of the Interior announced that the SESC proposes that the Government create a group of experts to assess the scope and scope of the tests.

A.Bilotaitė could not say why test volumes have decreased so much.

By the way, the minister hinted at the possibility of mandatory testing.

“We think it is very worth considering the possibility of the necessary tests, because we see that during this period, in that epidemic situation, we will probably have to live for some time (…) In the first place, it would be associated with people who want to do some activities a lot of contact ”, – which would be subject to mandatory tests, considered A. Bilotaitė.

So far there is no good business knowledge.

The minister stressed that the figures do not allow considering possible exemptions for companies.

“Some measures have been taken and we await the consequences of how the whole situation will react to these layoffs, or if we will see any signs of deterioration,” he explained, referring to the release of some stores and services. .

According to A.Bilotaitė, decisions will be possible when we have vaccinated the most vulnerable people.

“I mean, older people. Now that this process is underway, you want to keep it simple, ”he said.

Prime Minister Ingrida Šimonytė said last week that vaccine delivery schedules allow us to vaccinate 70 or more seniors during the fight.

It is up to the Government to decide on driving tests.

A.Bilotaitė also recalled that already in the past VESK has proposed to the Government to decide whether to allow driving tests.

“The indicators and the situation are not such that we can consider exemptions (…) But we discussed the situation related to the issue of Regitra exams,” he said.

According to the minister, this will have to be decided by the Government.

The politician said Monday that he heard assurances that the exam resumes were ready.

“It just came to our attention then. The government will have to make a decision and decide which way to go,” he said.

The situation is deteriorating in some municipalities

The country’s chief epidemiologist Loreta Ašoklienė said on Monday that we recently have a slightly increasing morbidity rate.

“There are more and more municipalities where the morbidity rate is increasing, there are about 30 of them,” he said.

Photo by Sigismund Gedvila / 15min / Loreta Ašoklienė

Photo by Sigismund Gedvila / 15min / Loreta Ašoklienė

According to L. Ašoklienė, the death rate is definitely decreasing.

The chief epidemiologist said morbidity rates could be driven by increased mobility, which returned to the level of November last year.

L. Ašoklienė said that there is no single reason why the number of new cases began to increase. According to her, this was due both to increased mobility and recent releases and mutations of the virus.

“These are probably the main reasons,” he said.

The epidemiologist stressed the importance of running a lot of tests to quickly trace contacts and isolate people.

“The morbidity rate in Lithuania is currently lower than the EU average and Lithuania is currently 15th in terms of morbidity in the EU,” he said.

According to L. Ašoklienė, even in 12 European countries there are increasing morbidity trends.

62 percent. participants did not complete the questionnaires

Starting February 17, agents of the State Border Guard Service will carry out screening of incoming people due to quarantine requirements.

On average, about 1,400 vehicles arrive per day in this direction, according to a report by the Interior Ministry, most of which are engaged in commercial transport, accounting for more than 80 percent. During the last week, 3,545 people were reviewed, 2,213 people who had no confirmations – QR codes were identified, that is, about 62 percent. the participants did not complete the questionnaires.

Total since February 17. 6912 people were identified, identified without QR codes 4063, but questionnaires were completed at control sites. Also last week 1,085 people arrived at the port (155 people per day), 2,900 people arrived at the airports, 414 people per day.

Crime has decreased

According to the police department, overall crime has dropped by 20 percent. compared to a similar period last year.

It should be noted that during the first two years of 2021, 50% less theft.

It is also observed that the quarantine regime has not increased the number of crimes related to violence. In February, no more than 3,000 vehicles were lost that wanted to go to another municipality without just cause. Additionally, 1,100 protocols were issued last week for violations of the quarantine requirement. Over the past month, police officers have inspected more than 25,000 people. people in isolation. Police constantly monitor social space and last week ensured control of movement restrictions, responded to reports of violations of quarantine requirements and inspected businesses.

The Fire Protection and Rescue Department carries out preventive actions in supermarkets, shops, markets, service rendering points, railway stations, gas stations, other public meeting places and open spaces. It is observed that people comply with the established quarantine requirements, cover their nose and mouth properly and maintain the established distance between people inside. When violations were identified, responsible company employees were warned about stricter control of customer flow.

We move away from the C2 quarantine scenario

Changes in the quarantine regime are made taking into account the number of new cases in 14 days per 100,000. population and the percentage of positive tests.

According to the Lithuanian Department of Statistics, the rate of new cases is currently 251.5 and the percentage of positive tests is 7.3.

This means that Lithuania is still in the red zone and we have started to move away from the so-called C2 quarantine scenario, which could be talked about in the case of 100,000 new cases in 14 days. the population rate would reach 150-200 cases and the number of positive tests would be 4 to 10 percent.

Last Wednesday the government quarantine extended for MarchBut it did not bring much relief when the number of pandemics rose to the top: it is permissible not to wear masks outdoors if there are no other people within 2 meters.

The restrictions on movement between municipalities will be in effect at least until mid-March, but movement between municipalities in the ring has been allowed since last Thursday.

According to the SNB, on Monday evening the Council of Government Experts will discuss the resumption of cultural events, vaccination with the AstraZeneca coronavirus vaccine and the return of graduates to schools.

VIDEO: A.Bilotaitė: The situation of COVID-19 does not allow considering possible quarantine releases
