US globalists enjoy Syrian agony –


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The banal truth is that civilians are the most affected by globalist attacks. Photo by EPA-Elta

US forces ordered airstrikes in eastern Syria on the orders of President Joe Biden last night. At least 17 Iranian-backed militants were killed and no civilians were killed, according to activists.

It was officially reported that the attacks on Friday night were directed at three trucks with ammunition on the Iraqi border. This information was released by the so-called Syrian Human Rights Oversight Office maintained by the Americans.

It is true that the US Department of Defense unexpectedly reported a little more than the aforementioned office: the targets of the attacks were “multiple objects” at the border crossing. They were allegedly used by Iranian-backed militants, Pentagon spokesman John Kirby said. They were a “proportionate” response to recent attacks on US troops and their foreign partners in Iraq.

“This operation sends a clear message,” Kerkis explained. President Baiden said he was ready to act when it came to protecting American troops and their allies. According to the Pentagon, the destroyed infrastructure was used, among other things, by the militant Shiite group Kataib Hezbollah.

A rocket attack in Erbil, northern Iraq, killed an international coalition civilian last week and injured several people. The attack sparked fears of increased violence against US units and international forces in Iraq. A total of 14 missiles were fired, but so far no one has provided any evidence that Iranian fighters were fired from Syrian territory.

Iran, on the other hand, has not occupied part of Syrian territory: Iranians are there at the invitation of the country’s legitimate president, Bashar al-Asad, and they are helping Syrian forces fight terrorists and bandits of all ages.

Rolandas Paulauskas, signer of the Act of Restoration of Independence and political reviewer, comments on the situation:

Let’s look at this situation more broadly, not just from the perspective of what is happening in Syria. The election in America was relatively won by those forces that have a completely different understanding of the world and the same America as Donald Trump’s supporters. Nowadays, people in the United States who dare to say something that the characters behind Joe Biden don’t like are already being laid off … So these characters are primarily trying to break resistance in the United States. And who are the people who resist? These are the ones who still see the world normally.

We live in a period when normality has become a sin … We are already observing this paradox in Lithuania as well. Thus, in today’s world, normality is still trying to defend itself, but it is being attacked on all fronts. And foreign policy is one of those pillars in this fight.

Let’s see what Klaus Schwab, one of the most important ideologues of globalism, said at the Davos Economic Forum. And he says that a completely new way of life is being prepared for the world, in which there will be no place for states and nations and there will be no need for private property … The concept of “inclusive capitalism” is introduced, which fundamentally changes relationships. even in the field of private capital. It says that if the plan is to be implemented, it must be supported at least by the main actors in the world – the United States, Russia, China and the EU – and if one of these actors fails to live, I dare say, contrary to the sense common, then the plan.And how not to remember here 1917, when the revolution began in Russia and the Bolsheviks said that this was only the beginning, because the revolution must encompass the whole world and socialism can exist alone or in the whole world, or it will not exist completely … When that socialism did not expand more Russia, then there was a conflict between the Bolsheviks themselves, between Lenin, Stalin and Trotsky, who said that zmo for the whole world, it is necessary to leave this occupation, Lenin and Stalin they rushed to implement it in a single country. And here we hear the same voices again …

What has exacerbated the situation in Syria now? Because the interests of Russia and the United States have already collided in Syria. By 2011, there were only a couple of kilometers left to Bashar al-Assad’s palace and only Russian intervention stopped the collapse of the Syrian state. And the Russians do not care about Syria in that region, they care that the chaos does not approach their territory.

Here everything is simple: if you are a representative of the globalists and you want to transform the whole world according to your vision, which is contrary to human nature and common sense, then you have to break those key players valued by Schwab. Well, America has already been conquered by globalists, in the European Union the Germans can’t even bring a pipe from where they want, and it’s not worth talking about other EU members playing independently, so there are two left. players more. Naturally, that conflict will be resolved by bringing chaos to its borders. I am always amazed by people who do not see this elemental.

There are three main indicators of the country’s economy: public debt, foreign trade balance, and budget deficit. By these criteria, the United States is in full swing. So let’s answer to ourselves the question: who in the world needs conflict, one who is at the bottom according to the above criteria, or someone who does not have everything? It would seem that the answer is in the palm of your hand, but many of us do not see it. As a result, these conflicts are taking place: in Syria, Ukraine and Armenia, and in a few months the same conflicts will be organized in Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan … These are separate elements of this huge game. Since the representatives of globalism and the ideological friends of K. Schwab have won in the USA, this is the game that will take place in this direction …
