Former Comrade Nemtsov: It would be difficult to imagine that a political assassination of this scale would not be compatible with Putin


Nemtsov, one of the fiercest critics of Vladimir Putin in Russia, was shot and killed near the Kremlin on February 27, 2015.

Every year on the day of his death, an action, the Nemtsov March, is a march in honor of the opposition, as well as a protest against the crimes committed by the current Kremlin regime.

Ivan Tiutrin, executive secretary of the Free Russia Forum, which organizes the commemoration in Vilnius, says Nemtsov’s march is more than a commemoration of the opposition.

“Nemtsov’s march has a political meaning, but also a personal one. Politically, this is important because Boris Nemtsov actively fought against the dictatorship of Vladimir Putin and for a free Russia. He was one of the leaders of the opposition and his assassination marked the beginning of a new stage of dictatorship in Russia. In my opinion, it is very important to remember Mr. Nemtsov’s civic and political positions. B. Nemtsov is one of the symbols of resistance to the regime, “emphasized I.Tutrin.

According to I. Tiutrin, the murder of B. Nemtsov became a personal tragedy for him, because they were connected by close ties.

“In a human sense, we have worked a lot with him. We met practically every day for several years. As a result, it is a very painful loss for me. For me it is very important that B. Nemtsov is not forgotten and such actions are carried out, so this year I took the initiative and invited everyone to the square in his name, ”said I.Tutrinas.

Arno Strumila / 15min photo / Boris Nemtsov anniversary

Arno Strumila / 15min photo / Boris Nemtsov anniversary

Thank you for your support to Lithuania.

Lithuanian politicians, a member of Seimas Emanuelis Zingeris and MEP Petras Auštrevičius, also participated in the event in Vilnius.

According to E. Zingeris, B. Nemtsov’s departure is an expression of gratitude for the fact that B. Nemtsov was among the Russian democrats who supported the independence of Lithuania.

He also expressed his hope that one day Nemtsov’s dream will come true and Russia will become a democratic and independent state.

The MP stressed that Nemtsov’s murder had not been fully investigated.

“Until we know the real culprits, Russia will not be able to call itself a state that respects the principles of human rights and democracy,” Zinger said.

VIDEO: The US ambassador and European diplomats visited the site of Nemtsov’s assassination

Vague research

A criminal case was started for the murder of B. Nemtsov, and the perpetrators were found and convicted. However, the family and colleagues from the deceased opposition remain convinced that the true perpetrators of the murder have not yet been revealed.

In 2017, a court found a former Chechen security official guilty of murdering an opposition figure and sentenced him to 20 years in prison. Four more men were found guilty of complicity.

According to I. Tiutrin, the organizer of B. Nemtsov’s march in Vilnius, V. Putinas is undoubtedly behind the assassination of the opposition.

“The murder took place in the most monitored and filmed location in Moscow; there are many cameras there, the territory is constantly monitored by many officials. It was quite obvious that the first people in the country simply couldn’t help but know what was going on there.

“Given the Putin dictatorship, how strictly the regime controls the life of the country, it would be difficult to imagine that a large-scale political assassination would take place without coordination with Putin,” said Nemtsov’s former associate.

It is important to fight together

Sviatlana Kubrak, a Belarusian living in Lithuania since November, also attended Nemtsov’s march. According to the girl, it is very important that Belarusians fight for liberation and democracy together with Russians, because the regimes that govern the two countries are closely interrelated.

“Vladimir Putin is making a significant contribution to the repression in Belarus, as he gives the so-called credits to Aliaksandr Lukashenko year after year, and in fact these are subsidies that support the regime. That is why it is very important for us to help Russia to to be free, because when it becomes a democracy, the Belarusian regime will not resist either, because it is only thanks to Russia, “Kubrak said.

There will be no march in Moscow

The traditionally organized march of B. Nemtsov will not take place this year in Moscow; the organizers decided not to organize a mass meeting.

Due to the danger of a pandemic, all mass events and pickets are currently banned in Moscow.

Scanpix Photo / Place where opposition activist Boris Nemtsov was assassinated

Scanpix Photo / Place where opposition activist Boris Nemtsov was assassinated

Opposition Ilya Yashin, a DW opposition to the German news portal, revealed that although there will be no march, all who are willing to place a ring of flowers at the Nemtsov memorial, a memorial site maintained by volunteers at the murder site during several years.

The Moscow authorities do not like this: the makeshift memorial is constantly being demolished and the volunteers who supervise it are detained.

The latest such action was taken a week ago, when Moscow authorities feared possible unrest and protests over the imprisonment of another prominent opposition figure, Alexei Navaln.

The annual Nemtsov march brings together tens of thousands of participants from all over the world.

To commemorate B. Nemtsov’s memory, in 2018, the Vilnius city municipality named a small square near the Russian embassy in the name of a murdered politician.
