The couple who left the capital settled in the region: the house received state support and did not regret the decision at all


Good news for young people

When in 2018. In September, the state began to distribute support to young families buying their first home in the regions, and in Panevėžys the settlers managed to enjoy this financial incentive for just a few months. With the rise in real estate prices in the city, the municipality was unexpectedly removed from the map of supported cities.

However, in recent years, the phones of the Department of Social Affairs of the municipality of Panevėžys have not been silenced by calls from those who want to settle in the capital of Aukštaitija. According to Brigita Kemešytė, specialist in the Social Benefits Branch, there was not a week during that time that someone did not call to ask if it was possible to receive support to buy a house in Panevėžys.

And since January 1 of this year, the settlers of the capital Aukštaitija have good knowledge. At the beginning of the year, the Ministry of Social Security and Labor reviewed the list of places where young families can buy a house and receive a subsidy. Panevėžys is included again in this list.

Restored through hair

Whether young families buying their first home in Panevėžys can once again receive state support was determined by the increase in the maximum regulatory value per square meter of home set by the Registry Center for 2021. The financial incentive is now available at regions where this figure does not exceed € 667.8.

According to this calculation methodology, Panevėžys returned to the list of supported only by hair. In the city of apartment buildings, the value per square meter currently ranges between 657 and 663 euros, depending on the location of the homes in the area.

The couple who left the capital settled in the region: the house received state support and did not regret the decision at all

© DELFI / Andrius Ufartas

“When the Registration Center set the maximum normative value per square meter of housing for two years, house prices in Panevėžys did not fall within the established limits,” says B. Kemešytė.

As far as she knows, 30 people had already requested this support through the Electronic Family Support Information System (SPIS) before February 12.

“We have been out of this support for two years, so there have been many people who want to,” says the specialist from the Department of Social Benefits.

You want housing in your city

Among those who applied in Panevėžys, mostly young families raising 1 child each, about 80 percent. of all applicants. Their average age, according to the specialist, is about 30-33 years. It is interesting that the young people of Panevėžys themselves are mainly looking to buy their first home here. Families seeking subsidies are primarily looking for a 2-3 bedroom apartment.

All grant recipients are subject to certain requirements established in the Law of economic incentives for young families acquiring their first home.

According to him, applicants may never have owned their own home unless it was extremely small or already 60 percent. worn out. However, most of those who applied for help to the Panevėžys city municipality have never had their own homes.

In eligible families, both spouses or single parents must not be older than 36 years. The beneficiaries should have declared the assets.

The state subsidy for them can range from 15 to 30 percent. the value of the home purchased. The more children there are in a young family, the more important financial assistance will be.

The amount of the home loan, from which the subsidy granted to a young family is calculated, may not exceed 87 thousand. euros. However, the maximum support that a young family buying a home can receive from the state is not so small: more than 26 thousand. euros

Crowded overnight

Upon submitting all the documents required for support, the Municipality will issue a certificate to receive the subsidy within 10 business days, if the state has the funds and if the family meets the criteria. If there is no money left for that year, a waiting list is formed.

The couple who left the capital settled in the region: the house received state support and did not regret the decision at all

© DELFI / Kirill Chekhovsky

Vilma and Andrius, former Vilnius residents who have moved to Panevėžys, know which paths to take for new homes in order to receive state support for home purchases. This couple was one of the first to seize the then still opportunity to settle in the capital Aukštaitija two years ago with state support.
Then 157 families had time to request support. But happiness smiled and the money only reached thirty.

“It just came to our knowledge then. The man was sitting in front of the computer, I was with my mother on the phones and we saw where it would soon show that the system was already working. And so we completed the application at 4 am “, about our experience in filing the application in 2018. says Vilma, a mother of three who now lives in her own home.

He did not regret leaving the capital

The couple who rented an apartment in the capital for a decade in Panevėžys bought 85 thousand. a house worth euros. Of this amount, 7000 EUR are valued in land that is not reimbursed by the State.

The family received more than 20 thousand. support in euros only for the purchase of the house itself.

Vilma and Andrius’s thoughts on life in the capital Aukštaitija have been spinning for almost three years. Not only a group of relatives were tempted to climb here, but also excellent conditions for a young family to form.

“Kindergartens, schools, a nearby hospital, distances and living costs are much lower: Panevėžys has everything you need to live comfortably,” Andrius emphasized, adding that without the support of the state, the plan to buy the house itself would probably have been postponed.

The spouses who settled in Panevėžys did not lose their jobs. Andrius easily reconciled his former duties in the capital with life for almost 140 km. Vilma, a former teacher at a private kindergarten in Vilnius, received a place in a school in Panevėžys.

The couple say they have no longing for Lithuania’s largest city: after moving to Panevėžys, they no longer have to waste in traffic jams and the cost of living here is lower.

“We paid 150 euros less for a loan than for an apartment in Vilnius. As we were tenants, the child did not get a place in the state nursery, he had to be taken to a private one and paid 300 euros per month. This amount was calculated by applying the discount, because the wife worked in the same kindergarten, ”Andrius said.

Injection to districts

After updating the list of municipalities where young families are beginning to apply for a subsidy for the purchase of their first home, the city of Šiauliai has not yet been included this year. Also the municipalities of the cities of Vilnius, Klaipeda and Neringa.

Only in some places with the support of the state it is possible to try to develop in the Vilnius district, the city and the Kaunas district, the city of Palanga, the districts of Tauragė, Trakai, Druskininkai, the municipalities of Birštonas.

Home purchase

Home purchase

© Sekundė.lt

“The state subsidizes housing in those areas where the normative value per square meter of housing is at least 65 percent. lower than the maximum regulatory value established per square meter for dwellings in apartment buildings. The latter reached 1,590 euros this year. In addition, the reforms to the Law of Financial Incentives for Young Families, First Home Acquisition, which came into force last year, established a tolerance limit. This means that the list of financed territories can also include those territories in which the normative value of a square meter of housing is higher than the established allowed value ”, explained Žymantė Lelešiūtė, specialist of the Communication Division of the Ministry of Social Security and Labor . , after two years.

Last year, subsidies for the purchase of the first home were paid to 1,202 young families who bought homes in various regions of the country.

Most of the home loans with a financial incentive were disbursed to emerging Klaipeda d. (18.1%), Kaunas d. (6.8%), Kretinga d. (6.2 percent), Vilnius d. (5.2%) and the city of Alytus. (4.5%) in the municipalities.

Housing has risen faster

According to real estate agency Ober Haus, sale prices for apartments in Panevėžys rose 2.9 percent last month, which is the largest jump of the country’s five major cities. In the capital Aukštaitija, the average price per square meter is currently 776 euros. Over the past year, apartments here have risen in price by 5.6 percent. – as much as in Vilnius and Šiauliai.

According to data from the Department of Statistics, at the beginning of this year Panevėžys had 84.5 thousand. population. About one in four of them was retired. 18-36 Residents of Panevėžys can be about 18 thousand.
