A chaplain who spoke out about LGBT is fired from the gym


The portal kauno.diena.lt announced that the chaplain of the Franciscan Gymnasium of Kretinga Paulius Vaineikis did not hesitate to express his views on LGBT in drastic speeches during the mass.

The portal laikmetis.lt announced on Friday night that P. Vaineikis is being relieved of the position of chaplain of the Franciscan Gymnasium of Kretinga.

Today, the parents of the Kretinga Franciscan Gymnasium students received the following message: “Dear parents (guardians, caregivers), in recent days the Lithuanian media and social networks have shared br. OFM speeches by Paulius Vaineikis. Since the gym was included in the articles, discussions and comments, I am writing to you and I am very sorry for the br. Paul’s offensive words. I find them unacceptable and destructive to our Franciscan gym community. I want to emphasize that br. Paul’s online statements do not express the mission, vision and goals of the Franciscan Gymnasium. I would like to inform you that starting in 2021. March 1 br. Paul OFM will no longer serve as chaplain in the gym. I ask your forgiveness during this period of Lent. God bless you and your loved ones. Director Alvydas Virbalis OFM “.

As the portal announced, P. Vaineikis drew attention to the following in his words: “When the world, we say, Satan, has learned, even at the political level, to distort human nature. When perverts teach through Lithuania, through LRT, I can say it clearly, perverts, LGBT’ešnikai, it teaches us who we are. That, it turns out, boys, they are no longer boys, it turns out that there are no men, that girls are not girls, women are not women, but after all. You can imagine? By trying to break into schools and teach immoral things at the state level. “

The excerpt from the chaplain’s sermon was posted on Facebook by the Lithuanian Center for Human Rights. “Can religious freedom justify hatred and humiliation of one social group or another? This is not the first time the center has been contacted by people outraged by the way some priests respond to the LGBT community. Some of them are unbelievers, others are believers and do not understand the words that such church members use, they feel rejected and humiliated. The Constitution of the Republic of Lithuania says that churches and religious organizations have the right to freely publish their education and perform their rites, ”says the report.

According to the representatives of the center, everyone can have and express their opinion, but basic respect for the opinions of others must be taken into account. “However, universally accepted principles of respect for the dignity of the other person apply to all, regardless of religion or other characteristics. Therefore, church members should and can express their views on relationships. and same-sex families, but to do so with respect, without humiliating or stigmatizing other members of society. Public opinion polls show that the LGBT community continues to face negative public attitudes. Therefore, despite the differences that We have one or another problem related to the application of LGBT rights, we must promote coexistence and respect, not humiliation and hatred, ”say the representatives of the Lithuanian Center for Human Rights.

Chaplain P. Vaineikis himself spoke on Facebook after the video was released. “I am honored by you! You trampled all my social gender, your attitude towards the world, towards the Lithuanian Seimas, your love for LGBT and freedom… (sorry) for my rainbow party. How dare you homophobically dismiss me as a “priest” (you used that disgusting and dirty male relative) in violation of my sexual orientation – to be an avatar on that wonderful day of Advent? What about you ?! You haven’t seen how I tried to disguise myself and be at least a little bit like you. trans / lezb / Continental / Gay / Space / Christmas Christmas orientation! Oh glasses my rainbow Rainbow glasses with which I wanted to understand you homosapiens the world! You can’t even imagine how insultingly you called my first sermon in your native language: “float”! Horror! I’m just losing avatar words to express indignation and wonder with what intolerance someone who looks different looks, speaks, thinks ?! You are the most confident avatarphobic! And you still dare to call me “homophobic”! I, with so much love for you give I tried to take a vacation! ”- P. Vaineikis annoyed on Facebook.

“It just came to our knowledge then Hate speech the language that I was able to experience was the little avatar! That you prohibition all social networks in the world! Not only that, you are going to approve something next month. stabuburbule a convention that you want to completely destroy as extremely rare sex – avatar minorities – rights! They themselves, in the most disgusting way – snake, saying nothing, silently, hiding from the authors of that beautiful convention, who have sincerely worked for several years to defend their hetero primates – female rights of violence, you put yours gender-pirlį-tirlį, oh mane, avatar minority, forgot? You are a shameless, without a conscience! I will definitely complain to their internationals now homo Rights! You will be fired from your job and from all duties of the Seimas, ministers! It’s alright about you such mens the apostle Paul wrote: “You are full of all injustice, fornication, avarice and malice; You are slanderers, God-haters, thieves, braggarts, braggarts, resourceful villains, disobedient parents, foolish, unfaithful, loveless, ruthless. Although you know God’s decision that everyone who does all of this is worthy of death, not only do you do it yourself, but you also support those who do it. (according to Rom 1: 29-32) Hey gay mind: “Do I want the wicked to die and not stray from his path and live? This is the word of the Lord God (Avatar of the Universe) “(Ezekiel 18:23)”, quoted the chaplain of the Franciscan Gymnasium of Kretinga.

“More! Very seriously: I warn you that you have little time left! Do not confuse God and the Lithuanian nation with all the nonsense of the genre. I invite all those who have betrayed the Motherland, sold children, youth and families Lithuanians to Satan (be it red, brown, green or rainbow) to sincerely repent! Lent is a time of God’s Grace to repent of everything, abandon sin, return to the Lord! (If someone reads me wanting to send me to the “three letters”, I remind you that there is such a spa in the state of Peru, I will ask you to also buy a ticket!) It will happen, as in 1940: “When a lie was revealed in the abyss of human suffering, only then did people realize: we were fooled! We let ourselves be fooled by the Nazis, the Bolsheviks. No, that was not true, it was a terrible distortion of the truth! To justify and maintain the dictatorial rule of click, evil It has been presented to us as a commodity since childhood. Dictators sab in which evil must be called “good” because man wants to live for good “(” Gender Revolution “by Kuby). I call the nation, the guilty of sin, “finished recording the chaplain on Facebook.

  • A chaplain who spoke out about LGBT is fired from the gym

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