D.Labanauskas sensationally knocked down M.van Gerwen, but couldn’t resist the fantastically played R.van Barneveld (updated)


The Players Championship 3 Darts tournament took place in Bolton, England on Saturday, where a Lithuanian achieved a historic victory Darius labanauskas (PDC-43).

In the first round D.Labanauskas 6: 3 made dutch Michaelą from Gerweną (PDC-2), which in 2014, 2017 and 2019 became the PDC World Champion. For Lithuania, this was the first win against M. van Gerwen after three consecutive failures.

Van Gerwen started the match with confidence and won the first two matches, then took the lead 3: 1. However, since then the initiative has been taken over entirely by D. Labanauskas. The Lithuanian had a fantastic 5: 0 streak and defeated probably the best darts player of the last decade.

D.Labanauskas scored an average of 100.1 points with three arrows and surpassed M.van Gerwen (99.3). The Lithuanian shone in the most important moments of the match, with 6 out of 10 chances to win legus on a shot (Dutch – 3 of 9).

In the second round D. Labanauskas 6: 3 defeated the irish Steve’ą Lennoną (PDC-47), accumulating 97.7 points. average. In the third round, the Lithuanian average dropped to 88.7 points, but that didn’t stop him 6: 3 to beat the highest average Englishman (90.5) Justin Pipe’o (PDC-49).

In the eighth final, D. Labanauskas played against another Dutch darts legend Raymond van Barneveldhe returned to sports after a break. D.Labanauskas could not repeat 2018. Good luck. Then suddenly he defeated the Dutch in the World Cup, and this time he did not equal it. 1: 6. Lithuania averaged 91 points, and R.van Barneveld played the fastest time (105.7 points on average).

The fourth Players Championship will take place in Bolton on Sunday. Next week, Mr. Labanauskas prepares to start one of the most important tournaments: the “UK Open”, whose prize fund will amount to 450 thousand. pounds (about 521 thousand euros).

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