Talented children. Seven-year-old Augustus juggles words in four languages ​​and builds Life robots


From childhood – three languages

According to Augustine’s mother, Kristina Horoman, she and her son always spoke and only spoke Lithuanian, and her Argentine husband spoke Spanish. The spouses speak in English, so their family is a real mix of languages.

“My husband and I met online when I was a teenager. I was looking for someone to teach me Spanish and I found a man. It is true that we did not meet until after three years of correspondence. Came to visit me. Then I went to Argentina. Finally, he decided to come with me to Lithuania forever. He went to study, found a job, then we got married and had August.

Personal Album Photo Album / Augustus Horoman

Personal Album Photo Album / Augustus Horoman

When my son was two years old, we decided to move to Spain. Because the boy was constantly ill, we thought that hot weather would be healthier for him. Especially since we can work from anywhere, we are not tied to one place. We also choose Spain for the language; if another new language were added to the child, it would be really bad, ”said the woman.

However, Kristina assured that she did not fear the impact of several languages ​​used in the family on her son, as she was convinced that growing up in three languages ​​would be a great advantage, not a disadvantage. Although the boy actually began to speak later, during the third year of his life, his language “separated” him into both Spanish and Lithuanian.

While the family lived in Lithuania, the boy attended a Lithuanian kindergarten, in Spain his main language was Spanish, but even abroad his mother spoke insistently with him only in Lithuanian. By the way, in Spain, the child was contributed by a fourth language, Valencian (Valencian), which is mandatory in schools in the Valencian Community of Spain.

“Since we returned to Lithuania just a few months ago and we still don’t know how long we will stay here, Augustas continues to study at a distance in a Spanish school, in the second grade. We want to be as attached to both work and science as possible. So keep learning Valencian, which my husband and I don’t understand. It’s fun to watch him juggle words; for example, you learn a new word and try to translate it into all the languages ​​you know.

In the same way, you suddenly switch to other languages ​​when communicating. Because we have friends of different nationalities, their children also speak different languages.

Augustus can speak Spanish with a friend, say something in English to another, and turn to his younger brother or sister to speak with them in Lithuanian.

For me personally, it is very important that you know Lithuanian. I was raised in my family in the spirit of patriotism, so I want to pass on the culture and history of my country to my son so that he feels a connection with his ancestors. At the same time, the man takes care of himself, “Kristina said.

Don’t go through the door without a robot

Although parents in Lithuania complain a lot about children’s distance learning, Augustas’ mother sees more advantages in it. When a child learns at home, parents can have better control over the learning process. Of course, this is a challenge, because they also need to work, and there are still twins in the family who need to be cared for in another way, but it all depends on planning the agenda and sharing responsibilities.

“On the other hand, Augustus is very independent. When he receives a new topic, he manages to figure it out on his own and immediately tries to complete the tasks. If something is not clear, of course, ask, but usually one answers. Perhaps his independence is also related to the fact that I was not too attached to him, I was not very careful that he did not feel any discomfort. In just two months he traveled with us to Argentina, and in the luggage of just two of his trips around the world, he had more than 100,000. kilometres.

In my opinion, another proven thing is that Augustus has had access to technology for two years. Unlike many parents, we ourselves, being in the field of technology, do not consider this evil.

The most important thing is to ensure safety so that the child does not reach unwanted content, so we have carefully selected applications that will allow them to develop language, mathematics and other skills. Now he does all his homework on a tablet, he only develops handwriting, but knowing that in the future it will be necessary to write a little by hand, we do not push him too hard, “said the interlocutor.

The child’s passion is LEGO blocks and constructors. He could do it day and night without resting. Augustus builds everything in a row, both houses and robots, and he does it without instructions, because it is much more interesting for him to find a solution by himself.

“We are investing in this hobby of his because we see that he has talent in this field, we enrolled him in the Robotics Academy where he is currently studying remotely. Augustus is nowhere to be seen through the door without taking any models he has built. Take them everywhere: go for a walk, go to a cafe or visit your guests. If you need to go and he doesn’t have anything new, he will run first and build something quickly. He likes to create, ”said the boy’s mother.


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