Regular testing of COVID-19 clusters is being expanded in Vilnius


Until now, only doctors, social workers, preschool, preschool and primary education teachers, psychologists or psychotherapists who worked in person were entitled to periodic preventive examinations.

From now on, according to the Municipality of Vilnius, it will be possible to carry out regular coronavirus tests for: all employees who provide social services; all teachers and professors in contact with pupils or students; pharmacy staff; employees of museums, other exhibition spaces, libraries, reading rooms of the State Archives and the directorates of the state cultural reserves; employees of professional performing arts groups (choirs, theater groups, orchestras, etc.); employees who perform important functions for the state, who work in companies important to ensure national security; tissue farm workers; specialists working in the internal affairs system, customs, police, fire and rescue workers, etc .; staff and volunteers from institutions, bodies, offices and agencies ensuring compliance with quarantine measures.

The purpose of the prophylactic test in a PCR (nasopharynx smear) test is to identify a person who is currently suffering from COVID-19, even if they do not have any symptoms, and thus prevent outbreaks. PCR tests for consenting employees are performed periodically, that is, not more frequently than every 7 days and at least every 10 days. The heads of the institutions coordinate the periodic preventive examinations of the employees to ensure their due periodicity.

A serological antibody test (taking a blood sample) is done to determine if a person has relapsed with COVID-19. Prophylactic tests are not appropriate and are not required for people with a history of COVID-19 disease and less than 90 days after a positive SARS-Cov-2 antigen / PCR test; you have a positive COVID-19 serologic antibody test result if less than 60 days have passed; vaccinated with COVID-19 against a full vaccination schedule in less than 90 days.

Employees participating in prophylactic testing register through the Coronavirus Hotline 1808 system by phone or electronically by completing an electronic registration form at and selecting the type of registration for PCR prophylactic testing to target groups.

When registering online, you need to be able to log in to your email. banking services so that the system can securely authenticate a person. You are also required to provide the legal entity code of your workplace when registering, and if the activity is autonomous, then the code is optional.

Registrants will receive an SMS with an individual code indicating exactly when and where to arrive. The specialists of the Vilnius Public Health Office “Vilnius Healthier” will carry out the investigation at the mobile point located in the parking lot “Build and Drive” at V. Gerulaičio str. 1 across from the Technopolis business center.

Vilnius City Municipality encourages directors of institutions to motivate their employees to investigate preventively; our goal is the safety of community members and the management of the pandemic.

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